hello fellow anons,
I'm a Sufi muslim (bektashi order).
I'm a half Albanian (mums side) and half english (dads side).
I'm a dude.
I'm 21 years old and i live in the UK.
ask me anything! :)
hello fellow anons,
I'm a Sufi muslim (bektashi order).
I'm a half Albanian (mums side) and half english (dads side).
I'm a dude.
I'm 21 years old and i live in the UK.
ask me anything! :)
Do you hold dual citizenship?
What do you think of Greeks?
>This is now a qawwali thread.
This is a popular Sufi Kalam by Bulleh Shah. Video features a Whirling Dervish as well.
When are you leaving?
>muslim in the UK
This is why UKanons are called ahmed. You and your criminally inclined folk are far too overrepresented. Remember that you will never truly be a member of the anglosphere.
fuck off, ahmed
Says the Amerifat as he pays for his subscription to Blacked.com, stuffing cheese puffs and guzzling Mountain Dew.
Did you know?
i guarantee i'm in better shape than you, mehmet
And? Your point? Morality is socially constructed. People in the past have done the same, predating Muhammad. It wasn't an issue then.
pics or gtfo
>include timestamp
Never trust the Muhammadan. Their only goal is to convert to so as to enslave you in the service of their totalitarian religion. They're little ideological shape shifters.
muslims deserve to be eradicated from the earth
How does it feel to rudely gatecrash and ruin a community with your fucked up death cult?
lmao. dyel?
>defending slimes
Islam is a theocratic totalitarian system. It is said in koran 12:40 that legislation belongs only to Allah, which is to say not to the people, or the crown, or the Christian god, or rooted in natural law, or utilitarianism, etc.
The source of the law is a man who hallucinated an angel.
I'm only a Brit citizen
I don't know, probably when I have enough money to move to Singapore
Fuck off mohammed abdullha.
Why would we discuss with a subhuman.
Muhammadan consciously decide to enable pedophilia, to put your children at risk.
does esotericism still exist in North Africa
>thinking you can have any sort of decent discussion on nu/pol/ other than talking about jacking off to Trump
Are you new, OP?
Your kind is being bred out of existence.
How will you stop White Genocide user?
you can always return to reddit
do you unironically believe this? (see pic).
Muhammadan systematically try to invade places the infidels build up so as to suck their blood dry, parasitize on their women, profit from the naivete of the local people.
how can a malay get into the UK? im going to be sent back soon and i want to know how easy it is to get back to a developed country like US or UK
do you share his opinion?
It's easier to just stay here, since reddit and Sup Forums are the same thing now.
and his?
kill yourself you slime faggot
Muhammadan have declared war on the whole of humanity the moment it was created. There is never peace with a Muhammadan, and nothing that you may do to one is immoral.
None of these are questions guys :) great memes tho
do you support the syrian mercen-- I mean, rebels?
you should start tripfagging
eat shit, slime
was this the right choice of actions in your opinion?
Muhammadan always wage jihad, only in different ways. They use propaganda, deception, victim narratives, proselytism, intimidation and violence.
im half chink half native, im a christian too i swear im not a muslim
i speak good english too man, why u have to be mean i actually want to live in a better place
>slimes killing slimes
In that case, let the invasion of Europe take its course. Your're on the losing side of history, bruv. Muslim Majority countries in Europe by 2070.
then come here legally or work to make malaysia a better place (lmao)
are they right?
You spelled Jews wrong.
To be fair, the wishes of those people who are outside of a given country and aren't citizen are utterly irrelevant to the host country.
is he right?
I doubt it. I'm not arguing for for the outright pogrom of Muhammadan, because that would be illegal, I'm just saying that they have no soul, that they carry their own misery with them, that their victory is their own damnation, as they then cannot live under the tutelage of better forms of society, that they will never escape themselves, and that they have to spill their excess frustration on all other people on earth because of how miserable they make themselves.
Are they human? Are they people?
Fuck off you stupid spastik nigger. Go be a mudslime in a sand dune where you belong and take your dumb fairy tales with you.
holy fuck muslims are retarded,do they actually believe this shit
And then op disappeared.
The hadiths are pretty stupid.
Muhammadan, if they are to follow the examples of the first adherents of their cult, are enjoined to kill their own family members if they turn against their sect.
Nope I'm a Sufi, don't believe in any of that stuff.
ye it will never be if i have to live there i am literally going to kill the prime minister , screen cap this
I'm not from Pakistan I'm from half Albania half England (Albania is next to Greece)
You do.
Yeah I don't really believe in sharia law, I'm sorry but I'm not the guy to ask on that, I'm a Sufi. For sharia you'd have to ask someone like a conservative Sunni or a wahabbi
That's your opinion, but having a certain religious view doesn't make you a subhuman :). Even satanists are still humans.
I don't know I'm not from North Africa, I'm from Southern Europe and from north Western Europe. I'm not the person to ask for that info in afraid, sorry.
Well my mum got into the UK since she was married to my dad, And she's a dentist. So I'm assuming fairly easy if you have skills to offer and are married to a Brit. If you have low skills then I'm afraid it could be a bit more difficult.
The Muhammadan always says what he needs to say for his particular audience. If he needs to deny the existence of Shariah in order to attract you, he will.
No I don't. I don't support any violence in any form. I'm a Sufi, I'm not a salafi or wahabbi. Would you like me to tell you the difference between the sects in the faith? I wouldn't mind, kinda bored.
Muhammadan do not have the obligation to wage war against the unbelievers provided others do it for them.
