Stop Drinking Alcohol
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I did, but mainly because I do stupid shit when I'm drunk.
*sips beer*
never started it's bitter and gross
I wish I had the ability to.
Gonna set a timeline for myself, after which I will have to seek professional help.
i pretty much stopped everything when i started vaping e-cigs
every now and then ill drink or smoke weed but before i started on e-cigs i would drink and smoke weed all day every day
didn't expect this to happen tbhfam
i quit tobacco, weed, and alcohol all at once
fuck no
I never started.
It all tastes like shit to me
Based moderate craft brew drinker here.
Chugging 8 bud lights is degenerate and gross. Give me 1 or 2 nice craft brews and I'm happy.
>Not chugging 8 craft beers
Christopher Hitchens > Peter Hitchens
>haha thats so legenerate that you guys would do that XDDD
I would quit but every time i do i get offered a beer then im back on the hard liqour.
Sober for 8 weeks. Feels good man.
Congrats. We're all gonna make it brah.
Only small pockets of the US know how to make decent beer. The majority of Americans wouldn't know good beer if it slapped them in the face.
Alcohol has benefits to heart health when used in moderation, particularly red wine
Should have told your brother that.
You can eat grapes and get the same benefit.
Is it true
So many people justify their habit like this. Just admit you like to get buzzed
I drink and smoke infrequently.
The sugar-jew is the one I struggle with
You're wrong.
I did resveratrol research in college, guess what it doesn't do shit. Equivocal results against 3T3 cells.
I've mostly stopped getting blackout drunk
I'll post since today is my anniversary.
3 Years sober.
It's not about stopping the consumption of alchohal. It's about changing the environment around you. The people you hang out with, and the places you go are more important then just not buying alchohal.
Fuck off Chris, I haven't drank in a month.
Is this a Peter Thread?
Peter Hitchens on Marriage
2 years sober and it is the best decision I ever made
Peter on riots
Morality man on Globalism
>Edgy socialist is the better one
I don't drink alcohol, all of it tastes like shit and I get nauseous thinking about the smell and taste of it, and even if i wanted to drink I would be racist and violent when drunk
Basically this.
I quit drinking when I went to uni but when the semester ends I'll probably be shittered for a long time.
And what if you drink alone?
Hitchens starts at 6:15 in this vidya
nah bud
I agree. but don't ever tell me to stop drinking coffee.
Morality man on Castro
No! 'That log had a child' youtube.com
I love this vid
>Peter Hitchens talks about how the political class is run by a few pre-selected people and their elite families
>that woman says he's talking non sense and then goes on to say she got into politics because her mom, a politician, got her into it
Might as well through some Douglas Murray into the mix
4 months here im ok
Peter is great. They always make it 5 v 1 on these shows and what they turned him into was a man who could BTFO of an entire panel of pundits