>You are entering Sharia-Zone! You have to pay the Jizya in order to enter this place, you dirty infidel dog
You are entering Sharia-Zone! You have to pay the Jizya in order to enter this place, you dirty infidel dog
Is this bongistan?
*jizzes on ya face*
Another reason to not go to London.
>mfw in Ohio with CCW and open carry
Yeah nah, fuck off cunt.
Nullah was the best day of me life
I've prepared for this moment. I'll be back later.
your hat makes u look soooo hot
God bless America.
ffs -.-
Satisfied now you cunt?
He works as a bus driver during the day (not joking).
>mag dumps loudly
My mom died in 2011 so the joke is on you, scumbag.
ples let dis happn n txus
How did i got to UK so fast?
>still falling for b8
kill yourself you fucking reddit faggot
god wills it.
Pop a cap in his arse. That germab peice of shit
Get out of Skyrim, dirty Khajit
His parents wouldn't happen to be 1st cousins right?
Trump Trunk
Run over