>statue of liberty wearing a hijab
What did Marvel mean by this?
>statue of liberty wearing a hijab
What did Marvel mean by this?
is this a marvel liberal propaganda thread
walt disney is turning over in his grave
France has been super cucked by Muslims.
>yfw this is an actual page from a comic book
sucks, i read my dad's old comics from the 70s when i was a kid, guess ill give my kids those instead of having them indoctrinated by liberal retards who can barely draw
>why try to make fun stories about heroic characters when we can inject our personal, retarded political beliefs instead?
>this gay said mean shit on TV so he pretty much wants to genocide and enslave a bunch of races
>a bunch of unarmed folks, mostly women and children
The guy who's writing Captain America at least realized that Steve has more in common with us than them and are sending him off by making him a villain to be beaten up by New! Cap.
yeah, those are the only people fleeing from bad countries, havent u seen the pictures of syrian refugees entering germany? like 99.99999% women and children, bigot
>stupid white privileged bitch culturally white-splaining to a beautiful empowered young mudslime
You do realize those are mocking it? Ever heard of satire?
Super hero comics were always sjw trash. Didn't even like that shit as a kid because it was too preachy.
What does she do with those big fingers??
>captain america is literally hitler now, cuz he's old and white XD
>black guy saves the day, move aside white man your day is over
Do liberals even buy the comics or let alone read them?
>comic book company does nothing but inject liberal bullshit into their stories
This makes me glad I've only ever read DC
Some of them are good.
Oh man post the rest! I laugh so hard at the ending.
Oh fuck.
Hail Hydra!
>8 years of this asshurt
It's gunna be great.
>This makes me glad I've only ever read DC
Real ending here.
>not reading superior Superman comics
All this time I thought he was a bad guy... Guess not.
Forgot pic
>nobody's going to like, honor kill you?
That's a legitimate concern.
Has their animation quality gone down too?
This is incredible.
But seriously, who the fuck is the market for this retarded leftist horseshit? Normies don't buy comic books, nerds don't either aside from niche comics, SJWs don't buy them even if they are pandering to them and liberal nu-males get their capeshit fix from Jewllywood blockbusters. Is the self-hating Leftist neckbeard a la Andrew Dobson market really that profitable?
>Tfw Redskull was the good guy all along.
>women and children
Nits make lice.
Isn't that a niqab?
Don't live up to your reputation, man
Considering how much they are selling?
"No one" is the answer to your question.
>every vote counts!
>except those who oppose me.
The fucking hypocrisy drives me up the wall.
Britfags, how does it feel knowing your country's most patriot hero has been cucked by a Mudslime?
Oh the irony.
So she's anti-Muslim? I'm confused.
It means that Ms Marvel has completed it's transition.
What, as recently as a year ago, used to be the fun and endearing story of a fangirl-turned-superhero, struggling to find a balance between her family, her life, and her desire to protect the people she cares about while also trying to hold steadfast to her ideals in a grim and unforgiving world... has now degraded into YET ANOTHER crappy, by-the-numbers social justice mouthpiece written by white-knighting leftist faggots... like ALL of Marvel's IPs.
There's a reason why Marvel sales are in the shitter and why companies like Dark Horse, Image, and IDW are experiencing a new boom.
Pretty sure that would have her killed due to the pagan elements.
which one does dredd? dredd seems to do social commentary well
>But seriously, who the fuck is the market for this retarded leftist horseshit?
Leftists were never very good at accepting reality.
Based Frank "black and white filler, naked woman killer" Miller
>the Lasso compel truths but it can't stop mansplaining
So the truth is mansplaining?
Absorbing man said nothing wrong
They didn't think this one through.
That your liberty is being suppressed by muslims
It's not, Marvel's sales are plummeting except for the Punisher lmao
>hey kids, make sure to race-mix :^)
Hail fucking hydra
Are the writing secretly red pilled here or think this is genuinely a bad thing Red Skull is saying?
ok so you guys are the only children who take this seriously, they know you guys are brainlets and they know this will control you, good job on breaking out of their mind control designed for 8 year olds
Considering the how they pander so extremely carelessly and the how the Leftists and Beta's eat it up, I'd guess it's on purpose.
Honestly I'm not sure, I could see it as a writer being so obvious so as to warn those who are aware, but at the same time they're rackin in so much dough there's no way that the decisions they make aren't on purpose.
Based Carl Creel
This lefties writing red skull as evil and despicable as possible. really makes you think huh.
I thought this was a Sup Forums edit at first.
