Are you implying that ancient Egyptians on the continent of Africa were white?
in case these idiots dont know the base and body of the Sphinx is 10x larger then the head. Some forgotten ruler decided to just carve his face in the rock and thats what it looks like today
Sup Forums should start memeing the WUZ KANGZ meme harder. Imagine if all the niggers willingly went back to Africa, even the Liberals would become redpilled after seeing how things would change.
No, we're implying they weren't negroids. Negroids have never built a single fucking thing on this planet, their behavior is reviled by everyone in every society they inhabit.
hmmm really makes you think... try reading up on ancient civilizations you ignorant dipshit.
Or that we know what the nose looked like. Also the original headdress cut off at neck level and the extensions are support blocks so the head wouldn't fall off. Completely ruins it.
Somalian detected.
>statue missing its nose matches shape of dindu skull because it makes the mouth protrude more and matches their flat noses
My fucking sides.
hehe cuck
Please stay there
Can't wait either
Will xhe stay there?
The Sphynx is the oldest monument in Egypt.
Their is evidence it might be from an older civilization that the Old Kingdom was built on top of.
>someone is going to let this mushmouth monkey nigger back into this country
Fucking cucks.
Retarded nigger
>hmmm really makes you think... try reading up on ancient civilizations you ignorant dipshit.
It's highly unlikely that 70-IQ Sub-Saharan Africans built Egypt. I'm not saying there weren't some involved in the slave labor, but for example... we know that King Ramses had red hair. And we have King Tut's DNA. He was Western European.
I'm not saying there weren't northern African kings. Or that Africans weren't involved in the Egyptian civilization. But it's highly unlikely that Sub-Saharan Africans were the leaders of that society.
Black dude, everyone in Egypt is Arab and Muslim. You are going to hate it.
Your snow bunny women enjoy my 8 inch Somalian dick, cuck boy :^).
That's not the part of Africa his people are from though. His people are from the cannibal part. Why have I been seeing a trend lately of niggers in America thinking they had anything to do with Egypt?
I mean I guess if the most important thing my people ever contributed to the planet was picking cotton for others, then I would latch onto fairy tales as well.
The ancient Egyptians themselves claimed it was a remnant from their own described antediluvian age.
In your wet dreams. Maybe.
then the Hyper Finn-Mongolian Galatic Empire really existed? FUUUCK!!!
Yeah ofcourrrrrrrrrrrrrse, everyone knows the Arabs built the pyramids when they invaded in 639 a.d
>goes to Africa
>less than a month later is living in a German refugee camp
Reminder that during the ages of egypts fall there was a vampiric cult that worshipped Sehkmet a lioness goddess of war, but no one talks about that because it's the coolest fucking shit that ever happened in Egypt.
Ancient Egyptians are dead. They were killed by Muslim invades over 1000 years ago.
There are no blacks in North Africa.
Morocco is Arab. Egypt is Arab. Libya is Arab.
All of these black Americans came from central and south Africa. All of them are from primitive tribes that had probably been that way for thousands of years. We would know more about them if they had a written language.
When these "Blacks" go to Africa and realize that being African has nothing to do with skin colour, and that everyone hates arrogant Americans regardless of their skin colour, they're all going to flock back.
Let them go.
You will never get a white woman as long as you live.
Your life is misery incarnate. As a nigger you will never achieve anything to be proud of.
I honestly read every word you write but feel nothing but complete and utter contempt from the bottom of my soul (which you do not have, nigger)
Really gets the ol' brain cells firing
nigga, you think i gunna read all dat shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
on the contrary, you have made my night by not reading it. I play with my superiority.
Being this desperate for a history
Or that there's no evidence of any kind of cohesive religion that would even lend any sort of meaning for them to build these monuments to begin with whereas cherubim are pretty rampant in ancient mesopotamia.
Modern Egypt's piss poor retcon job at least tries to be convincing.
shieeeeet nigga, all i know is ur white girls luv my dick
Look up environmental determinism. It has a lot less to do with race than it has to do with your surroundings. There's a reason that there was never an Eskimo Empire or a great Sub Sarahan Colonial Empire. It's because their environments can't support that kind of behavior. Europe was only great because Europe has some of the greatest land on Earth when it comes to building and maintaning empires - same with China and with the middle East before it was turned into a sand shit storm.
