Donald Trump just announced James Mattis for secretary of defense. Who is he?
Red pill me on Mad Dog Mattis!
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Basically General Patton reincarnated.
no-bullshit general revered by his men
patton in disguise
nice numbers
hes probably the best pic imo the Americans need a guy like this after Obama bowed to everyone and made a cuck of himself
>the goldmansachs superjew is another story
>invading Canada
No need.
"If you don't give up your sovereignty, your enemies win." Prime Minister Dudeweed
I worked with him.
Patton he is not.
He is fine though.
>The first time you blow someone away is not an insignificant event. That said, there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.
>I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.
>Find the enemy that wants to end this experiment (in American democracy) and kill every one of them until they’re so sick of the killing that they leave us and our freedoms intact.
>Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
>There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.
>You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it’s quite fun to fight them, you know. It’s a hell of a hoot. It’s fun to shoot some people. I’ll be right up there with you. I like brawling.
>I’m going to plead with you, do not cross us. Because if you do, the survivors will write about what we do here for 10,000 years.
I like him.
He's the guy that convinced Trump that waterboarding was horseshit.
>I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.
Fuckin brutal.
Waterboarding is bullshit. There's no permanent injuries
If you wanna fuck with the USA, you better be reminded every morning what happens when you do
A living legend.
There's a Bill Whittle vid for that:
The God of War
Marine corps Jesus
Callsign: Chaos Actual
The warrior monk
Take your pick
HBO did him well
Hes called "The Warrior Monk" and has a following within the Marine Corps that can only be compared to Sup Forumss love of Trump and Kek during the election times 10
Hes basically a jedi master/warrior poet
>I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.
A globalist neocon who is pro-majority Islam (Saudi) and thinks ISIS and Al Qaeda aren't an issue.
Actually, Mattis recommends a few beers and a pack of smokes.
It's cheaper.
I'm a godless liberal and even I think Mattis is pretty based.
I'd go so far as to say he'd be the best person in Trump's cabinet so far.
>You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyway
Also a white knight feminist it seems, like a classic neocon should be
>european education
Yep, he's 100% in line with liberal politics and everything Hillary hoped for in foreign affairs.
And this was actually a huge thing in military circles and was front page news in the US because mattis replaced a commander on the drive to baghdad which is unprecedented since WW2, he removed him because he wasn't moving fast enough. That shows alot about his personality. God tier man.
>being against barbaric Muslim bullshit = white night feminist
Go away, Ahmed.
He literally said ISIS and Al Qaeda aren't a big deal, you don't need an education to read a quote.
Chesty would be proud.
Semper Fi motherfuckers.
General Mattie's is a hero desu
I hope this was meant as a joke
posts like these make me lose faith in Sup Forums sometimes
It's not about being for and against Islam (which he isn't against - he wants to continue propping up Turkey and the Gulf States and basically 90% of Muslims worldwide except the irrelevant ones like the Shia minority).
It's that it's a bullshit argument to use when talking about killing your enemy.
> w-won't somebody think of the wimminz
Literally beside the point
Back to plebbit you go
>marine faggotry
You belong to the NAVY, nigger.
>1 post by this ID
No wonder your country is eating itself, faggot
stop making shit up
In an interview with Time Magazine in September, Mattis said that the current fight against ISIS is “unguided by a sustained policy or sound strategy [and is] replete with half-measures.”
>1 post by this ID
I still don't get this meme. Do people actually think this means that this is my first post on Sup Forums on this IP or something?
Guess you weren't joking. Sad!
This video will show you all what kind of man Trump has choosen for this critical position:
Also, remember that congress needs to approve him, because of :
"Unlike Trump’s other announced nominees, Mattis is unlikely to receive a contentious confirmation hearing for the defense secretary job, even though he will need a special waiver from Congress because he has not been out of uniform for the requisite seven years."
Is your subscription to ISIS magazine up yet?
Can't wait until we fully arm the Kurds to fuck your shit.
>Mattis believes that Iran is the principal threat to the stability of the Middle East, ahead of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. Mattis says: "I consider ISIS nothing more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief. Iran is not an enemy of ISIS. They have a lot to gain from the turmoil in the region that ISIS creates." On the Iran nuclear deal, although he sees it as a poor agreement, he believes there is now no way to tear it up, saying: "We are just going to have to recognize that we have an imperfect arms control agreement. Second, that what we achieved is a nuclear pause, not a nuclear halt". Additionally, he criticizes President Barack Obama for being naive about Iranian intentions and Congress for being “pretty much absent” on last year’s nuclear deal. Mattis argues that the nuclear inspections may fail to prevent Iran from seeking to develop nuclear weapons, but that "[i]f nothing else at least we will have better targeting data if it comes to a fight in the future."Mattis' views on Iran were speculated to have been the reason he was fired by President Obama.
>Mattis praises the friendship of regional US allies such as Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. He has criticized Barack Obama and Donald Trump for their view of seeing allies as 'free-loading', saying: "For a sitting U.S. president to see our allies as freeloaders is nuts."He has cited the importance of the United Arab Emirates and Jordan as countries that wanted to help, for example, in filling in the gaps in Afghanistan. He has criticized current defense strategy as giving “the perception we’re pulling back” from US allies. He stresses the need for the US to bolster its ties with allied intelligence agencies, particularly the intelligence agencies of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. In 2012, Mattis argued for providing weapons to Syrian rebels, as a way to fight back against Iranian proxies in Syria.
Lets destroy ISIS by arming them!
It gets worse. It's going to be a real shoah soon.
Why would a Jew fear Patton? He btfoed the Nazis and saved a gorillion Jews
>>Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
Mattis hates the Israeli settlements.
