Is this any good? It sounds fun but I've heard people say it's just a three hour circlejerk.
Is this any good? It sounds fun but I've heard people say it's just a three hour circlejerk
Yeah its a bit of a circle jerk, but go listen to the two episodes where they have liberal reporters come on.
The thing that bothers me about TRS is none of them go on Sup Forums but just love to IRL meme our memes. A bit annoying.
Of course it's good. It's hilariously redpilled.
Yeah bro, I love the daily show with Trembling Shoah
it's good when they have a decent topic or guest
if it's a standard shitposting or current events episode it's listenable if pointless
Which episodes are those? That sounds amazing
It's amazing. Comfy. I don't agree with everything but they are the voice of our generation. One day they will be huge.
Yeah, it's pretty good shit. Nice mix of comedy and redpills. Don't really get what people mean by circle jerk. It's no more so than current year man or Jon Liebowitz. They bring people with opposing viewpoints on sometimes and have legit debates.
no, TRS are pro-gay, and they don't belong on Sup Forums
Half chan doesn't make any memes
Listen to it then, Sven. I know that's you faggot.
For now, it's only weekly: but eventually, it'll be daily.
Aren't TRS planning expansion?
Sup Forums is fucking cancer compared to TRS forums.... once you get an invite you'll understand.
freal what ep is that?
Pretty good overall.
If you wants something less shit-posty, Fash the Nation is something that's more serious and worth listening to.
I've been pining for an invite
I love the show
That's not true. They'll ban you on the forums if you come out as gay
How does one get an invite?
Eh. It's alright. If you are already Sup Forums then it's basically just preaching to the choir.
FTN and The Shoah are my two faves - recommend any others?
>not being Sons of The Old Gods
yep, this
I got mine directly from Mike Enoch on twitter. Just tweet to the TRS twitter account and see if you get lucky. Mike actually messaged me first because of some fashy shit I was tweeting about, and he checked my tweet history and shit. They don't invite kike shills so you need to have some kind of history to go off of.
you have to be fbi
It's fun. Of anything, listen to it for the spoopy autiste. Roland should seriously do some alt right version of stand up, if that ever becomes a thing. I'd love to see more goys owning comedy clubs.
Yea you're full of shit buddy, we ban nonwhites and faggots.
I like 88 minutes (Canadian one). If you're from the upper midwest or rural northeast you'll probably enjoy some of the comfy episodes about camping.
invite plz [email protected]
I can invite, but you need to link me to some kind of posting history so I can vet you.
I like the song parodies, funny af most of the time.
Ah. I tried going on the forum once and was puzzled why there didn't appear to be anything there. I already spend enough time online, so have a (you).
I got no invites at the moment user, sorry.
The elitist attitude of Sup Forums is hilarious. I love this site but it is 90% garbage
When it's good, it's very good. When it's not, it's 3 hours of meh.
FTN and shoah are the new Dr. William Pierce American dissident voices
I listened to Pierce's broadcasts on a regular basis until his passing in 2002
I wish there were older guys doing broadcasts like this, Dr. PIERCE was just based as fuck.
People under 40 doing these so called half-height broadcasts really use too many meme's in an attempt to be funny
Go to listen to some of Dr. Pierce's ADV broadcasts, he meant business and didn't need a sidekick or memes
>[email protected]
i got you senpai
Nice try TRS shill
Weekly Narative, and Darwin Digest for STEM fags
its for the average 19 year old newfag from Sup Forums who doesnt really know or care that much about politics, but likes le edgy maymays
hate to be a fucking grifter but 4pol fucking sucks ass and I would really appreciate an invite to the 504ums
Attached hate facts for validity
That, and the constant shilling. This place is just a shithole I visit for some good memes and the occasional anti-kike thread.
TRS is the shit. TDS and the War Room are my favorite.
not true they go on /pol sometimes
OP TDS is a fun show, it's fun if you like the topic, basically current news and White nationalism and memeing
I love it.
lmao what? trs forums are fucking dogshit and have been for the last year
invited, dont be a kike
>16 year old Redditfag detected
It's Sup Forums in podcast form. Same with Fash The Nation.
Thanks bud
This TRS forum hasn't even been open for a year you fucking kike.
You don't have access lol.
>leftists making shitty versions of ghoul's memes to counter signal TDS
Wow lad is a big fan
Do you have a Twitter or Discus?
Sure thing chief. Why dont you continue using their cringy vernacular and say things are "fashy" while youre stealing shitpost jokes from Sup Forums while youre at it?
If you like aussie shitposting The Convict Report is pretty good. They're a bit awkward though.
>He thinks Sup Forums still makes memes
Get the fuck out, faggot.
You don't even have access to the forums so how do you know what they are about?
What kind of self respecting Nat Soc would ban the likes of Ernst Rohm?
I actually gave them a listen on the way to work a few days ago, pretty good but I just have no fuckin idea about aussie politics so I felt kinda lost. Nobody shitposts like an ausbro though.
