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>mfw this shit is govt funded
I fucking hate this country
she has fucked up tits when they are freed
why is mia khalifa so popular i don't get it
Because she's arab and can pass as muslim and muslims are sexual taboo. any arab pornstar is guaranteed to get several death threats
she's the only arab porn star
>Shaun Majumder
Scatirical humour.
a little group named alt-right barely does anything. they barely scratch the surface of white identity a little and now the monster get out of its cave and shows how he wants white genocide to be a thing
truly disgusting, i cant believe i was pro immigrant once
she's fucking rank mate, common slapper face and a shite pair of bolt-ons
i don't get it either
Wtf is this? A sex slave?
i dont get when people say that
its everywhere
>state funded media blatantly encouraging whites to abandon their identities and race mixing, while mocking those who oppose
no it's fucking not, what the fuck. This isn't normal
we're more or less all on the same path to hell
All this could be solved with a very simple law:
If you aren't more than 75% genetically European, you can't be a citizen, vote, or serve in the military.
I am going to be so fucking happy when you pull the plug on that piece of shit CBC.
I literally only use it to get the hockey scores.
CBC's doesn't go to programming it goes to infrastructure and wide band broadcasting so people in inuktukukukukuk can get CBC services in their igloos
Take me to oblivion. I'd rather be dead than witness the Jew's mockery come to fruition
Shes hot. I want to nut inside a terrorist pussy and make more terrorists. Its like fucking a Praying mantis that kills you afterwards.
It's just like Sweden!
She doesn't look like a porn star. She's more 'cute' like someone's little sister or something. Horrible fake tits though
Jesus fuck leafs, that is so sad on so many levels.
why would the (((pornography industry))) foster an arab fetish?
She isn't the first. I cant remember the name, but I used to jerk off to another Lebanese porn star that looked like Selma Blair long before Mia came around.
its true, panjeeta is nice
I'd explode inside of her, if you know what I mean.
She's christian
Probably for the same reason they fostered a nigger fetish
>mia khalifa has a husband
What an absolute fucking cuck.
that's fucking pathetic
75% of her videos are her getting BLACKED.
You know how common that is in the industry? Same with them having kids.
Not that I am refuting your perfectly valid point.
Her cuck husband is a US soldier. lmao
I wouldn't be against it if it was at least unbiased.
CBC needs to die.
She slept with one of the owners of PornHub or something. I think her "popularity" is entirely manufactured.
that makes me sad :(
she doesnt do porn anymore pretty sure
because they're fake as fuck pic related
pretty much this
also she is pretty hot
>wife gets railed by fifty dicks
>it's okay she doesn't do it anymore
Whats the point of her doing porn in the first place ...i dont get it a lot of these chicks are married or even have college degrees. Is it some feminist dream to be jizzed on for a living?
Pretty sure americucks call them jodys and not bulls when they are in the army.
Maxime Bernier wants to dismantle the cbc.
Not really. If it is was manufactured then stuff she is in wouldn't sell as she was generally the main attraction or headliner. And she would have dropped off the radar quick.
She was super in demand at one point. But that is just sort of how it works. Someone is found that brings in the bucks, gets thrown into as many videos as possible, then retires. Occasionally you may see a comeback, but these days it is more likely they end up doing smaller things like Clips4Sale and what not rather than properly produced porn.
There is no real benefit in manufacturing popularity given the number of dumb whores out there.
>she's exotic, she's taboo
>looks matter less, are enhanced by being exotic and taboo
same thing with niggers and white women
>he's so black
>he's so taboo
>i don't care that he literally looks like a gorilla and is incredibly unstable
Dead ringer for Private Pile
as a man wouldn't you be a porn star and get paid millions for fucking good looking women?
>being a degenerate manwhore instead of raising strong white sons with a loyal traditional white wife
this is his wife
>he thinks they get paid millions
half of them strip and hook on the side plus do cam shows nonstop for cash
they ain't millionaires
Most men in the porn industry get paid shit, and have to resort to doing gay porn, or selling drugs on the side.
It's uncanny
that's even worse....no other way to look at it porn = jew degeneracy
what is this language?
The men get paid shit. And you will get chucked on your ass the second you can't perform. Where as even the littlest nobody woman can get an appearance fee just for turning up on set even if they don't perform.
It is actually a pretty interesting thing to look into, albeit depressing. There are a few docos around on the matter.
hi bye FBI
Male porn stars get paid nothing and you have to start out doing gay shit
Believe me, I looked into it because I have a big dick
What does it feel like to receive a blow job?
How big do you need to be to get into porn?
Over-rated porn meme
She was cuter with little tits. :-/
>tfw no cute arab girl to fuck
Bring back North Africa colonization now REEEEE
you must be fucking blind or joking...she is ugly now ...she was even worse back then
>all this gayness ITT
What about sucking a tit?
pornstars are extremely underpaid, and the best paid male pornstars are gay bottoms
Damn, I would totally racemix with Mia and fuck her brains out if you know that I mean
She really isnt all that great looking
Titty sucking is pretty fun.
6 inches & be short or else be taller and be packing more. The key to it is to make it look disproportionate to your frame.
Most of the qualifications are about getting hard in front of people, maintaining it for 2 hours, and cumming on command.
Come on now Argie. We both know the offspring would end up browner than she is.
because we're sending most of the brown people home
I'd rather trigger a war resulting in millions of death.
Canadians, is there ANY resistance to the Asian takeover of your country?
You know you guys could just tell Shaun Majunder that you are upset. His own mother is white and his dad is a doctor or something so it's not like he's stupid. I want to know if it was his own rap or a CBC writer getting him to push it as "a funny joke"
I don't get the fascination with Mia Khalifa. She's not particularly attractive, to say nothing of that disgusting botched boob job.
>its because she's arab and it's totally taboo and shit senpai!
You could just take some hispanic mestizo and put them in a hijab and no one would know the difference. Nobody know the difference between all the different types of mudpeople anyway.
don't screw the men keep the women.
Just look at those cute big almond eyes, that semitic nose and those big lips. Not talking about those ridiculous ears. She have a weird arab face, makes dick hard, I'm a french degenerate after all.
Zero fucks fiven
Fucking Aussie
Manufactured doesn't mean "fake". Popularity begets popularity, which is why her things sold.
>There is no real benefit in manufacturing popularity given the number of dumb whores out there.
That's exactly why you do it though; they're ALL dumb whores and you need to make one "seem popular" so she becomes popular. You can throw anyone in the spotlight with enough marketing behind them and they can become a celebrity.
Uhhhh, hello, ever heard of a thing called ethnic cleansing? Stupid leaf.
It's weird, but I have a fetish for people who look like they're from the Middle East/West Asia. I think it stemmed from my sexual frustration from almost hate-fucking this one hugely SJW commie Israeli-Palestinian girl back in school.
This shit goes in cycles. I remember when Faye Reagan was still Faye Valentine an the biggest new thing. Then we got Amia Morrieti who became Amia Miley and was the next big thing. Rinse and repeat.
It's post-colonialist fetish bro, I suffer from it too with magrhebis girls.
LOL! Yeah right ratzi that will become a thing. Hahah
But I don't follow you on the hate-fuck thing. I want to love-fuck them ;.;