If could bring back to life one historical figure, who would it be?

If could bring back to life one historical figure, who would it be?


Fight me.

He'd btfo the lib shots for sure, they're basically following Malcolm X's ideology at this point.

I'd take him over BLM and Jessie Jackson and Faracon.

The Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him)


Actually a great choice tbqh

Patton or GLR.

Patton for sure

Maximilian I of Mexico. God damn leftist fucking shit up all the time.

Napoleon Bonaparte

George Orwell
Authoritarianism BTFO


Is that even a question?

Caesar Augustus.

The only men in history capable of turning this degenerate world into a glory.

Pretty much the most intelligent men humans ever have

t. Augustus fangirl



Jesus Christ our lord


Lets go to the new world and give this jungle savages Christianity
and smallpox


Patton wanted war with fucking communists BEFORE the cold war if it wasnt for his "accident" the world wouldve been ridden of that shitty ideologie and saved the burden of stress caysed by the cold war same goes for jfk

Francisco Franco


Ronald Wilson Reagan he Made America Strong Again and continues to trigger leftists

Franz Ferdinand, prevent WW1 from being set off.

He's not dead so you can't bring him back

Wait he was leftist you dipshit

Fucker needs to finish what he started.

God is dead, for we have killed him.

He's literally the reason Argentina went in decline and became obsessed pretending to be White

George Washington, see how he would react to what America has become. His biggest complaint would probably be that there are two parties and neither one of them is the Federalist Party.

Fuck off Nietzsche

Nikola Tesla

We need to advance our tech and get the fuck off this planet. This man had secrets

Andrew Jackson

My white friend has the best answer right here.

Rome was the absolute peak of humanity, and will never be surpassed.

George soros

Is he dead?


i'm from the part of croatia that he lived in, there are a surprisingly large amount of intelligent people from there. Pretty nuts.

He wanted us to be on the axis side. When we won, he said "We have defeated the wrong enemy"

Old Abe . A real American classic

Stalin and make him do reaction vids on youtube
I would be a millionaire from the ad revenue, and he would think he is spreading propaganda but instead everyone just thinks he's a hilarious retard

wtf you say?, Argentina is white


Red Skelton.

if i could a historical figure, id be your mom.

she gives BJs that surpass all of human achievement

The original troll BASED William T Sherman
>BTFO'd everyone in Atlanta
>Delivered the state of Georgia to Abe Lincoln as a Christmas gift
>Beat up journalists
>Took no prisoners, killed everyone
>Never put his men in an open field to get BTFO'd like the rest of the Mormons fags in the union army
>Hated nigger but was nice enough to set them free.

this tbqh

You forget the 40 acres and a mule gaffe


It was Savannah not the entire state

Also just look at this story of his funeral

>On 19 February, a funeral service was held at his home, followed by a military procession. General Joseph E. Johnston, the Confederate officer who had commanded the resistance to Sherman's troops in Georgia and the Carolinas, served as a pallbearer in New York City. It was a bitterly cold day and a friend of Johnston, fearing that the general might become ill, asked him to put on his hat. Johnston famously replied: "If I were in [Sherman's] place, and he were standing in mine, he would not put on his hat." Johnston did catch a serious cold and died one month later of pneumonia

What was this fags name?

My Grandfather shook his hand in the field of battle after being presented with a medal by Patton himself. Feels good to look at that picture.

I love Hitler but to be honest as a nationalist i'd wanna fix my own country before other people's
so i'm picking our boi

He's been missing for over a month now


George Carlin because he's funny