What is/pol/'s opinion of Sikhs?
What is/pol/'s opinion of Sikhs?
all muslims will hang on the day of the roop
Secular Humanism
Why is Hinduism low tier? It's basically Indo-European paganism that's survived millenia and its worst aspects are only issues because overpopulation and modernisation.
Help us make the USA white again and we will help you make India SIkh again.
It's more about the culture than the religion.
Orthodox Christianity
Stop moving to white countries and we're fine. You people are still third world niggers, no different than Pakis. Your religions aren't even that different and Sikhism comes from it, which is why it is monotheistic.
Posters Catholic, he thinks Orthodox is Protestant too.
Definately better than Pakis but they still need to fuck off back to their own country.
Top Tier people that are like the gem hidden in dung of afghan and Pakiland
they smell
India was never Sikh
Despite Sikhs protecting the majority Hindu-nation from Islamic imperialism/forced-conversion a couple hundred years ago.
Above Muslims, below Hindus.
Most of them seem to be pretty bro-tier.
Hindus are garbage af don't fall for hipster worship or the trippy aesthetic
>A group that hates Muslims as much as I do
>bros on the day of the rope
Pick two
The ones that actually poo in the loo are fine
>India was never Sikh
Yeah ,but it could be!
Sikh are Bro-tier non-whites and a martial class.
I don't won them in my country or white countries any large amount above a few thousand or so, but I would be glad to help them return order and MAKE INDIA GREAT AGAIN once white countries are white again.
There are quite a few of them here. They are good people.
Sikh values are pretty universal. Be good, be just, stand up for others, stand up for yourself, don't be a shitdick, have a stable nuclear family, carry a sword.
generally pretty nice folks and excellent cooking for sure!
not annoying idiots, they stay out of my way and i buy shit from 7/11 all the time, they are pretty cool.
they do however steal shit
other than that they cool af
absolute bros
Bro tier, they kill Muslims for fun, and love the country they live in and usually join that countries military
They kill Muslims so that's nice
but they gotta go back
Sounds pretty based to me.
The ones i've met are cool as fuck! Not sure what the history between whites and sihks looks like but with most other cultures there seems to be an underlying hatred.
Sihks are bro tier and don't hive a fuck so long as your cool to them and their own
Absolute based tier, contributed more to world than fucking Islam : Zoroastrianism
no but seriously they steal yugioh cards in high school
Thats what you get for buying a shit tier mtg ripoff
They're filthy Indians and they should stay in India.
>top tier
Pick one.
They probably are ok in small numbers. Parts of BC are like northern India thanks too them. They are worse than kikes. They steal, lie, shit everywhere, set up fake insurance claims, form gangs where they do drive bys, stink, have zero respect for the commons, abuse the environment, and are generally the worst people. Only niggers and muslims are comparable.
based on what little I know about them they seem alright