What the fuck is this guys problem?
What the fuck is this guys problem?
why are you giving this maxist kike attention?
fucking kill yourself cuck
Fuck off out of my thread cuck. It's a simple question
something to do with shilling
Sports teams, movie productions, car plants, everyone gets tax incentives to go to a certain state or area.
I lose my shit every time I see this image. So simple, yet so devastating. It's funny because it is true.
Why does this shyster still have a platform?
Carriers a big company
Desperate kike trying to remain relevant. He lost all credibility when he sold out to the DNC. Anyone who still supports him is a bigger cuck than he is.
he needs more donations for a 4th house
If we let other countries steal our jobs we win.
t. Turdo of Canuckistan
so what you're saying is barnie is going against something he said 3 days ago?
I was expecting him to take credit for it desu
"we democracts held trump accountable, good work guys"
no clue what he's doing
you can only convince people that raising taxes on corporations will somehow shame them into staying in the US for so long
eventually people will realize you're a retard
>What the fuck is this guys problem?
Who? Trump's or Sanders'? Because I finally agree with Sanders.
Carrier will now pay less taxes than had they actually went through with their original plan... and the majority of the jobs are still going to Mexico.
And by Trump micromanaging the economy, he's set the precedent that companies can now threaten to leave the US and get some sweet tax breaks.
He set a shitty precedent.
And the deal Trump and Pence made with Carrier is shit, not remotely good.
All this so his administration can say "We're keeping jobs in America!"
It doesn't really work when you let corporations completely cuck the US Government to keep some jobs.
Bernie's extremely asshurt because despite being a career politican, he hasn't saved one fucking American job. Trump, who has never even held office, saved 1000 before he even took office, because unlike Bernie, who has either been a layabout or lived off the taxpayer for his entire adult life, Trump has actually accomplished things in his life.
I would seriously LOVE to hear Hernie's solution to keeping jobs in the US. Seize the means of production? Because that's worked so well for other countries in the past...
Bernie? A sellout? Naawwww
official press release, this is 5 days old btw
Companies who keep jobs in america should pay less taxes
Just like the time good old Bernie let the DNC corruption run over him unopposed and even backed them after right?
What a nice trustworthy person!
Sorry guys but Bernie is right on this one. Trump threatened companies with stiff tariffs for outsourcing products and reselling them in the United States and he caved in like the little bitch that he is.
$7 million in tax cuts to save 1000 shit paying jobs and theyre still moving 500 jobs to mexico
Someone once mentioned he's a slut. They're absolutely right.
Could it be that the elderly Jew with the wild hair and illogical economic ideas might be crazy?
You could definitely argue so.
But for ~1000 jobs he's set the worst precedent all for a shitty deal.
And the taxes Carrier saves on is times larger than the added expense of paying US workers.
Hopefully more companies won't threaten to leave the US and again force Trump to make another shitty deal. It's not his job to micromanage the economy.
>Carrier take US hostage
What the actual fuck? They're a fucking AC company. Why is he even talking? I thought he retired with that nice donor money.
really OP
(((Sanders))) is his problem
being a Goy is yours
Summary of the Outsourcing Prevention Act
1. Preventing companies that outsource jobs from receiving federal contracts, tax breaks, grants or loans.
Last year, United Technologies received over $6 billion in federal contracts, making it the seventh largest recipient of federal contract funds. Over the past 15 years, this Fortune 500 company has used loopholes in the tax code to shelter more than two-thirds of its $38 billion in profits from federal taxation. It has also received over $50 million in corporate welfare from the Export-Import Bank. Under this legislation, companies would be barred from receiving future contracts, tax breaks, grants or loans from the federal government if they have announced plans to outsource more than 50 jobs overseas.
2. Clawing back federal benefits from companies that outsource jobs have received over the last decade.
This legislation would require all companies that outsource more than 50 jobs in a given year to pay back all federal tax breaks, grants and loans they have received from the federal government over the last decade.
3. Establishing an outsourcing tax on companies that move U.S. jobs offshore.
This legislation would impose a tax on all companies that outsource jobs. The tax would be equal to the amount of savings achieved by outsourcing jobs or 35 percent of its profits, whichever is higher. United Technologies estimated that it would save $65 million a year by moving its jobs in Indiana to Mexico. Under this legislation, the company would be required to pay a tax of no less than $65 million a year.
