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Why does the media keep talking about a president elect Trump, then?
Is the media lying to me?
She "won" in the same way that I beat Usain Bolt in the race to my mailbox this morining. He wasn't ware of this race and it wasn't actually real, but I got there before he did, so I won.
> what is the Electoral College
my god are we going to have to deal with these bait threads for 8 years?
She won the game nobody was playing. does she yell out "Uno!" while playing poker as well?
all from commiefornia
It's current year and I still have to listen to retarded leftists whine about how George Bush 'stole' the 2000 election You're going to have to hear them whine about this for the rest of your life.
This. The stupid cunt couldn't even strategize to
hillary only won like 37 counties out of 3000 lmao
Good thing we have a system where we don't all have to accept whatever California wants.
An estimated 3 million Illegals voted. So, she won in zero categories
>Good thing we have a system where we don't all have to accept whatever most of America wants.
Lol I hope that popular vote win keeps you safe and warm at night for the next 4 years. Remember to hug it tight when your feeling bad every time a Ted Cruz is picked for the Supreme Court
Fuck the Rust belt states.
Fuck you
He would have crushed her in a popularity contest too, good thing he googled how elections work before starting campaign
>Shit all over white people
>This affects people in the rust belt who are not immensely wealthy and have to actually interact with minorities unlike the coast fags
>The rust belt goes red
>This is somehow surprising.
Please continue to double down on screaming racist at everyone and blaming all white people for things they didn't do, this result is not going to be uncommon.
Nobody won the majority. It means nothing
What exactly did she win? Amount of individual votes is not a contest in a United States presidential election, so it cannot be won.
Trump voters - farmers, factory workers, military, and gun owners
Hillary voters - college students, niggers, chinks, and spics
He actually has 60,000 more votes than her
That's not updated and all the votes haven't been counted yet.
Stay retarded.
Corona B5254
>California has a massive population
>California has a massive illegal immigrant population
>California allows illegals to obtain drivers license
>California passes a bill that automatically signs up all people renewing or getting a drivers license for both local and FEDERAL elections
I'm not saying that all 2.5 Million are them, but fuck if that doesn't leave a massive problem at hand for regulating proper numbers on the popular vote side.
mfw in in one of those fucking counties hillary won and i have to hear people cry about it all the time.
Stupid question time!!!
Is the following true...
>California allows undocumented people to get drivers licenses under bill AB-60 (
Part of the Electoral College's purpose is to limit voter fraud to a single state's vote, instead of it affecting the whole national vote.
I say it has done its job well thus far.
Makes the Trump victory and Hilldawg tears all the more satisfying.
Moral Victory... Congrats
Makes the victory even sweeter desu
4 years, actually. Trump is going to get primaried harder than any candidate in history.
And over 4 million of those votes come from one state: Commiefornia. Scenarios like this only highlight the wisdom of implementing the Electoral College.
Looks like OP is a total retard who believes in the democracy jew.
Fuck OFF where are these votes even coming from Jesus fucking ridiculous
In theory, she can have as many votes as she pleases, she lost the electoral college, which is how you win elections.
Commiefornia, the state that let millions of Illegals vote
Remember that Illegal girl who got a 4.0 GPA and was bragging about getting a full ride?
>less than half
Holy shit, all you dumbass democrats are even stupider than we thought.
Good I hope it goes higher
Maybe then the fucking millennials will get in in their fucking skulls that we live in a democratic republic and not a fucking democracy
jeb bush 2020
1000 year reich nigga. Your grandsons will be falling for CTR bait with their NAVIs
Do you not remember the W era?
Yup. Strap in tight because they are never going to shut the fuck up.
I haven't heard this "argument" before. Tell me more
holy shit i didn't realize it was that bad til i (((fact checked))) just now. that's hilarious.
"Democracy". This country is a meme.
He'll be impeached long before that.
This should be living proof female leaders are always a disaster.