Name a thread in the General discussion category and prove you're there faggot
The Fatherland is cozy and funny, if you can tolerate the insecure cuck hosting it. The Young Hwytes is also funny, more shitposting than anything though.
I used to enjoy The Weekly Narrative, although it was like a weaker version of FTN, still a nice filler podcast which I've spent many laughing hours to. Shout out to The Convict Report too, even though it's mostly Aussie news I still find it interesting and entertaining.
>waaa stop not liking what I like!
Are you retarded? Its a fucking podcast, I listened to them so I obviously know their whole deal. I listened to them a while back to, way before all the newfags flooded in for the trump election. And before they started obviously shilling their shit here
TRS is mostly fascists not natsoc... natsoc will never work unless you have fascism first.
>The convict report
What I expected: a cross between TDS and knockoff.
What I got: low energy aussies discussing their countries non-issues for an hour.
Shut the fuck up Slug2_, or at least grow some balls so when people rightly accuse you of trying to dominate the conversation on every podcast you're on every goddamn time say something other than sorry
>it's just a three hour circlejerk.
jew: "objection! asked and answered."
jew judge: "sustained."
Oh your faggot ass was just referring to TDS not TRS. Okay so what exactly does TDS steal from Sup Forums?
It's great - good mix of politics and bantz. It's pretty much a white nationalist's Opie and Anthony.
Fash the Nation is pretty good, too. Jazzhands is a great presenter, but the other guy is very low energy and sounds like surfer bum.
The forums are great if you're a 1488'er. It's not full on Daily Stormer, but it's far more fashy than Sup Forums
It's 2/3 bantz, 1/3 informative posting, but they analyze things well and the humor is great. I'm a regular listener.
eh, TRS forums are alright. The main thing benefiting it is that its closed and not full of retarded newfags from reddit.
Sup Forums doesn't make the memes bruh. That'd be 2^3chan
It's redpilled opie and anthony. I'm not sure what the britbong equivalent is, but it's like a comedy morning radio show where they talk about current events and use it to segue into telling funny stories and shit. Take that and make it Sup Forums and there you go.
Look up "topographical evidence of maps" if you're just getting into it. It's a great episode where they lampoon all the bullshit surrounding Black History Month (February) in america.
>everyone who likes what I don't like is an edgy 19 year old newfag from Sup Forums who doesn't know anything about politics!
>wow, I can't believe they responded with hostility to my strawman and ad hom!
Fucking retard.
Bro Halberstram is the man lol, he's lower energy than Jazz for sure but I feel like he brings balance to the show.
I know, I was just shitposting. I don't actually get the total hate for fags though. If they aren't obnoxious flamboyant fags who cares? It isn't like these guys are signaling against heterosexual degeneracy so why pretend to be such puritans.
No one gives a fuck about canadian politics except to laugh at Trudeau saying something retarded. The fact that your country can even elect someone as ridiculous as Trudeau and the world continues on as normal is a testament to how irrelevant you are.
tbhfam, Canada should just be annexed and turned into a united states territory like puerto rico or guam. You can't vote and you can't just pour into the USA, but we also put our foot down to stop you from doing retarded shit to yourselves.
1. Paranormies
2. Rebel Yell
3. Book club
Top 5 shows on TRS imo
1. Knock off
2. Fash the nation
3. The daily Shoah
4. The fatherland
5. The war room (best intro)
ty fampai
it's not that good. mike and sven are godless heathens who don't realize atheism and judaism are one and the same. for that reason alone they will never be great.
if uh if if if
The latest one was one was pretty heavily aussie politics, they had an ex-leader of the labour party (1/2 of our 2 party system) on, probably the most famous guy to be on any TRS show.
Most of it's fine for foreigners though, it's generally normal shitposting with a few somewhat relateable local stories mixed in. I probably know more about American politics than Australian politics, so if I can understand it basically anyone should be able to.
Seems like you need to be redpilled on fags a bit more then. The mass acceptance of faggotry is just another play from (((their))) playbook.
>edgy 19 year old newfag from Sup Forums who doesn't know anything about politics!
because thats exactly what their fan base is lol.
totally not just being edgy memers!
who just saw Richard Spencer trigger the fuck out of that OAN chick
>1. Knock off
hmmmmmm, roight roight
Does anyone know what that drop with the woman repeatedly singing "cancer" is from?
Radio Free Skyrim was superior but they shoad it because they were mean to their butt buddy Spencer.
Many on TRS are sort of "Don't ask, don't tell" about the faygeleh question to be honest.
They say "objectively" every 10 seconds and interrupt eachother constantly. Kinda boring.
>she's still here
How badly are you itching to open r/Socialism in the other tab on Internet Explorer?
Someone needs to explain this knockoff shit to me. I see one (1) episode posted where its just two dingos hmmmmmming while saying trump is elected. Suddenly every goddamn podcast is now emulating them and they're the best podcast on the network?
Did I miss something? What the fuck even is this shit?
There's nothing wrong with using those words where they are appropriate.
i thought the reason they shut down was because two of the hosts couldnt resolve an argument