>It's a scientifically proven fact that liberals have higher IQs.
Why are conservashits so dumb? Should they be sterilized?
>It's a scientifically proven fact that liberals have higher IQs.
Why are conservashits so dumb? Should they be sterilized?
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe IQ really stands for indoctrination quotient
Bring those sauces to the table op
but the conservatives with high IQ btfo everyone else.
remember, iq only matters when talking about blacks, and is meaningless when talking about liberals
It's because people with high IQ tend to be mainly idealists who are naive. They just think how great everything should be, but don't pay attention to the process to get there or if it is even attainable in the first place.
t. Former very liberal faggot
>no source
Why even post it
Is this based on whites alone?
>Study done at Good Goyim University by Dr. Scholo Shekelstein
This is literally what they do. They are probably using or measuring social views. This is so they can lump in blacks and hispanics with Republicans.
Higher IQ's mean you are more likely to study (((facts))) and believe in (((reputable sources))). When these sources are infected and swaying opinion, well you can see the result.
They usually do it by polling social issues like favor-ability for gays, because that was niggers/spics get super-right wing scores because they fucking hate gays, thus dragging the mean IQ down.
>It's a scientifically proven fact that aussies are prison inmates
Should they be Euthanized?
niggers and spics are socially conservative yet vote for democrats. these types of studies never specify the political party because of this
>106 iq
I wonder what it's like to be at such a low level, how do they reason? How do they see the world? Does 1+1 equal 2 for them even if each number is writting in a different color, can they comprehend it? I'd want to switch for a day to see what it's like, honestly.
What distinguishes conservative from very conservative or liberal from very liberal, this shit seems like a elementary school student learning to make graphs
>More-intelligent people are more likely to say they are liberal
>Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated … At the individual level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with SAT, vocabulary, and analogy test scores. At the national level of analysis, conservatism scores correlate negatively with measures of education … and performance on mathematics and reading assessments.
>The IQs of young adults who described themselves as "very liberal" averaged 106.42, whereas the mean of those who identified as "very conservative" was 94.82.
>The ten best educated states in the country (as measured by the percentage of residents over age 25 with bachelor degrees) all voted for Obama, while nine of the ten worst educated states voted for Romney.
>Higher intelligence is associated with liberal political ideology
Because IQ only really takes into account a very limited view of intelligence. And centers of education are almost universally being used for liberal indoctrination.
Disregarding all that, let me ask you a question OP. If liberals are so smart why are they getting dunked so hard right now?
There's no reason why being intelligent would make you lack charisma or physical ability, real life isn't a shitty RPG, so the vastly more intelligent liberals should have an incredible advantage over everyone else.
So why did they lose?
see this
This. I come from a fairly conservative family. Dad is conservative, IQ of 123. Brother is conservative, 146 IQ. I'm not nearly as conservative as them but still pretty conservative in some areas. Frour different IQ tests resulting in 138-145 IQ. And the left nowadays isn't even liberal, not in the classic definition of the label anyways.
The real answer to this thread is the "adolescent" tag. Ever heard the quote "If you're not a liberal under 30, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative over 30, you have no brain"?
This is precisely what's going on here. These kids come up in a system with teachers/professors who are liberal across the board (because they've never been outside a school in their lives and are stuck in a feedback loop), and never have had to make a hard decision in their lives. The easy answer is to be nice and comfy, but that's not the reality of life.
Average doesn't matter. You should be looking at the distribution.
Smart right wingers tend to hide power lever you moron.
>>believing IQ means anything and isn't a shitty flawed system taken over by political pundits for person gain
>Because IQ only really takes into account a very limited view of intelligence. And centers of education are almost universally being used for liberal indoctrination.
No, it is just the correlations are very low and they play with the questions to make sure they get the samples they need to draw the conclusions they want. The OP pic is fairly meaningless. Tons of high IQ people still identify as conservative. The relative rates just slightly shift.
>when liberals copy stormfront group iq stat tactics
If you have to prove how smart your group is then you are probably one of the dumbest members
>Undefined "liberalism" on an arbitrary axis
ok buddy
>1 Shitpost by this ID
I gave an IQ of 145. You expect me to believe an uncited chart with "muh scientific research" tacked on?
Goddamn fucking autocorrect. Fuck off
This this this
IQ 134 here. Conservashit as well. Fuck the so called liberals
Literally post pop sci. Brings no reputable publication or primary source to the table.
Doesn't realize definition of liberal and conservative aren't defined in these articles.
Realizes that the term liberal has been preserved in recent years.
Realizes conservatives is based off belief in religion and that these numbers include minorities which brings down IQ due to social-economic features.
Essentially know nothing of methodology or investigation. Doesn't realize more surgeons, math professors, and private research scientist are all "conservative."
Troll elsewhere or come with a real source.
That first link has 404'd but you get the point.
Or do you, Trumptards?
What does pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of pol think of?
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How does this make pol BTFO feel? How does this make pol BTFO feel? How does this make pol BTFO feel? How does this make pol BTFO feel? How does this make pol BTFO feel? How does this make pol BTFO feel?
>t. balding, manlet, transgender, Millennial who owns a pitbull
Maybe we can use the same "scientific" IQ tests on races.
Or is that conveniently no longer science?