Not really. Patton was kind of dumb when it came to things that werent war, was always putting his foot in his mouth, and knew nothing about politics and hated it.
Mattis is a well read historian and knows a good deal about international politics, at least how it relates to war. The guy was famous for always carrying around a copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Who else would you hire as the guy who manages the money of the us?
A Jew? that worked for goldmansachs? Trump picked a top tier money handler.
Your guy Mattis doesn't think ISIS is a big deal. And he's pro-Turkey so Kurds won't be armed underneath his command.
Imagining a 'Patton of our times' take on radical Islam gives me a hard on. Get fucked hajis
citation needed
Let me guess, it's because Israel is racist against the Muds
>doesn't see our allies as "freeloaders"
>wants war with Iran
>wants to arm syria rebels
He wants to arm radical Islam.
>Do people actually think this means that this is my first post on Sup Forums on this IP or something?
Plebbitor confirmed.
fuck off habib
Patton was a historian too, numbnuts.
Because it radicalizes more Muslims, which is accurate.
Mattis coined it, dude.
God beware we offend the Muslims
How else would it be an argument? Yeah no shit this was my first post in this thread, what about it?
ron paul just to fuck with the fed
I know, its called a joke user
Read literally anything on Patton. Fuck, even the movie with George C Scott address how his career was constantly being fucked because he was a loud mouth brass idiot who would say stupid shit all the time.
> "I consider ISIS nothing more than an excuse for Iran to continue its mischief. Iran is not an enemy of ISIS. They have a lot to gain from the turmoil in the region that ISIS creates."
This is the closest hes ever been to saying ISIS isnt a big deal. What are you talking about?
Don't break your cover, the goyim are still around.
>Mattis doesn't think ISIS is a big deal
He's not wrong.
Confirmed absolute madman tier.
Look at the butthurt from these paki reporters.
Just to think, now he his only superior that can make him moderate his language loves this kind of thing. We're in for some great times ahead lads.
You have no fucking idea what you are talking about and take some quotes out of context.
ISIS is not as much as a problems as the Ukraine conflict, Iran deal & their efforts to be a leading role in the middle east, the way China steps up their game in the south sea and tries to take up a biggers role and you also have the threat which comes from Russia in its current form.
All those conflicts do represent a bigger probem, for the simple fact that a nation has much more resources to spair than some looting jihadis which can be kept at bay with paid of ground forces and an Air Force.
This man takes the position of projecting military power, so that other nations are afraid of a military confrontation and more open to a diplomatic solution.
The policy of Obama was to play ball, get bullied and crawl away from the throne.
Mattis is a fucking legend!
It has to do with a failed organization of paid trolls that spammed us with quickly made, context-free, contentless one-posts, usually asking a provocative and open-ended question with an irrelevant image.
>West Point Graduate, an education to rival ivy colleges when they weren't liberal jew garbage
He said not to let that secret out of the room you nigger!
ISIS is being financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and they all know. Clinton knew (see Podesta emails) , so everyone else had to know as well.
Iran is Shia and Shias are literally irrelevant (10% of Muslims worldwide, don't snackbar in the West).
He wants to invade Iran and arm actual ISIS handlers.
This guy is a classic neocon through and through.
Found the VdB voter.
>Who is he?
"No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy"
Thats who is he is, Matador-bro.
Because this
Is it JIDF again? Or do we still call them CTR?
Can you just shut up? You have posted 13 times the same... we all know you are afraid of Mad Dog Mattis, ahmed. So now be quiet and let others speak.
Learn to read dumbfuck
Are they any different? Ctr was filled with ((())).
I was watching the Trump speech at the bar and when he announced Mattis I made a fucking fool out of myself jumping for joy.
Cry more Abu. After the election, your ass is flying back to wherever you came from on your little magic carpet.
> Iran is not an enemy of ISIS. They have a lot to gain from the turmoil in the region that ISIS creates."
what part of this dont you understand? Iran is using the threat of ISIS to move into Iraq, which they have been doing since US forces left several years ago
After what election you retard? Your guy Mattis spouts the same shit our green globalist candidate is shilling.
>Patton was a firm believer in reincarnation
>Trump was born a year after Patton.
First, we are isis, so why would he be worried when all we would need to do would be shut off the tap, none of us civi's like it, but we know that someone or some people are making the cia birth and coddle isis.
That's fine about the kurds. They're commies
and feminists. Fuck the turks. Unless they have a successful coup..? I wouldn't be surprised if all over the world they stopped being assholes all at once.
What part of arming ISIS handlers ia difficult for you?
Trump just said he's the closest thing to general Patton. And Patton was extremely red pilled about ww2 and the Jews. After that trump said "its about time"
anything short of GENOCIDING every SAND DWELLING MUDSHIT is cuck tier
> Not an argument.
This guy is the kind of general you would want to lead your troops and also the kind of man which is more than capable of holding a position like secretary of defense.
Also your statement about Iran being irrelevent is complete bullshit.
They are gaining more and more influence in Syria, already control key positions in Iraq, and achieved the deal of a lifetime, where Obama lifted nearly ALL the sanctions put in place just to reach the nuclear deal.
Their influence is growing and they are not the mild power they pretend to be.
So first you claimed he said ISIS wasnt important, and then you strawmanned what he said about them, and now you are talking about supplying ISIS (baseless conspiracy theories)
>My dad works for Nintendo
> the Iran boogeyman
> fear the 10%, prop up the 90%
You're either a Turk or a globalist shill
He's going to kill everyone. If it's already dead he's going to make it more deader. Purge the earth of any threat to our glorious experiment in democracy
Or, you know, the future SecDef.