His head/face shape matches that of the Sphinx, more PROOF that egyptians were nubians yet Sup Forums armchair historians deny this clear evidence, Sad!
india and china had an abundance of food and they flourished early and quickly
Are there any Egyptian anons or genuine Egyptian posters in Egypt ITT that can shed light on how the real Egyptians feel about this shit?
It just blows my mind like the guy in OP being actually in Africa surrounded by tanned Arabs and still being convinced that Egypt was a black African kingdom.
North Sudanese have a slight claim to being Egyptians through the Nubian Kingdom and their role with that, but most African Americans were from central west Africa - No where near Egypt.
It's so insane how no real Africans in Africa believe in this Afrocentric BS either, I guess it's a mix of ghetto Instagram/Twitter SJW exposure and being dumb as bricks with American style self importance, the nerve of these people to complain about cultural appropriation then take an entire country's history for their own.
iirc, that Sphinx actually is of one of the later black kings of Egypt.
>They were killed by Muslim invades over 1000 years ago
Do you really think a few thousand invading Arabs were able to kill millions of people?
>ancient egyptions
>current egyptians
that aboo eduacation
Civilization itself was a hand me down from neanderthal. To be human is to be dindu.
ask india
but egypt didn't die out. they were coptics that later converted
Don't tell them that.
We need them to go somewhere.
You will never have a white girl.
are you implying that humans are forced to stay in one region? Niggers are too stupid to move to a better place and build shit lel
No different to the whole Egyptians were white meme, that's just burring your head in the sand if we go by this "THEY WERE INVADED WE WAZ THE ORIGINAL" shit
at least 10,000 years old
Are Arabs white? Bear in mind that they invented agriculture, the alphabet, and Abrahamic religion.
shit nigga, you never been rotherham? white bitches throwig themselves at me smdh
next year i be cripwalking to merica to conquer ur women with ma dick
>King Tut Was Eastern European, According to the DNA Results
No, you are ugly. Look at yourself. Look at your posts. Ugly.
You will never have a white girl. Period.
One of the few conspiracy theories I could see myself buying into. We have so little evidence of civilizations that existed even a few thousand years ago, it's conceivable that there could have been a much older one that we have no records of, even if it wasn't all that advanced.
They're not really white or black.
Right. That's why they had massive Empires and big cities.
Southern African people's are not inherently inferior to the rest of the planet. It's because they don't live in climates that offer abundance like Europe, India and parts of China do. Civilization travelled east and west because of the similar climates and day periods. It makes no sense for city builders to go south when they know they would longer/shorter days and that most of their crops simply wouldn't grow there.
Southern African animals are also incredibly difficult to domesticate. It's why they never had great mounded nomad tribes like they had in Northern China. You just can't domesticate a zebra like you can with a horse. You also can't use the land in Africa like you can in Europe. That's why they constantly suffer from famines. If they didn't follow the western model and returned to living in a more tribal/ hunter-gatherer life style, you can be sure that there would be less disease and less famine.
Arabs have only been there for 2639 years.
is there a reliable source for that west european king tut thing? There is a source that some genetics testing site made that assessment based off a blurry screen grab on a discovery channel show.
The only thing the Nordics have ever been good at is spreading diseases and stealing people's shit.
They're a people with no real accomplishments, so they have to start claiming things invented by Arabs, Jews, Greeks, and Italians.
>8 inch Somalian dick
Pics with timestamp, liar.
American niggers are the descendants of sub-Saharan West Africans. They were primarily bought from the present-day nations of Senegal and The Gambia.
Even if we accepted the myth that the Ancient Egyptians were blacker than midnight, they still wouldn't have any ancestral claim to their history or accomplishments. It'd be like a Turkish man claiming to be a descendant of Scandinavian vikings.
but i av 'ad sum white girl fpham
whitey luv the bbc yeeeeeeeeeeeee
>Do you really think a few thousand invading Arabs were able to kill millions of people?
if they had some badass future tech delivered to them by time traveling racists - then yes. Yes I do.
>environmental determinism
Fuck off. The environment shapes us for sure, but that is a shit excuse for only inventing a stick. If we go by that argument, which libs love to use, than all other races are legitimately subhuman and should be treated as such.
