Have some Tweets, gents.
Equal rights equal responsibility
>These cocksleves dont realize this is the equality theyve been fighting for
I want to point out that I didn't intentionally pick a lot of black women, they just happen to be yelling the most.
White women will have more babies
Most of them would rather there not be a draft at all, instead of 'just men'
>woke femme bottom
i want off this ride
>close the pay gap!
>hard jobs? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Next thing you know, they will be letting faggots in.
>queer friendly Quaker meeting
WHy the fuck can't someone invade our country already.
>they just happen to be yelling the most.
With each one getting increasingly louder and increasingly shrill just to be heard over one another ...
You dont want to know user
hahah came here to say the same shit
This isn't news.
Everyone knows sheboons are the most uppity of women.
Women don't belong in the millitary. i can see them being nurses in the safer areas, but that's about it
wow lad
Jesus Christ, you faggots need a massive genocide.
this weakens the military and i am not in support of it
This issue is what killed the ERA. And they are basically on the side Phyllis Schlafly was on. That's pretty funny.
Fuck this is hilarious. It's the definition of equality and they reject it.
Some days I wonder if I have the right thoughts and ideology about all this and then I see this shit and I know I'm right.
Lol, the butthurt is real, 2016 can't get any better.
This was my take away as well.
"why we need a draft anyway? just send who wants"
holy shit, why are those people allowed to breed?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
They say that now in order to virtue signal and not look like hypocrites. If they actually cared when it was just men, why didn't they make the draft one their main talking points before it was applied to women?
They get locked up if they dont sign up for selective service within two years but they dont know that lel
I'm against it, but not gonna lie, sides would be destroyed watching YouTube videos of blue-haired snowflakes crying while getting their heads skint in the induction barber chair
No problem, just let the government take care of your kids while your in the draft.
Crippled yourself by purposely putting yourself into a wheel chair?
Now you're just being ableist.
>niggers draft dodge and move out of country
>country becomes primarily white
sounds good to me.
Women would just ruin any war we fight anyway
>they can apply for a job while pregnant
>they can go to war while pregnant.
There's always abortion.
Still waiting on them to move to canada
>final redpill
>women are naturally parasites
You have many, many redpills to go, kiddo. Only when you understand the nature of Yin and Yang will you understand Man and Woman
So women don't sign up for the draft when they sign up for FAFSA?
>equal responsibility
Damn fucking sexist
and the embryos go into the stemcell bank
>WHy the fuck can't someone invade our country already.
Give us time. Working on it.
fucking niggers, I would love to be American. I love the US, fucking disgusting black cunts don't know how lucky they are to be born in the greatest nation on earth, it actually infuriates me
Bring it China nigger.
what did he mean by this?
We're used to how niggers act, it doesn't really phase me anymore.
We like Brits though, so you're always welcome. Just avoid any ghettos.
Literal who?
Kinda hope there's a draft after it's confirmed so they can all get equality like they want desu. Or so they can leave this country permanently and move to canada.
what did she mean by this?
I just came in your shitty thread to say that, cheers
feminism: equality until things get HARD
prayer requests pls God knows what's up k thnx :'(
>toy enthusiast
look at this little snowflake
Oh I just noticed this bitch is in Toronto LMFAO
I've fucking hated the draft since I was a child.
If you're fighting in a war and you need to force your people to fight, you shouldn't be fighting it anyway.
hahahaha Amerikkka amirite?
Fuck these idiots
You're an idiot and still a child.
he's a young goyim
>logical argument against the equality of the sexes
>used as a "gotcha"
I don't get it. Is the joke that her stepdad is a degenerate stoner animal?
blaming Trump on this, and her bio, check it.
>Feminist fight for suffrage
>Dont want responsibilities that come with it
>Muh feminism is about equality! Muh patriarchy!
Top Kek, reality must suck when it finally hits them.
FUCK Trump and FUCK white people
Why is twitter a thing?
I need an American to explain this to me. You're the only country that really uses it for anything seriously and it's a fucking joke. Just nuke it.
Can you imagine a draft today? Dragging all the stinking NEETs and nu-males and party boys out onto the field? Telling them to fight for something that is an abstraction to them? More officers would be shot in the back than in the front.
>toilets reek of menstrual blood
>9/10 will experience shoulder injuries
>physicals and activities are less than 35% what is required for male recruits
>multiple daily reports of "bullying" and "discrimination"
>general disjointedness within companies
Its slowly dying. I personally cant wait for that day. But it is good fun trolling leftys on it.
I don't use it, I browse it at times like this. And false, lots of asians use that shit, in fact
>Twitter is an international powerhouse, with 79 percent of its users living outside the US.
>she thinks the War on Terror was an actual, physical conflict and not an abstract conflict like the War on Drugs or the War on Poverty
brb puking
>I'm literally quaking rn
actually that's not fair, Quakers are pretty cool
>that image
>rune dagger
>using melee in mystic
>Australia BTFO
Well I stand corrected. I guess not many people from where I am are concerned about it and thag influenced my views on that.
Still, it's a fucking cancer
why are blogs a thing?
why is livejournal a thing?
why is myspace a thing?
why is facebook a thing?
why is twitter a thing?
why is instagram a thing?
why is vine a thing?
why is pinterest a thing?
It's called fads, my foreign friend.
heh, I didn't know either, was quite surprised to see that stat. I was waiting to be dissapointed and having it end up US is cucked to twitter, but it worked out.
Vine was, is, and forever shall be fucking idiotic.
Whoa, friendo, that _based_ ally is Woke. He's probably in Anonymous!
Nah see Facebook can serve a purpose. For a lot of people it recconects them with old friends and still gives celebrities and the like a platform. Twitter just seems to be a way to get people into trouble and censor anyone who doesn't fit into your ideals. Not saying Zuckerberg is much better but at least Facebook has some sort of function.
>Everyone who fights in a war should be a volunteer :DDDDDDDDDDD
These fucking people. If you're not willing to defend your country in a time of war, get the fuck out.
Twitter serves a very important purpose. It moved a lot of the posts-about-every-goddamn-thing people to a containment site and let Facebook go back to being posts longer than a dog's dick.
old menstrual blood smells so fucking rank, its an absolutely a wonder any man would naturally feel like fucking a vagina
"Equal does not mean the same"
what did she mean by this Sup Forums ???
kek im reading the AP replies too.
This thread is gold wish I had time to shit up twitter with #draftourdaughters
>we don't want to get pigeon holed into the typical female stereotype of having babies and a family!
>war???? no i wanna make babies!!
Just a reminder, this is Kek's doing.
Praise Kek.
Mrs. "ph.d." does have a point with the last bit. Women really ought to stay at home to breed future warriors.