IQs>106 identify as altistic right
Just because someone is "smart" i.e. IQ dosent mean they are wise
Just because you have studied how to build an engine and know where every single part goes and which parts will be the best dosent mean you can actually build it and have the best outcome
Experience trumps everything
Lets say some kid named Billy was born with an incredible mind, he is biologically predisposed to learn and retain information at a level beyond most people. But Billy doesn't like science, or math, or anything like that. Billy likes baseball, and is exceptionally good at baseball because he applies his very flexible mind to solving the problem of playing baseball, he doesn't go and get "educated".
Would Billy score high on an IQ test? Is he smart? Is what he likes and chooses to do with his life inferior? According to who?
Came here to post your quote. But I would change it to working age late teens. Not 30
excellent understanding.
I think the difference here is in quality and not quantity.
That being said
Op, you are a fucking idiot. People in the city tend to have higher IQ's than rural persons and cities in the US are liberal leaning.
Its far less a democrat conservative shift as it is an artifact of rural city living.
Also the quality of intelligent conservatives is far higher than that of intelligent liberals.
>In 2012, a paper reported that people endorse more conservative views when drunk or under cognitive pressure; it concluded that "political conservatism may be a process consequence of low-effort thought."
Wait I thought iq was racist
Does this mean liberals are the most racist group?
>Look how smart you are goy if you just do what I say
underrated shitpost
thank you. i rage against the meme
Wow those are great journal publicactions from academically accredited institutions. Wow and they even provide the raw data used to create the statistics just like all scientific publications. And you would know why these are important because I'm sure you finished college and are not a uppity teenage liberal.
>Liberals fund higher education
>High IQ people are more likely to succeed and participate in higher education
>Liberals and High IQ are correlated
Really makes you think. Doesn't mean I want to spend a bunch of taxes on having high IQ autists get an education in social sciences and move to the US where the pay is better.
It's a scientifically proven fact that whites have higher IQs.
Why are niggers so dumb? Should they be sterilized?
>scientifically proven fact
Also OP this shit is literally only correlated in white people.
Niggers are dumb as fuck no matter how they believe.
Like high IQ is also correlated with endorsement of Marxism which is an intellectually void philosophy.
It's also correlated with cult membership, because cults mostly provide social lives and direction, which autistic high IQ nihilists really crave.
Just because high IQ peoples interests align with liberal interests does not make liberalism smart.
>People who believe in free lunch have higher IQ.
Doesn't make any sense.
>haha conservatives are so dumb
>tfw too intelligent to hold congress, the presidency, or the Supreme Court
No those are moralfags with high IQ, sociopaths with high IQs like me see racial issues as not important and a waste of time however I dont advocate for globalism because I only see two human breeds as useful and that is white people and asians. All other human races can cease to exist because they are unneeded primitive trash that only got to where they are today because of the foolish altruistic mental illness of my race the white race.
high iqs make it easier to fantasize
I am of the opinion the lines need to be re drawn, liberal and conservative clearly don't mean the same things anymore
My IQ > 150 Conservative
The organisation MENSA is definitely strongly correlated with high IQs and is one of the stupidest organisations in the world. Smart people can be really stupid.
>"Study" shows leftists have higher IQs then conservatives.
>study shows racial link with IQ
Whoa whoa whoa guys IQ isn't a very good indicator of intelligence so we can't draw any conclusions from this.
Why am i posting in a obvious bait thread? Don't forget to add Sage to your pizza
Yes. Billy would probably score highly on memory and pattern recognition tests that require no background knowledge. This situation would limit the tests you could give him or it would likely cap his results on a full IQ test. However, an IQ test will test a dozen or more skills, only a few of which will test vocabulary or math skills. The only widely given g-loaded test that he would do poorly on is the GMAT, and that is specifically for students who not only graduated college, but are applying to graduate school in finance, accounting, or business.
Tests that are not g-loaded (not IQ like): SAT (since 1994), ACT, GRE, etc.
Basically the only standardized tests that are still considered g-loaded are the LSAT and GMAT. Billy would not do well on these tests. He likely would do well on a real IQ test, because most of the skills IQ tests test don't require an education. Billy could have dropped out of high school, never studied a day in his like, and still qualify for Mensa.
This is one of those instances, like the female male distribution where yes the mean might be greater however the outliers are more frequent and with greater intelligence than that present in the "liberal" sample
Why do you say this? I know it is a media trope to make fun of people who brag about their IQ, but do you have any actual experience with MENSA?
Underachievers annonymous if all you have to brag about is things such as IQ and not achievments you're not worth anyone important's time. That's why they group together and speak to fellow unimportant underachievers.
>tfw no one actually reads the entire article
It's actually an interesting analysis as to why liberals think the way they do.
It's due to the Scots-Irish. No problem, there, though. Midwits bring it up for liberals, higher variance in conservative IQ
Is this based on just social issues?
Base it on economics and finance politics and see the chart flip.
I am pretty sure it is just a social group. Many people with high IQs have trouble relating and talking to other people. This is a well established fact in psychology.
That's also why they don't succeed and aren't worth a dime. If you can't create wealth or employment for people you're not worth anything or anyone's time because you're not contributing anymore than any other worker. Being "special" by having a greater IQ than some hick miner doesn't make you important or worth talking too.