>American niggers are the descendants of sub-Saharan West Africans. They were primarily bought from the present-day nations of Senegal and The Gambia.
>Even if we accepted the myth that the Ancient Egyptians were blacker than midnight, they still wouldn't have any ancestral claim to their history or accomplishments.
You're assuming that the WE WUZ KANGZ people know or care about geography. The black professors and students pushing this lie know that it's a lie, but they don't care. The people who believe them have no clue about African geography or the genetic diversity of Africa that makes Nigerians as similar to Egyptians as the Irish are to Armenians.
We actually all have African DNA, so that doesn't make any sense.
Also, once civilizations started growing in the middle East, northern Africa (egypt included, Carthage too) and across Southern Europe, Africans were still trying to get out of Africa - it's why Egypt went to war with Nubian tribes and kingdoms.
Not all tribes were trying to leave, obviously, they didn't need to. Some, however, did try to leave Africa. Humans being humans, war happened. But the reason that they couldn't have cities in southern Africa is because the land isn't "city building material." The animals can't be domesticated easily, and they can't grow the same plants as you can in Europe (unless you have modern technology, which they didn't have thousands of years ago.)
Africans are the first men. Europeans got cucked by Neanderthals.
>American we wuz goes to Egypt
>starts we wuz'ing the locals
it's such an absurd scenario. we got any Egypt bros who saw these uppity darkies?
Africa is one of the most abundant regions of the world. Also your logic completely falls apart with North American Indians.
Actually liberals hate Environmental Determinism, it's why people like Sargon of Akhad defend it so much (that and it's just common sense.)
Environmental determinism has nothing to do with your DNA but everything to do with the environment around you. Why do you think Tibet never had a great navy? Why do you think there was never a great Empire of Aborigines? Why do you think Russia Kazakhstan never became a great colonial power? The environments of those nations/tribes wouldn't allow them to. If those people were born in Europe, they would have used the land similarly to my ancestors and would have made the most out of it.
So, no, it wouldn't imply shit about "races." It removes race from the argument and it has everything to do with environment and culture. Liberals forget that and constantly say... Exactly what you say. They follow something called "Poppulism" which makes no sense.
I knew this Egyptian girl back in HS who went off on a substitute teacher for pushing the "we wuz kingz" thing. So I imagine the Egyptians living in Egypt don't take kindly to it.
Nope. I'd wager you're a virgin too, based on your behavior. Sheer ugliness and insecurity.
I see a scared little boy talking to me.
Yall do know that there were a few pharoahs that were actually black right? Also hair often turns red after you die and decompose. Yall are honestly as wewuz as the guy in the pic and equally self aware.
>Also your logic completely falls apart with North American Indians.
The North American Indians built cities and civilizations, though. Just look at the Mayans, the Aztecs, and to a lesser extent the Navajo. The problem is that the vast majority of them were wiped out by diseases. And they didn't have horses either.
white girls luv the bbc, go to club and watch them bounce on the bbc yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Yes we all have African DNA. And the Sahara use to be a fucking forest. That is where the great divide happened, between Sub-Saharan Africans and everyone else. Key word: Sub-Saharan.
Most Egyptians are white-ish
Never happened to you or any other nigger you know. Reflect on your pathetic life, dude.
Blacks did rule Egypt for a while. The Nubians conquered the place and governed it for about two centuries. But of course that doesn't make the Egyptians black, any more than the Greeks conquering the place makes Egyptians white.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how big is your nose?
denial is strong smdh #bbc4america
would it be possible to meme all the niggers back to africa? they're so stupid the first and third worlds are probably all the same to them anyways, so they wouldn't mind.
Dont you mean muslim looking?
It happens. The "white girls love the bbc" thing is a meme, but a tall athletic black dude is obviously going to be able to attract girls of any race, especially in high school and college, the same way a tall athletic guy of any race can.
Determinism takes agency away from a group. It's an excuse for them to be worthless shits.
A lot of them really do look sort of European. This guy could easily pass for Greek or southern Italian, and the girl I knew almost looked German.
autistic kike niggers
Bingo. 'We are what we make of ourselves' is actually a net positive.