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Shameless bump I can't get enough of this shit
But what about kidnapping?
Bump for more meme balls
I like these. Didn't know there were so many flavors.
More jpeg please
literally no one in this thread
My sides
I like this one, it's a good one.
ty user
nice to be appreciated
I created a subreddit for this meme today
>inb4 reddit
moving the overton window is more important than our petty Internet squabbles
The political discourse has fallen to an incredibly low level. It now totally revolves around making your opponents look foolish
Thankfully, we are funnier than the left
go forth and spread the good word
Does anyone have more Trans human stuff?
Things like this.
Heres a desktop version incase you wanted it
Surrogacy. Male eggs being developed by science. Genetics (Xq28 gene). In uterine hormones
I think I'm autistic. Why do i find memeballs so funny?
That reminds me: Has John key sold all of the North Island to China yet?
This one was already posted, retard.
Fucking saved, and checked
I've actually pondered this actual scenario.
What if Merkel wanted a right wing uprising the whole time...
i love quantum immortality/multiverse theory, there needs to be more memes around it. definitely an untapped resource.
Can someone post all the blank templates for these?
These are my favorite. Please share if you have any.
>Violating the NAP
>Not enough memes about timelines
>On Sup Forums
>On fucking Sup Forums
Homosexuality isn't hereditary.
wtf kind of philosophy/culture does that??
i'm not familiar with that ball color.
Marxists have been talking for years about how they should "ironically" support capitalism because they think that this will accelerate the collapse of capitalism. Richard B. Spencer endorsed Obama because he thought that it would accelerate the collapse of the GOP so that it could be rebuilt to be more fashy and less cucked. It's definitely possible that Merkel is secretly right wing and is just playing 12D chess to bring back National Socialism
Fuck kek
10/10 muh roads
Does KEK really want us to fuck him?
Wait, that last bit with the vigil page, did that actually happen?
Should have changed blond woman into " So you rape an ubderage blond boy while yelling it's a sexual emergency."
I saw this and my immediate thought was 'shouldnt it be the French flag?' But then I realized it is ;^}
That's the accelerationist theory. It originates from a Hegelian understanding of materialism: under its own logic, it will exhaust itself and lead to its own demise.
pol, unknowingly, is participating in this acceleration.