Why does America's public education suck?

>my little brother
>Has almost all A's.
>He's dumb af.
>He gets to turn in everything late.
>He just bombed the ACT.
>Half of his class is in the honor society.

Our education has become a big feel-good scam.

And then he'll go to ((college))) and take out a (((loan))) for his liberal arts degree

6,5,2,7,1,4 POWER GAP OF GAPS, 3

the ultimate answer to your question OP

It's better than ours. And unlike us you have the option of choosing a private school or putting the little shit in a gifted program so what the hell are you complaining about?

Outside of the top 50 or so colleges, every other college is basically open door admissions. Dumb parents get so excited to get accepted...BY COLLEGES THAT DONT REJECT ANYONE! It's insane.

in real life 10, 7, 6, 7, 10, 10, 9

Grade inflation, no child left behind/common core lowering the standards instead of making students strive to improve themselves

> #3 is a 6
Maybe in the US where anything that isn't a lardwhale is north of 5.

imagine how awesome free "public" college will be

Grade inflation is far more insane than I ever realized. All the parents at my brother's school think their lazy dumbass kid is a genius. In 4 years, tens of thousands of dollars in loans later, half of them will have failed out of college.

i got a 2320 on my SATs with barely any prep. As a white male i was accepted to a few ivies and Stanford

americans are idiots

Public education is shit because government funded schools have to be as neutral and pc with their students as possible.

The school does not benefit from holding a student back from a grade even if the student should.

The school has no real way of disciplining students.

In california some shit idea was implemented call No Child Left behind. Essentially meant students in the classroom could only move as fast as their stupidest student.

I went to a private High School and am attending a private university. Not a chance in hell I'd send my kids to a public school if I had the choice.

lol. no.
10, 10, 9.5, 8, 10, 10, 9

Because it's run by the U.S. government.

Name 1 thing that they run that is a resounding success.


Shcool has been nothing but utter bullshit.
>You need good grades
>You need to study hard
>This is practice for the realworld
Except it isnt. Most all of my highschool classes aren't worth jackshit. When I asked teachers on the value of what i'm learning, the y say i need it for college. when I ask my college professors they just say I need to know it. A lot of what we "learn" is gorssly impractical. I don't ever see me using in-depth world history from hundreds of years ago or literature that no one cares about. My school also pushed national hnors society giving out the sucess and leadership sphiel, but I know must people in it couldnt lead lemmings off a cliff. Theres also a "community service" requirement which is stupid because in most cases it's doing shit for the school that should have been already done.

That's shit tier. Asians have you BTFO.

> Listing ratings as opposed to which one is preferable
And the influx from r/TheFaggot/ continues

6, 5, 4, 7, 1, 2, POWER GAP, 3

Because so many of the students are niggers or spics. Should be obvious.

Niggers and leftists

The reason is that most students are really stupid. The dumbest ones then BECOME teachers. A vicious cycle.

you're really underrating 1

it's not necessarily just about the history. A good history prof requires you to not only learn the history but to apply your critical thinking and analysis to determine why certain events occurred, what drove motives behind actions, how to research evidence, and present articulate arguments.

Too bad it's devolved for the most part into simply parroting whatever your prof's analysis is though.

I'm a supreme European so blonde hair isn't a rarity unlike in little Mexico, Pablo.

Thats my other point. Most of what we call critical thinking is just parroting and even history is total crap because it doesn't ever always tell the truth. Most classes before were all on muh six gazillion or civil rights. Even on critical thinking alone i think its blindfolding or parroting. Instead of looking at modern events they focus on small and pointless stuff from third world shitholes you cant even find on a map. Also common core didn't help because reports people would use when arguring are practically fill in the blank.

>Too bad it's devolved for the most part into simply parroting whatever your prof's analysis is though.

Saw this the worst in english. Fucking ludicrous having the same guy tell you a work of writing can be interpreted in different ways and then have him mark something as 'wrong' because it doesn't fit his narrow minded interpretation

Our fucking shakespeare books had little annotations explaining terms and phrases we no longer use, and the teach treated them like gospel despite the annotations being proven wrong on more than one occasion

>every quiz/test is multiple choice
>brb math/finance questions on scantron where you can guess or deduce the right answers without knowing how do do any math in practice
>most people cheat easily
>get 10% course credit automatically for (((attendance)))
>Nobody reads/studies anything ever and they search the internet for answers or get answers from people in earlier classes who took the same test, or they guess or deduce answers because multiple choice and the questions are potato tier
>50% course credit for a (((project))) that is BS and the teacher doesn't read and is an auto A
>take an (((AP))) course and the grade scale gets boosted to 5.0 making people boast about GPAs like omg I got a 4.5 GPA I'm a genius!

College is a bigger joke with many of the same things

Kids will graduate with a BA and not know anything about basic grammar. I'd bet 90% of graduates don't know how to use a colon properly. They don't know anything about history. They don't read. Their vocab is 5th grade level. They couldn't point out more than 5 states on a map (serious, your average millennial would fail a simple US map quiz. Show it to your friends/coworkers)

This is the reality of American (((education)))


>don't know how to use a colon properly
Fuck, I remember thinking people who misuse semicolons were the dumb ones, nowadays you're lucky to see a comma in the right place.

Not true at all if you're white, even asian. In that case you must have exceptional extracurriculars, GPA, and SAT

t. high school underachiever who didn't get into upper tier schools (not ivy league) with a 3.8 GPA. I know GPA is a joke

That was 7 years ago and probably worse now

>why does america's public education suck
people in america elect democrats to public office