Sup Forums, I have been here since old /news/, and I'm still not redpilled...

Sup Forums, I have been here since old /news/, and I'm still not redpilled. I have been resistant to Sup Forums and /news/, resistant of your ideas. A lot of the talk here seemed paranoid, conspiratarded, hateful, racist, and so on. Now it seems like there is merit to some of what is discussed ever since I've been here for the Trump threads. Slowly I am getting redpilled, but I'm still very cautious about what I accept as truth.

Who are some good people to listen to? What are some good websites, videos, books, articles, to see and read? I'm already reading TRS, and some of Weev's stuff.

Please help me Sup Forums, thank you

Other urls found in this thread:

No one stays here long term without getting pilled.

Only trust what you can prove. No matter the source.

Requiem for the American dream

youtube, 1 hours or so

I managed to. I wasn't always here though, I took long breaks.

get all views and decide which you think is correct.

>from /news/
>coming to Sup Forums for politics

who are you trying to fool?
You're reddit cancer who found the Sup Forums history page.

Nobody from /news/ would come here to discuss politics. It's like Sup Forums without ontopic threads.

Red pilled is slang for white nationalist with a belief in paranoid conspiracies.

Don't just listen and believe. VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY. However most of the more serious posts are heavily fact checked.
Even on Sup Forums (I say even on Sup Forums because if you can't filter out horseshit then you shouldn't be here)

>Sup Forums is always right. Remember that well.

See example below.

Oh and men's rights activistism.

>reading TRS

TRS is edgelord shit don't seriously read it.

Best youtube channels:

you have to learn to be critical to new knowledge, that's kinda the whole point of human existence in a way. you get in chaotic information and your job is to produce structured and sound knowledge by articulate arguments and think with your own head.

most people can't factecheck everything. the solution to counter this, is that you create a chain of trust, people that told you the truth before will likely tell you the truth again. (the truth have to be validate on real life in some way) or never be caught in a lie. or never be caught in a inconsistent state.

being redpilled is all about being free of ideological thinking. not to follow some new ideology

>Don't just listen and believe. VERIFY VERIFY VERIFY.

Thanks m8. That's what I plan on doing, doing my own investigation into issues.

I'm not quite sure how to go about that though.

fuck off shill

Before doing anything else, you need to figure out what "truth" means.

Sit down, close your eyes, breathe slow and steady. Clear your thoughts, be still. Then, ask yourself "What do I know for certain?". When you come up with an answer, consider all the ways that you could be wrong. Then find a better answer. Rinse and repeat until you figure out what millions of people before you already figured out, and then feel like a fucking idiot while also feeling like a genius.

I say this because I can directly tell you the truth, but it doesn't matter until you come to that conclusion on your own.

If you get stuck and can't discredit your answer, or can't think of any new answers, start googling. Consider everything, but accept NOTHING until you are absolutely 100% certain that you are right.

Find your truth, and observe. Judge fact from fiction by FIRST assuming that your assumptions are wrong. Figure out how that could be possible while still being "true".

TL;DR Consciousness is Truth, and a fractal piece of God. Logic allows you to find new truth and discredit the lies. The rest is a slow process of unlearning all the lies you've adopted over the years. Humbleness and patience, and you will grow like you never imagined.

>TRS is edgelord shit don't seriously read it.

I thought they had legitimacy, I'm new to politics so I'm pretty confused and vulnerable still

I'll look at those channels

Sounds like you're already redpilled on HBD and the JQ.

>it's a Ghoul interrupts an enjoyable Mike rant with a boring collgee anecdote

For a less esoteric answer, watch Styxhexenhammer666. He's on-point, well-spoken, incredibly intelligent, yet practical. He's the only political channel I consistently watch, because it feels like you're listening to lectures by a satanic jesus. just wonderful

This is a basic epistemological question. Who to trust,who to not trust.

