also propose future possibilities and then make your leftist statement
ITT: We larp as lefties who hate Trump
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
The wall is built
>Why did he have to make it sooo bigggg. Compensating much???
>This is totally stupid. All hispanics need is larger ladders. They can even just fly over it ffs.
>Can you BELIEVE all the taxpayer money that had to be wasted by the mexicans to build this?
>Hey girls, if we strip naked in public, then men will stop objectifying us and we'll finally be treated as equal!
sorry but I would only rape someone attractive
Could you actually rape her and get away with it since her sign is proof of consent
white america elected a RACIST as president
Wait, so if someone actually raped her, would it count as consent? I mean, she is literally asking for it.
I only rape in self defense
inb4 still not asking for it
North Korea is liberated from dictatorship with the help of Russia & China
>Of course we would attack a minority country.
>What are these people supposed to do now without someone to tell them what to do?
>good job americans. What's the next step, building a wall on the south border?
I don't rape ugly girls.
Also a am pretty sure that sign would make it consensual
Guys I'm literally shaking for weeks please help!!! My wife's son jamal is still crying to!!! :(
Hey guys i know this is weird but, how about we campaign for the average, every-day, working class Americans, and try to talk more about the fiscal irresponsibility of the elites in Hollywood and Wall Street!
A non-profit run by Ivanka discovers the cure for breast cancer
>He just wants to end Breast Cancer Awareness! He's gonna get us all killed!!!
He's saying that the topics themselves might be retarded but they usually can accidentally spark an interesting discussion. Pretty sure that's why the mods keep them up.
i know i said larp, but youre really stretching it here
That's just an excuse for her to have sex
> being that desperate to have sex