When the inevitable violent clash of ideologies comes (far left vs far right) Who will win? Why?
When the inevitable violent clash of ideologies comes (far left vs far right) Who will win? Why?
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Commies because they appeal (lie) to people's feelings and claim the moral high ground because they are "inclusive" despite killing a hundred million more people.
>>National Socialism
>>Far Right
Whatever you say there, bud.
so would it be better to join them while there is still time?
im gay
Who wins? The money-changer/money lender.
both seems red op
the jews
If you want to live a coward's life you will reap a coward's rewards
>those flags
They're both socialist.
>hopefully a troll
>realizing what nazism actually was
>comparing socialism to communism
communism is on the far left but NS is more toward the authoritarian center. a better dichotomy would be statism vs liberalism or socialism vs corporatism
Porky always wins.
The far-right, at least in any already civilized society.
The middle class is the swing vote. The commies are coming for their stuff, and the fascists are willing to let them hold on to it to a degree, so the middle class sides with the fascists to protect themselves from redistribution.
I used to be a communist before becoming a national socialist
The far right is built on truth. Communism is built on lies.
Truth will win out, they will hate us for it but we will win.
What about National Socialism makes it far right?
It's more common than you think. Not all communists are mutants. Some just don't know better yet
>yfw the battle of nat soc and gommunism is coming once again
Leaf only knows left and far-left.
Who won world war 2 again?
Interesting how the median is the same. Lib faggots are the ones that shifted
Mussolini was a hardcore socialist before he became a fascist. It's not a difficult transition. Both groups dislike liberal capitalism.
Truth doesn't matter. Revolutions don't happen because things are bad, revolutions happen because things are worse than people expect them to be. That being said, even in societies plagued with a huge amount of revolutionaries, most people are still doing okay enough to be comfortable with the status quo.
When 20% of the population is desperate enough to crash the plane and go full-on violent revolution, something's going to happen. The people who are doing okay enough that they have something worth protecting aren't naturally going to like Nazis, but they're going to fucking loathe communists. Has nothing to do with truth; self-interest means the Nazis win, in any society that's progressed enough to have a middle class. Only farmers vs. aristocrats gives a victory to the far left.
That's what happens when the centrist solution (Neoliberalism) fails.
Nat-Soc wins. That's how Hitler purged communism out of Germany. Communism needed a lot of foreign aid to fight Hitler. One on one, however, when the Weimar Republic was knocked out, the Nazis shattered them.
Try to talk to them about capitalism and im pretty sure theyre gonna end up as allies
Weimar republic was a bourgeois abomination. The communists backed Hitler.
You can't be serious
Look up accelerationism.
If you let the leftists win, you also win.
Completely wrong dude. Fascism, by definition, is a radical response to an insane ideology. There's a reason why the entire Eastern Bloc went commy except for little old Germany on the edge.
We need only look at history for the answer
Naziism has always been anti-communist dumb fuck.. that's like their original platform due to all the Jewishness going on in Russia
t.Justin Castro Trudeau
Nobody wins.
Nazis. History has demonstrated that the natural course of communist nations is to collapse from within. The Nazis wouldn't even have to invade, all they'd have to do is wait.
The entire civilized world had to gang up to defeat Nazi Germany, and even with an overwhelming numbers advantage, it wasn't a sure thing until near the end of the war.
Fascism is a desperate attempt at maintain capitalism after it begins to fail in earnest. Ironically enough it only hastens the death of a capitalist society by waging costly wars and ruining productivity.
We already know who won this fight
Nazis got cucked by the Man of Steel
>implying he's wrong
And Germany. The attempt at a bolshevik revolution killed a lot of germans and pissed off everybody enough to follow Adolf Hitler. Whoopsie jewsie.
Whoever wins, we lose. So fuck em both.
That won't be how it goes down, OP. Humanity will tear itself apart by every seam. And the rich will be there the entire time, trying to steer the ship and constantly crashing it upon every fucking rock until it sinks and everyone dies.
>Reaganites because they appeal (lie) to people's feelings and claim the moral high ground because they are "exclusive" despite killing millions of people and stealing their oil and chaining the majority to poverty to further enrich fat pieces of shit who are already so insanely wealthy they can buy countries.