If it makes you feel better Marvels sales are tanking. They have been giving stores free issues of their comics (But they still get charged for the shipping) but it gets added to the "sales" chart to give the illusion that Marvel is doing well
Stores are having trouble even giving this shit away
Nah, people like that honestly really believe that wanting the country your forefathers fought and bled for to remain yours, to want the jobs that sustain your life to remain yours, and to want the culture that built the very foundations of your nation to retain some of its core values is actually a bad thing. A lot of these people have been indoctrinated into a deep self-hatred, and a hatred of their home country. Obviously they live in echo chambers to maintain the illusion that their bigotry and vile behavior is acceptable and normal, so when they churn out shit or paint civic nationalists as literal supervillains they actually believe that most normal (read "people who share my beliefs because I'm t-totally n-normal really!") people have similar views.
Marvel is miserable
I'm genuinely not sure actually.
I think DC technically owns the license, but last I can recall I think it's currently published under either IDW or one of the other smaller publishers.
mega cuckold fuck marvel... i want my 80s 90s marvel back
No... ironically they think that by putting any opinion they disagree with into the mouth of a skull-faced, baby-killing Nazi strawman, they'll instantly invalidate those opinions.
Instead they've just made the skull-faced, baby-killing, Nazi strawman into a more popular character by having him parrot what turned out to be actually more center-right talking points.
I'm a decent artist, and I've been wanting to make a comic page where the mythological Thor bashes this cunt's head open and takes back Mjolnir.
>have established character
>have him be a hound dog always chasing how women
>2010's come along
>'hey lets have him time travel to the future, and also he's a faggot now, because ITS [CURRENT YEAR
you should do it
Just do TrumpVengers instead where it's every villain Marvel has painted as literally totally Trump banding together to stop the decline of comics and quota filling marketing.
Thanks to Marvel's crapfest over the last two years, I finally broke my torrenting habit. :)
>im literally a superhero that can do anything i want
literally no self-awareness from these limp-wristed, victim complex ridden crybabies
>They couldn't just make Thor gay
>They couldn't just keep Captain America white
>They HAD to alter the races and gender of these two characters to have a white female get BLACKED despite it making no fucking sense
oh SHIT same! I won't even steal that faggoty shit anymore. ha!
Foolkiller is surprisingly good right now.
Dredd is owned by 2000AD. A weekly comic in England.
If I had the time and energy, I would probably start a bigger project like that, but at the moment it's just not viable.
You can't expect them to come up with original characters right? I wasn't even butt hurt with Captain America getting BLACKED, but making Steve Rogers a bad guy over and over now is getting old.
Start a kickstarter or patreon. Nah, just kidding, that shits for fags.
Jesus, how many different publishers has it gone through then?
>despite it making no fucking sense
it makes sense
all (non-racist) white women love black guys
anyway im done. ill always cherish the fun stories i read about these heroes as a kid, and the day dreaming i did after reading them. but whatever you call the work of the current liberal agenda propagating jews / weak-willed, self-hating, white apologist men is dead to me
I have a steady income and own my own house, which actually does give me the luxury of doing something like this further down the line, because I have nothing to lose. I don't work as an artist, so they can't really blacklist me or have me fired.
Well 2000AD created Dredd. The whole thing is England taking the piss out of America. It's why it's so over the top. It's had crossovers with DC and IDW are mostly licensed property comics so they pay 2000AD to make comics featuring Dredd
>be literal superhero with the power to save countless lives when it is your duty to selflessly put yourself in harms way
This shit is infuriating.
It all reads like a fanfic, white people aren't into it at all.
Boys of most races aren't into it all.
Even most women are into it at all.
Who are they selling to?
So these faggots create a black Spiderman, a black Captain America and a female Thor, all for the sake of virtue signalling, then the fucking characters themselves react negatively to the same virtue signalling. I'm guessing this absurd irony is lost on the creators, though.
>wait a minute, you're saying that the total momentum in a closed or isolated system remains CONSTANT?
>they tried to make her sound smart by having her challenge a very basic axiom of physics
To be fair Miles came out before all this pandering and is from the Ultimate universe. Peter was still alive and well in the main universe
You goys on Sup Forums give weebs a hard time but nothing the nips make is quite as bad as this. NTR certainly comes close.
Wait a minute, are you telling me two parallel lines will never intersect?!
For those saying "this is nothing" the government sponsored national broadcaster here in Oz (ABS) had an SJW spending a 1/2 hour or so slicking itself over "muh diversity' and "muh lesbian wonder woman" and condemning comics and media for being too white.