Why does the left have such sympathy for someone are horribly as Fidel Castro, yet have such great hatred for Donald Trump?
Why does the left have such sympathy for someone are horribly as Fidel Castro...
I wonder if Americans in Guantanamo Bay gave Castro some protips on more effective forms of torture.
what makes you say that?
why do Sup Forums like hitler?
because everyone else hates him
>muh human rights
its bad enough when the left pretends to give a shit about human rights, dont be a cuckservative and try to out-bleeding heart libs
Because he gassed the kikes or he fought to strengthen the white race.
Talcum X was all over Castros dick.
I was simply referring to their blatant hypocrisy. They treat Trump like garbage yet Fidel is a saint.
The real reason is that Castro was a Zionist and a leftist and thus the Jewish media elevates him. If he was anti-Israel he would be seen as a brutal dictator like Assad.
idk why they are hypocrites
Fidel was based. Fuck the globalists and fuck Cuban exiles.
wtf i hates cucks now
Fidel Castro represented freedom from poverty and oppression.
Now we can argue about all the bad things that happened under those regimes. Lack of freedom and opportunities. Lack of individual and self determination. Oppressive regimes that killed many people even if we exclude Mao and Stalin (who i would argue are more facist then Communist) there were bad elements and no one can or should denie that.
Fidel Castro was a complex like any human being and at the end of the day that is all he was. At the moment alot of people are saying he was a monster or a saviour. To alot of people he was both. But atm people are saying "better dead then red" "the only good commie is a dead commie". I know that feeling like that when Margaret Thatcher died with people playing "ding dong the witch is dead" it is wrong and disrespectful. I'm guilty of it but i know it is wrong.
Marxist-Leninist communism is over and communism hasn't universally changed since the Gorbachev era. Though that type of communism was different to the kind we know of and yet we don't talk about it. China and Cuba changed and became more open because of changes by the Gorbachev. Fidel changed with the times.
R.I.P. Fidel Castro. History will absolve you.
Notice how that very romance is also given to someone up north, too?
Bc Castro achieved what liberals want to do
Because he is one of their own. The so-called left or "regressive" left or progressives... whatever you want to call them... they're sociopathic Marxist collectivists. They can't wait for that revolution to happen any day now and they don't care how much blood is spilled so long as they gain ultimate control to carry out their will unopposed. They will not entertain alternate opinions or perspectives or ideas contrary to the will of the Marxist collective. They're not human when you think about it. Something is missing. As if the normal duality of the self is missing a half.
Just spoiled 1st worlders thinking they know shit about 3rd world hellholes like always.
Same reason why frogs like Chavez and Maduro.
They look nothing alike. Work on your memes faggor
Dont ever try to compare based Castro with cuckdeau
>kill all homos & hiv carriers
ok m9s
Fuck your (hitler's) imaginary idea of the "aryan white race." And lastly stop being a fucking retard.
I honestly like Castro despite being a hardcore reactionary capitalist. The guy was a nationalist more than anything, and I can respect what he did even if he wasn't perfect. Comparing him to the rest of Cuba's dictators and I would say he did alright.
If Cuckdeau ever saw a gun he would shut his pants
Castro fought a civil war, fucked CIA bitches and smoked habanos 24/7
desu, Batista was a piece of shit and Castro a leftist piece of shit.
choose your poison, user.
? are you okay friend?
Stupid gringos, he's as much of a nationalist as Chavez was. They only pretend to be because it gets them power and money. A true nationalist wouldn't run their country to the ground while filling their pockets with cash.
Because libcucks don't actually give a shit about the end results of anything. They don't actually hate hitler for WW2 and muh holohoax. If they did, they'd also hate communists just as badly as fascists.
No, the idea that they hate Hitler/Trump/etc is solely based on the fact that they themselves are leftwing and anything right-wing is the enemy and must be destroyed. Likewise, anyone also on the left must be propped up no matter what.
Wow so great makes you wonder why 2 million Cubans fled the country risking their lives floating to Florida
Their openness in praising a bloodthirsty dictator is a good thing, now you know exactly who is undeserving of mercy in the coming civil war
>Fuck your (hitler's) imaginary idea of the "aryan white race." And lastly stop being a fucking retard.
Calm down user, its not my idea. Was just saying that seem to be the popular opinion of Hitler on Sup Forums
that hair
Its definitely possible. Didn't Fidel have like 10 illegitimate kids or something?
And that nose.
WOW nice cuban achievos. Must feel so proud having gotten a whopping 10 of them.
>Women hold nearly half of the parliamentary seats in the national assembly
>first country to sign and the second to ratify discrimination against women convention
Doesn't really mean shit when 7/10's of your entire female population is in extreme homeless-tier poverty.
>First country to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV
"We did it Jamal, we have... "neutralized" the gays... and saved Cuba!"
>99% literacy rate
If only we could send literal reading brigades to knock on people's doors to forcibly teach everyone without a high school degree to read, fixing the illegal immigrants weight of of illiteracy in America... oh wait that would be racist to assume they are the biggest issue.
>unemployment rate of 2.7 percent
Yes I'm sure that $15 USD really hits the spot.
There's a reason they die just trying to touch American clay.
$15 USD a month*
>Free education
How many people got killed for that one?
First of all, "the left" isn't one person. Second of all, many Americans who call themselves leftist are opposed to Fidel Castro at least in part.
Actual Cubans who fled Cuba
>holy shit I'm so glad Castro is dead
>was such a revolutionary leader
The cognitive dissonance is too real
Good post
That's complete bullshit.
>mother-to-child HIV transmission
Can you read?
If they love Cuba so much why did their countrymen hate them so much? You are basically defending the Caribbean equivalent of the wealthy Jews who escaped from Hitler's Germany. They fucking deserved what they got.
Wepale compatriota!
Mandela was a piece of shit too, just wasn't as overt as Castro. Plus he's a nigger whose life work was complaining about white people so of course he's a hero.
Remember how, for awhile, all the full retard left rags were urging readers to take note of everyone they know that is still a Trump supporter in spite of all the sexism/racism/whatever? Lotta impotent rage in the libfag crowd, you gotta know that they fantasize about murdering you in a mass shooting several times a day
>If my daddy likes this
>I like that
Teenage rebellion
Not enough, judging by the number of Cubans in South Florida.
SJW's always project. They fully believe in this idea that the individual can and should be sacrificed for the common good, and whether they realize it or not their ideal leader would act like Castro. He would be a strongman and he would take out or genocide the opposition. They think this is what we want too. Our idea of the "greater good" is very different from theirs so when one of our people gets elected they have a very real fear that they're going to be sacrificed or targeted. This is why they really believe that Trump will put them into concentration camps, because they know, if they had the power, that's what they would do.
They don't seem to feel that way under big ears.
He's not the ideal leader for the left though.