>Manlet of Steel
we're going to get sick of winning.
Come to think of it, we would win in the sense that we would have the moral obligation to push it back with any means necessary.
Leftists are evil, evil people. I'd rather kill these fuckers and die than ever experience famines and labour camps.
yes but the left no longer has any men and is probably triggered by steel
Indeed, you fucking leaf.
The strong are more likely to hold right wing views.
>If Hitler had won, we would have had a 40 year cold war with him because Nazism and Communism are exactly the same! That's why our greatest allies in Red Russia planted a communist spy ring in our country and the nazis didn't even though they were our declared enemy!
>Germans killed during WW2: 6,900,000-7,400,000
>Soviets killed during WW2: 26,000,000-27,000,000
that K:D ratio
Kek works in mysterious ways
That's spirit my little reactionary. Please come out and fight us. Your death is very important for our cause.
That one really hit me.
recently though i learned about strasserism. is it bad that i think much of strasserism sounds like a good idea?
Yeah you guys can't get enough of death. Don't care who it is, how young or how old: as long as the blood flows.
Creepy bunch of Satanists 2bh.
>tfw when America already beat both
Whoever does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it - the post
Far-right movements will always end up with autistic idiot "savants" at the helm.
So what I'm saying is
Bring it on.
Rampant statism wins everytime
There are still commie nations. There are no fascist ones.
All that remain are fake and gay except Best Korea.
Ahahahahahhahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! Look at this guy!
If we focus on the axis, what about Japanese Imperialism? That was effective enough to fuck up the pacific and an attack on US' soil, had the allies lost the war they would've taken over the entire east Asia
The Jews.
Commies won last time.
He's not nearly as cool as Stalin.
Last time they had the Russian winter and millions of men at arms.
This time they will have a fucking leaf, cucked frogs sausages and waffles to fight and those will be armed with peace signs.
The left will be done before the fight has even started.
The global left will become unstoppable once it is properly organized. Capitalism creates its own destruction.
That explains why America collapsed and the USSR is still around.
Tell me, how will "the right" (america and it's vassal slaves) win when they've wrecked the shit out of themselves into third worlds by rabid reaganomics?
>Last Far Right Country
Nazis. Took Russia, US, and all of Europe to stop them
>Far Left Countries
Communist China and USSR. Starved to death and had very little trade power.
(((They))) win
Exactly. Consider the space race. USSR was a DEVASTATED country post-WWII and they beat the shit out of America during it's most prosperous era at every single milestone until the moon landings. That was USSR AFTER BEING CRIPPLED vs America IN ITS PRIME.
is this like Alien Vs Predator - Whoever wins we lose?
Are you retarded? Both have clearly shifted!
Free healthcare yet still so fucking blind you autistic kanuck
>Capitalism creates its own destruction.
Which is why Socialist societies are the most flourishing? ...Wait what?
>6,9 million
Oh so that's where the Jews went
Yes. There is no winner anymore. All we can hope for is humanity to wipe itself out quickly.
>USSR was a DEVASTATED country pre-WWII
FTFY. Only thing they had going for them was endless mouths that didn't need feeding anyway :^)
Muslims are useful idiots who are only used to help destabilize nations. Islam will never win, as it will never be used as anything more than a tool.
feeeling that burrnnnnnnn
And who is the right?
In Spain the leftists lost, then the right took control for many decades. The right was better prepared military wise.
Why is Belize posting tiny images about the Southern US?
We don't know if they'll wreck themselves though. To assume that they will is defeatist and reeks of leftist delusion.
History is full of examples where free trade and homogenous societies mesh together and propel humanity into a new age. There are so many examples too of socialist / communist countries that disavow free trade and fall behind everyone else, think of Venezuela and Cuba, and Chile before someone saw sense and purged the commies.
Reaganomics are not Trump's agenda. He'll go way beyond that.
when a third one more powerful ideology appears and destroy or assimilate both.
admit it, left and right are shit ideologies that must be put down. We have to embrace something better.