4. Prohibiting executives from profiting off of the outsourcing of U.S. jobs.
This legislation would prohibit companies that offshore jobs from enriching executives through golden parachutes, stock options, bonuses, or other forms of compensation by imposing stiff tax penalties on this compensation. In addition, companies that outsource jobs overseas would be prevented from buying back its own stock. In 2014, United Technologies gave its former CEO a golden parachute worth over $172 million. Last year, the company’s five highest paid executives made over $50 million. The firm also spent $12 billion to inflate its stock price instead of using that money to invest in new plants and workers.
Source your $7 mill number you faggot, you just pulled that out of nowhere. Also 7 million isn't even a drop in the fucking bucket. Get fucked kike.
>the taxes Carrier saves on is times larger than the added expense of paying US workers
source on this?
1000 jobs isn't even a drop in the fucking bucket either
t. the guy who let BLM take his campaign hostage
Also Bernie voted for giving defense contracts to big corporations in his state, who the fuck is he to say anything like this?
your better expect ((((Bernie)))) to come out with his opinion after every Trump action or even fucking tweet.
Bernie has been angry ever since his mommy was executed for giving Atomic bomb secret documents to Stalin.
Don't let his Larry David impersonation fool you, Comrade Bernie is an old line Commie.
Source your claim you fuckin oven dodger. Also, 1000 jobs secured before he even takes office sends a huge message. Please, enlighten me as to when Obama EVER did something like this?
is he just being retarded or am i missing something here?
But hes right tho
>muh tax cuts are bad
Fuck off you dumb economically illiterate retards. Of course corporate tax rates should be lowered. It's too expensive to do business here and thus jobs get outsourced. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
You and your kike grandfather Bernie have no fucking idea what the deal entailed.
isn't this guy that hillary clinton surrogate?
do democrats have anyone under 70
what was that about this cuck running again in four years, libshits?
He's right. Carrier LITERALLY just extorted the American Taxpayer in exchange for only outsourcing less than half of what they said they would and Trump caved in like the beta bitch he is.
He is attempting to rush in as the democratic 'leader' because of the power struggle that is currently taking place
>Welfare for corporations making huge profits is good!
>Welfare for poor people who are working minimum wage jobs and need help is bad!
This is what people here actually believe.
>muh handouts
>muh welfare
Spending $7000 per person to save their shitty $12 an hour job assembling air conditioners. The US economy isn't even an economy anymore. It's a fucking welfare state on the brink of economic collapse that's merely keeping itself afloat with threat of military force. $20 trillion dollars in debt, what a joke.
>not addressing opposing viewpoints to further your understanding and to be able to justify your own views
>not getting robbed by the government is welfare
He's just a typical Jew.
Trump should have actually punished them for leaving the country, not pay them.
Right now, Carrier is making off like a bandit. They still get to outsource. They get a big fat government check. They get a nice PR boost. And most of all, there's nothing stopping them from waiting a year and laying off those 800 jobs when people stop paying attention. Expect to see every other big company "threaten" to outsource if they don't get free money.
>Fuck off you dumb economically illiterate retards. Of course corporate tax rates should be lowered. It's too expensive to do business here and thus jobs get outsourced. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Burger Kang flew the coop last year to Leafville because of it.
Old communist agitator continues to agitate. Why does anyone still pay attention to this kike?
Didn't trump say he'd impose tariffs on carrier?
Why did he promise a windfall tax reduction instead?
>It doesn't really work when you let corporations completely cuck the US Government to keep some jobs.
Almost like when Barry tossed wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow at failing companies to bail them out so Americans wouldn't lose their jobs, except those companies were actually failing and he essentially subsidized failure. Really gets the ol' noggin' churning...
You are so fucking stupid, where is the welfare or the handout here? These people make an average of 40k a year - 1k jobs - 40 million USD that is now in OUR economy, not Mexicos... Do this over and over again... hmmmm really makes me think.
Stupid fuck.
where did they pull the $7 million number from?
>Oy, My hemmoroidals, uuuuh.
Just a decrepit faggot thief.
Exactly, still has the balls to open his mouth too even after selling out and taking the money, even buying a summer home with it. God bless the stupidity of the American left.
Hes a corporate shill who takes advantage of the weak minded to get money for himself.
He thinks only government jobs should be saved and created.
