Democratic president: gun sales rise

> Democratic president: gun sales rise
> Republican president: gun sales rise
> Mass shooting: gun sales rise

WTF America?

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We love guns

They are the physical form of freedom

It's not enough until every adult citizen owns at least one firearm. Ideally open carry would be legal nationwide, what a polite society that would be.

We like guns.

Why are you a pussy?


every man and even women and children should know how to and have the means to defend themselves

I actually want a assault musket now

We love guns, and really look for any reason we can to buy more guns.

gun sales wont go down until the people are sure the borders are secure and muslim rapefugees are stopped from importation

Does anyone else conceal carry on the job and not tell anyone else in the office

some people go out for drinks, some go for sushi, americans buy guns.

>yo user, it's happy hour at the lock, stock, and barrel, you comin?

>Democratic president: "They're going to take our defense away so better stock up"
>Republican president: "The dems are angry again are are rioting, better get more security from these loons"
>Mass shooting: "It's dangerous out there, particularly in 'gun-free zones', the stupid government will use this as an excuse to make the whole country a 'gun free zone', better stock up"

Are you a faggot or something?

It's what we do.

Meanwhile, muslims can rape and kill and they are protected....

Why is the American murder rate so high?

(I obviously know why, I want to see the mental gymnastics)

Because we can't own bald eagles. Hasn't been an eagle ceremony in ages.

>When you forget the Canadian Proxy

If you don't want to buy a means of defending yourself, then fine. But trying to restrict that with everybody is unethical and unconstitutional.

Go to Canada if leftist authoritarian policies are your thing.

It's a guy thing. You wouldn't understand.

>Why is the American murder rate so high?

You never do learn, do you piers?

>lets compare countries with 400k people to one with 320 million people

How many of those white homicides were white on non-white?

guns are good for murder and we have a lot of guns. But that's not all they're good for.

>Carbine gas on rifle length barrel

You done fucked up, son.

I have never seen the source for this 2.5 number. When I've done estimates of my own, I come up with around 1.2-1.8 depending on how you do it.

its' best solution to any "shooting", i think any guns should be legal.

op's pix, one less victim of dindu nignog niggin nuffinz.

safe lad.

Not DI system. Piston nail driver.

Smith & Wesson Stock on Election Day.


>UTG rail
>Cheap red dot mounted on the rail instead of the receiver
>Offset iron sights, no magnification
>Light mounted at 8 o'clock position


Have a nice plate of guns

An unarmed American is not a real American.

Tell me a problem that guns can't solve.

>bad thing happens: gun sales rise
>bad thing happens: gun sales rise
>bad thing happens: gun sales rise

Don't see a problem here, just people exerting a right that they have to the point where they'll keep it.

nice (((source))), you fucking wanker faggot cunt

Time to invest in GUNS!

perfect for all growing boys

What the fuck happened?

I can explain this to you in two words: White Hispanics.

Nah, US is more like
>bad thing happens: gun sales rise
>good thing happens: gun sales rise
>nothing happens: gun sales rise

>Homicides per 100,000 population

What's the problem?

The countries with smaller pops are more homogeneous, compare a state like Vermont to Denmark for crimes.

Well now I know how to cheer up poor Estonia bro who was thinking his country is irrelevant. I am sure they can top the list if they really try.

hispanics aren't white

go to back facebook with that liberal bullshit. you fucking cucks are cancer

So let's say the entire murder rate is due to our love of guns and committed using them vs. Japan and their few murders by deliberate blowfish poisoning.

So we kill about 5 more folks for every 100k. 320M people or so total = 16k/yr more than radioactive Japan. We also know that 700 of them were in Chicago this year, or 4.4% right there. Somewhere around 13k or so folks are killed every year in falls/accidents as a comparison.

It best to think of it as simply a small cost to exercise a true freedom, paid mainly by inner-city niggers and criminals.

niggers. most murders are committed by them. take the niggers out of the equation and the US no longer has a crime problem nor does it have an education problem.


And people wonder why we don't have as rampant gun crime over here.

Dem pres: gun sales rise because of the inevitable gun grab
Rep pres: gun sales rise because of the inevitable dem chimpout
Mass shooting: gun sales rise because of the inevitable Dem chimpout aiming to instigate a gun grab. Expect crates of .22LR to go missing at this point. Stay away from /k/.

exactly, nothing but an immense drag on society

If you don't own a gun in America then your gay... and not the good kind of gay.

Literally niggers

Niggers. That really made me think..

To be entirely fair there was a point where they were lifting themselves up and integrating. Then some asshole gave the lazier ones the idea that they can just play victim and gets the gibemedats.

The problem is that the left bought into their victimhood and never called their bullshit out. So it just became self perpetuating.

Which is why it is no surprise when they got so shocked that there were genuine blacks that voted for Trump. If I were them I would be sick of getting associated with niggers too.

Pic related.

> per 100,000 population

American education everybody

I'm going to a big gun show in Phoenix this weekend and I'm going to find a gunsmith to make that tactical musket, I've grown tired of my other toys.

And its women driving this surge of new sales and permits. How does it feel to know Liberals went too far and are losing the female demographic too?

>OP fucks his mother: sun rises in the East
>OP fucks his father: sun rises in the East
>OP cuts off his own penis with gardening shears: sun rises in the East

WTF astronomy?

>Go to Canada if leftist authoritarian policies are your thing
That'd be Australia, they have more liberal authoritarian policies than any other anglo country desu.

Leafs own a lot of guns too, 40% of our population owns guns legally (though it's estimated another 15%-20% own guns illegally), bringing us up to roughly 60% gun ownership compared to your 70%ish.

Heterogeneity. Very small countries are likely to be highly uniform in education, resources, region, and culture.

I don't know, that tripod and scope might add a little more deadliness. These things will group past 50 yards despite what everyone thinks. Also, that bayonet is a blade, not just a spike, it's going to give you a nastier wound channel.

I'm probably autistic.

Sadly this. I can't even have a civil discussion about the issue over here because leftists have poisoned the water so much. It is all just feelings and rhetoric about not becoming America because they have been fed so much bullshit.

The smart and true blue aussies knew to bury their guns when Johnny came grabbing.

If I were the PM of Australia I'd make gun ownership compulsory. Nobody should ever have to fend off toilet seat scorpions unarmed.

You might joke, but the rural Australians are the ones who most immediately need guns for many demonstratable reasons, but the government just won't listen. No matter what bullshit compromise or work around we come up with. They just ban that shit too. It is fucking pathetic.

Thankfully the shooter party is still a thing and ever so slowly working its way in.