I think its technically a Constitutional or Representative Republic, but the fact that you put a word in front of Republic at all means you know more than 99% of them.
Here they are getting sent to jail like it's the new cool thing to do. Argentina. Brazil. Hopefully we won't have one ever again.
I know right. Most prefer me over Drumpf, and I will abolish the hacking voting system calling "Electoral College"
I cannot believe how alpha he got.
Did you drop out of school before 7th grade math?
You don't need to have over 50% of something to have a majority of it. You only need more than anyone else has.
Or he's like the rest of you millennial retards and learned it literally the day after the election to defend their candidate of choice.
And he's funny too. God damn I love Zac Effron.
It's amazing how people just magically forget what this word means just to make themselves feel better about their sore loss.
Yet libs will still hate on the electoral college and think a minority of the country should choose president. lmao
Do you know what "the electoral collage" is?
I wonder how butthurt Sup Forums would be if Trump won the popular vote by the same margin but lost the EC.
I would put my money on 100% butthurt, and probably several times more butthurt and violent than limpwrist liberals.
we are a board of peace thank you very much
Yeah that I'm just tired because the sun sets at 4:50 FOR SOME FUCKING REASON
fucking Jews, who the fuck thought this was a good idea
I think Hillary's little shimmy caused a draught somewhere.
Trump is fine and all but there is no way he will get re-elected
We all know he is an imbecile all in all, the only problem is that Hillary was much worse
Surely the democrats will get a better candidate by 2020, or maybe the republicans will have someone better. Shit, even Jeb would be better
Trump will only have a chance if he manages to be an amazing president during his 4 years, and let's be real here, the senate won't let him do shit, everyone there hates him
I gathered that from the earlier thread where people were vowing to hunt down the families of the 19 electoral voters who weren't going to vote for trump.
America is not a democracy you retard
I know that this is a shill, but I think there are some people that honestly do not understand this concept.
for what?
>not living in Arizona, the land of no daylight savings because of our heavy daylight surpluses
>19 electoral voters won't vote for Trump
Still not enough to make him lose, lmao
You have been schooled by this entire board.
They'd be replaced with voters that would do their job if they're supposed to vote trump :^) and yes, we're a peaceful board what you read here is satire newfriend.
Your sun sets at literally 5:20 today
Strategize to what user?
This is just like one of those candlejack thre
>Hue thinks he can into politics.
>Jeb who wasn't even on the top 5 on the primaries.
>muh three gorillion.
Die in a barnfire you kike.
even though im a libtard, i love this pic so much.
what the fuck was that guy trying to do? Landing in the bushes wouldn't have broken his fall that much.
Oh, you know. Maybe the Jane Doe who accused him of raping her when she was 13 will decide to pick up the trial again. Maybe he'll get sued for one of his various other misadventures and frauds. Maybe he'll try and impose some unconstitutional shit like jail sentences for flag burning.
You do know Trump is a huckster, conman, thief, rapist, racist and general criminal, right? He'll fuck up somewhere. America has given him a lot of rope, it's just a matter of when he'll hang himself.
I said that Jeb would probably be more competent than Trump, not that Jeb would be more likely to win the elections than Trump
>totally white guy thinks he can into reading comprehension
by the way tell the people in your country to LEARN HOW TO DRIVE
That sort of thing happens at the same time every year. I ask the scientists why but they just frown.
"""CIA"""SHILL detected
>Trump is fine and all but there is no way he will get re-elected
There is one, and only one, case in which Trump will NOT be reelected: If he fails to build at least a significant portion of The Wall.
You can beg. You can plead. You can disagree. But the fact of the matter is that The Wall is a real, tangible thing; and real tangible things have a much deeper psychological impact than ideas and feelings.
Also the Democrats have no party, and refuse to accept facts that would allow them to rebuild. House, Senate, Oval Office will be Red for at least 16 years if the Dems do not abandon identity politics and purge all known names from their committee.
he was aiming for the pool