Another sore loser. Can't do anything right by Bernie. He's a jealous old man.
It's like he's trying to compensate for something, like selling out. Fuckin old decrepit grey haired fag thief.
This pretty much
He buckled like a fucking faggot. Should have told them to stay in the US or get fucked. Maybe even use some crooked tactics like do a tax audit and fine the shit out of them. What the hell kind of president "makes a deal" with an air conditioning company.
Mind sharing the details of the agreement? Nobody else seems to know them yet except you.
drumft only saved half of the jobs though thats a failing grade
He didn't set a precedent, he said taxes would go down for companies like them and painted a grand picture and now we can look forward to all corporations paying less taxes and more money being spent on raising income, growing the economy, and raising the standard of living for workers by providing jobs for them.
You guys who think money is an idle vehicle blow my mind
>What? I never said that! You must be thinking of somebody else, you anti-semite.
bernie was a kike all along.
im glad niggers and hillary prevented him from getting the nomination.
Bernie has always been vocal about the things he believes in, people are just now finally paying attention to him. Him becoming the leading voice of the democrats would be a great thing too, if more democrats were like him then the party wouldn't be the wreck it is now.
based niggers know a kike when they see one.
(((Clinton))) (((Sanders))) and (((Stein))) all running train on Democrat voters this cycle.
lah. mao.
See Try actually using an argument instead of just calling me a Jew shill because it couldn't be further from the truth.
It's obvious what's he's trying to do. Although I'm fine with people calling out Trump on the decisions he makes, it seems like Bernie always has something to say as a representative of the people. What bothers me is that he's trying to do so after taking people's money and endorsing Hillary so disgracefully. It's annoying, I'm no success but this guy was a complete and utter failure for most of his adult life.
The 35% tariff is still happening, retard.
>now we can look forward to all corporations paying less taxes and more money being spent on raising income, growing the economy, and raising the standard of living for workers by providing jobs for them.
Hahaha, are you 12 or just being ironic? That money is going straight to the shareholders/CEOs pockets
>and the majority of the jobs are still going to Mexico.
I did use an argument and I can still call you a kike shill. If you arent a shill you are literally fucking retarded. A tax cut is not welfare, first of all. Second of all, the taxes carrier won't be paying now WILL be paid by the employees who actually have jobs now. Also, those employees will keep their job and not need gibs from the government. You cannot refute this faggot, you lose. Kill yourself.
Obviously not seeing as (((Clinton))) was their horse.
(her real family name is Radomski)
And if/when shareholders/CEOs reinvest that money, that money will go towards the economy by investing in more jobs/businesses.
>giving defense contracts to big corporations in his state
>in his state
that is, vermont people worked at the vermont factory
>lower corporate taxes
>America becomes a tax haven
>companies begin to invest more in US
>more jobs
Commies are bad at economics. What else is new?
>Bernie has always been vocal about the things he believes in
Except when he sells out.
Why can't we just companies to come back?
Literally, can't we just say 'You're going to move your company back here or you will not be allowed to sell its product here'
>a tax cut is not welfare
It's a handout. We're basically paying them to stay in the country.
>the taxes carrier won't be paying now WILL be paid by the employees
Right, so corporate welfare. The wagecuck shoulders the burden while the elitist shareholders pocket the difference.
>Also, those employees will keep their job and not need gibs from the government
Unemployment is paid by insurance companies. And they will keep their jobs for a year or two until Carrier lays them off and moves to Mexico anyways.
>“He has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives,” Sanders wrote, noting that Trump has once threatened to make Carrier “pay a damn tax.”
Trump strong-armed Carrier and its parent company into keeping those job here, otherwise they lose their government contracts. Tax cut is just a small incentives to them, and the Don is gonna lowers corporate tax anyway. Even the Yun Turds admit it.
Friendly reminder that the Jews always do this.
gotta walk before you crawl user, the endgame is to basically say "move your companies away and we'll fuck you so bad with tariffs your profits will be better if you just come back home"
it's like these guys never made a deal before
add bernouts anti carrier shit to this now
Yeah, they'll reinvest right into an offshore account where their other 10 trillion dollars sits
>pol defending corporate welfare while Trump hires guys who have records of fleecing poor whites
Wow, I can smell it
The wall street journal you dumb hick.
700 million is not a small incentive
Its not a tax subsidy you fucking retard.