I guess it depends on who you want to associate with in your real life. "Showing your power level" is slang for ostracizing yourself by demonstrating fringe beliefs.

Don't fool yourself into thinking a socially difficult viewpoint is inherently righteous. Most of the time it is difficult because it doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

It is called epistemology. It is an old topic and better treaties have been written on it than youtube.

Thank you, I will do this, this seems like a good start. I'm Christian, so I already go along with the God bit.

>This is a basic epistemological question. Who to trust,who to not trust.

Right, and right now I'm lost as far as knowing who I can trust in this world.

TRS is very fringe and I'm not sure if they are ironically or seriously fascist so if you read or listen to their stuff take it with a grain of salt.

do you really want me to watch and learn from THIS guy?

beautiful piece

stefan molyneux

Hitler did nothing wrong
Jews are bad
Trump is awesome
Niggers, spics, muslims all suck
Go white people.

There you go. Theres your Sup Forums redpill

Yeah, read on the topic. Topics such as falsibility and realiableness.

This should help you sort this out better than looking for YouTube personalities you find believable.

trust nothing, not even your memory, all you can truly know is what's before your eyes, and even they can be duped. remember Truth ends were Narrative begins.

>Hitler did nothing wrong
Legitimately killed innocent people, stigmatized nationalism
>Jews are bad
pic related. It's important to realize their negative influence and Isreal first values but if you aren't on Sup Forums you can't just say the jews.


all I have in this world is my balls and my honor, and I don't break 'em for no one.

>Reading TRS


One thing you should do Is experience western culture a bit. Most people you talk to, especially left wing people, have an extremely simplistic view of history, in particular anything before WW1 or WW2

I just started reading famous novels from the 19th century and I immediately got a better sense of what life was like was like back then, specifically the way people viewed the world and it wasn't the over simplified nonsense you hear about. It suddenly made me more interested in history from that era. I'd highly recommend it rather than just watching vids on YouTube and reading non fiction philosophy/political books (though that is good too).

Another important thing is learn the basics of economic, finance and running a business. Most people have no clue and you can see that in this clip (only have to watch a bit to get a sense of it all) yet have very strong opinion

The key is to view and read a wide and varied range of sources and material

Hitler took the hard way but all he wanted was to concentrate and throw the jews out of Europe. He didn't stigmatized nationalism, the media and the era of the stupids did by making hitler look like a complete lunatic.

I hadn't considered doing that, becoming more educated is definitely something I should put more effort in. Thank you.

Alex jones

Make sure you don't listen without supplementing alpha brain or else most of the ideas will go right over your head

literally a jewish troll who larps as a german natsoc.

What really happened.Com . Michael rivero is based.

All I can say is don't judge a book by its cover

The problem is moderate solutions and thoughts are attempted first, and end up failing. Full on genocide kills the communist kikes, but sadly the jews that just write songs and fix people's teeth get gassed too. It sucks.

Things go much much deeper

Three very easy reads that you'll like if you enjoy Sup Forums are Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell, and Brave new world by Audous Huxley (I know these aren't 19th century but a good start for reading novels). All three are in complete audio book form on youtube

When you read them try to rationally think about argument characters make, their ramifications and why they are wrong or right.

A good example of this is the book A Picture of Dorian Grey where a character called Sir Henry constantly makes very compelling arguments for a hedonistic/ vain way of living, but if you stop and think about what he's saying, and the consequences of that you'll understand why he's horribly wrong.

Being redpilled is simply about understanding the consequences of any opinion, fact or action.

He looks strange but he is actually very intelligent and articulate.
You can ignore his occultism stuff, although memetics and occultism share features.

I just watched his video about the MSM reporting on "fake news" and you're right he's pretty good. Thanks

He is old though, who the fuck wears aviators for à youtube video. Regardless hes decent



an hero poser

Dude. Stay in the light. Do not go into the fap darkness.

The ultimate redpill:
Reality emerges from perception, not the other way around.