
European risk. We'll start in 15 minutes.

New to Risk, what do


Waiting for at least 5 people
You just roll, then you gain a certain amount of territory based on your post number.

I guess red and give me Croatia?


I'm going to give it 15 more minutes, if we don't have 3 more I'm not hosting.

Nazi Germany

Red is taken


will change my name in a sec

O shit, Red is taken, I'll be Dark Red.

Start rolling now lads

Blue's taken

Spread south towards Croatia.

start expanding west
make sure i stay in russia
i just want to start filling in russia for now

Begin spreading through the rest of Croatia, spill into Bosnia



if I can roll, fill Afghanistan

light blue then

also, make sure you change my name to "UNR" place (United Nations of Russia) pls

Ally or no, Dermoney

You can roll



Gonna wait 5 minutes for Israel and Algeria's roll

Are the tiny islands their own territories or no?

What tiny islands?

Rolling first roll.

Like off the coast of mainland Greece and Roachland, for example

Algeria AFK probably
None of those islands are their own territories except Crete, I think.

keep going at England

Is it rollan time?

Fill the -stans above me

Fill Israel, then spill to Lebanon and Jordan

Keep filling Spain.

Keep filling South.

Fill Bosnia, spill into Montenegro and Albania

expand towards east russia more

Can I join?


Push north towardsMoscow.

u wot?

Please include your bonuses guys

I want to play. I choose those as my country and color.

Im new to this.

Care to join forces in an alliance?
Keep filling -stan countries

head towards Kazakhstan

Germany, if you would consider an alliance, I could try to cover the south and we could both hold against UNR. You want to talk about dividing up territory?
How do bonuses work?

Fill Jordan, then spill to Egypt.

Yes, let's team up

Start filling towards France.

Want an alliance?

Gold, give me Sri Lanka/ Souther india tip

finish england spill into ireland

Push through western China towards India.


Look at the inset map in the bottom right corner of the map. Each country/region is color coded, the color corresponds to a bonus that is added to your rolls. Right now you have +2 from Bosnia and Croatia.

Is the bonus on your homeland country? Or any country's territory you occupy? Keep filling Spain with the virtues of leftism.

... only accept his peace if he agrees to keep out of my mother russia

Sorry friendo

May i interest you in a NAP?

Fill Monenegro, Albania, start working on Greece
What if I roll 69/404/420? Does it become 72/406/422 or do the nuke bonuses still apply?

Let's team up, we both proposed at the same time which basically means we agree.

You head towards Slovenia, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia etc. I take France and Belgium?

Alright. Mind if I take Georgia?

georgia is mine.

Any nation.
Sorry if I wasn't clear, it's added to the amount of territories you get, not your post number.

Ill stay out of Russia.

Sure. Drawing up proposed borders right now.



Invade Kazakhstan


Can I roll?

Fill India

I hope we can come to a resolve, Taliban

Continue to fill Germany.

What do you think? Green lines represent where we can't cross over. East of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Balts is free game and generally outside is too. Western and Northern Europe can be yours.
Italy is negotiable.

forgot my name

but ye, georgia is mine


where u at OP?

Push west and fill rest of Kazakhstan.

Oh shit. Didn't I roll for Macedonia and Albania?


Fill up Egypt

keep expanding towards Kazakhstan


Attack Taliban

Fill Norway and Sweden

Seems good to me.

Hows it goin?

My bad, I missed you. Adding you now

Want to roll for Italy? If so, here's my roll
>last two digits
>higher wins

also, im expanding towards you because i'm taking back the small piece of russia you have

OP are you letting him just change his roll

I guess I'll take any color, Istanbul or Slovakia.
Name- Slovak Comrade Forces or Revolution of Istanbul.

Keep filling Spain. Bonus of 7.

>Kingdom of The Goths
If I can roll,
Gothia > Ukraine

>King Ash of The Goths

I need a mupdate to know where I'm at, I think

>>last two digits


Doing well, wanna help me with the Taliban? you can have Nepal.

Take it. Im busy w pushing south anyways.

This is getting confusing. If I'm in Greece, then begin filling Serbia, spill Macedonia
If I'm not in Greece yet, then you know what to do.

My bad, im new to this

You have Macedonia and Albania but not Greece

all good

Jimmy's Land

Posting again.

Istanbul, Turkey,
or Bratislava, Slovakia.
Any color.

Sounds good m8, my army is on the way

I'm gold, OP didnt update the key

Hope I didn't miss anyone