Sufism is anti-violence user, my opinion on it is that I'm completely against it.
Sorry can't read squiggly, faggot.
Utter and complete lie. See
How long before islam undergoes much-needed reformation?
If I tell you I don't believe in something then i don't lmao I can't just say you think the earth is a pyramid shape.
You can escape the obligation for violence by relying on others to do it for you.
Sahih international I think that's Hadith. I don't believe in the Hadith. That's kind of half/half among the community desu, because there's so many fake ones.
I do believe in the Quran, but more as historic and not literal, like how Christians read the bible.
Never gonna happen. Too much of it is rooted in stark authoritarianism with only a small minority of moderates that are willing to reform.
You can't reform if you're only 10% or so. The other 90% will get you.
Fuck, just look at a Turkey as a prime example, they tried to reform and modernize but the white ottoman rape babies were overrun by all the fucking arabs.
That's why Sufis are kinda based. They don't take the Qur'an literally and they focus on mysticism and meditation.
I'm not trying to convert people to Islam. I'm just answering a few questions that people might have, since most people on this board rarely have contact with Sufi Muslims I figured I might aswell.
From my limited understanding, reformation could only happen under a caliphate, and a caliphate is what everyone is afraid of allowing, for obvious reason. It's a catch-22.
Al-Gazali was a sufi and violent maniac. So were the "spiritual guides" who agitated in favor of various invasions of India. They're all insane and the sufi meme does not in any way free the Muhammadan from the obligation of the Shariah. I don't know where this shit comes from.
There is no such thing as a based Muhammadan.
Dude I appreciate you doing the research but that isn't referring to my sect. I agree with you that there are Muslims out there who do believe in some crazy shit, but not my sect. Trust me you'd probably prefer all muslims to be Sufis rather than wahabbis lol
Call to Islam is a religious obligation for the Muhammadan. There is no reason to believe that you would tell the truth, that you would simply decide to waste your time answering questions out of the goodness of your heart.
Muslims always try to convert those they enter into contact with.
Do you drink? How liberal are the conventions for lifestyle choices in your sect?
I tolerate a big fat zero form of Muhammadanism since the Koran implies the Shariah.
Al-ghazzili was a fucking idiot, he is hated by a lot of people. He said that mathematics was of the devil and killed liberal Islam at the time. He was what Hilary Clinton was to the democrats. A sell out to the conservative Sunni clerics who at the time had the majority.
I don't know exactly how liberal it is but yes I do drink and occasionally smoke weed. But I don't eat pork. Personal preference, a few of my friends do though.
Dude. Shariah law was made by a group of old bastards in the 1200's fuck them and fuck any retard who believes it.
I despise shariah and the Hadith.
The point stands: sufism does not imply disbelief in the Shariah.
nice skirts
The Koran explicitly enjoin the Muhammadan to go to him in order to resolve their dispute. It commands Muhammadan to wage war against he unbelievers, to impose taxes on them, to impose taxes on themselves, to enact punishment for criminal activities.
All of those things are indicative of a political component in Islam, and this only in the Koran. The Maliki collection of hadith is prior to that of Bukari.
I have no intention of converting anyone here, I came here knowing id probably be riddiculed simply for mentioning "Muslim". But that's OK as long as atleast 1 person learns something about my sect which isn't known a lot, the news prefers to report on nasty sects like wahabism (indirectly making them more powerful and I don't know why they do this).
Thanks :)
Could you please convert the rest of your Muslim brothers to your branch of Islam? Sufis are almost bro tier. Your music is badass too.
Right, but I read the Quran the same way a Christian reads the bible. I view that stuff as historic and incompatible to modern times.
The main thing in Islam is the 5 pillars. No matter what sect, all agree on these.
We're trying friendo :) the media hates us for some reason though. Saudi owned news companies brainwashing people into thinking extremist head-choppy wahabism is better than human tornadoes Sufism :D
>I don't know why they do this
sensationalism sells soap
If Islam is nothing more than the five pillar then the Koran is borderline useless. This interpretation would make a mockery of many verse, especially those which enjoin Muhammadan to do X-Y-Z, on top of being a wholesale condemnation of the quasi totality of Islamic history and Islam jurisprudence.
Islam still allows polygamy, still ban pork for not reason, alcohol for no reason, gambling for no reason, allow slavery while claiming to be moral, describes Muhammad as being a good example to follow, etc.
There's no there there for the Muhammadan except a sense of uniqueness out of being a member of this sect which is so abhorent it takes a certain amount of spiritual discipline to tolerate being part of it.
Muhammadan are all vermin. When "moderate" they merely provide cover for disgusting moral act, vacuous spiritual teachings ether wholly fabricated after the fact or highly inflated when directly lifted from the Koran, on top of providing indirect support of theocratic totalitarianism.
I don't really know how to prove to you that I don't believe in it, other than just tell you, I don't believe in it.
But, your point is again assuming that I read the Quran literally, when I explained for pretty much everyone in my sect it's a historical book. Or viewed as such, the definition of "Muslim" is "one who follows Islam" and Islam means "submission to God" that means that you believe in one God, the same God of Abraham and Moses etc. (While also accepting Mohammed as a final prophet)
That's it. We can debate mohammeds character for Eons but what we believe is that he never raped/had child brides/etc. We view him as a Jesus figure but also we say "he was just a man, he wasn't perfect" so that means even you have the chance to be better. He was just a man.
As kids we were taught 1) give charity (2.5% of your wealth annually) 2) do prayers 3) do fasting 4) accept God 5) optionally do haj.