California is the greatest state in the union no contest

California is the greatest state in the union no contest

It's like 20% white or something and filled with liberals

Its bound to happen to any big city state

Too many beaners.

Other than that though, one of the prettiest states.

>best beaches
>glorious mountains
>geographically diverse
>moderate climate

Parents just moved to Palo Alto (silicon valley area), what the fuck is a social autist supposed to do while on break from uni?

I got a doctors note to smoke weed but that's about it.

too much democracy

Also 1) which part of cali are you from
2) Stop being in denial could be worse though

>not wanting stingrays in your swimming waters

As much as I hate shitty liberal Seattle, I have to hand it to this area of the PNW as being one of the most gorgeous (in the summer at least). Surrounded by two mountain chains, half a dozen active and extinct volanos surrounding it, Puget Sound, lush greenery, etc. Poor fall/winter/early spring weather that's for fucking sure.


Wow lol

Tell me she doesn't sound like pic related

>tfw Madera
Kill me now.

Mexicans ruined this fucking state.

I say we let them secede from the U.S. and then promptly cut them out of the CO river compact.

They are such trash it's not even funny. Want to know why California is mostly liberal? Spics.

The last line at the end was gold.

NorCal, sactown clown here. I think socal should go back to Mexico. So many spics compared to 2005.

MASSES of beaners and gooks ruled over by Jews and the most insufferable white liberals imaginable. Meanwhile, normal whites are leaving/want to leave.

>calls out the jews and new york faggots

No doubt that California is god-tier when it comes to geographical qualities. But it's people are absolutely shitty. I come from New Jersey, and although I love the state for its woods, streams, lakes, ponds, and the beaches, I hate a majority of the local population.

what the fuck is wrong with her voice. imagine being married with that piece of shit. i dont like mexicans like everyone else but i dont wish to anyone to have to deal with this fucking psychos

Too many minorities. White people are what make America successful.

what about eastern europe? what about the uk? those are shitholes inhabited by whites. The only reason why america was great was because of Christianity, but even that is going down the toilet.

Surely you hate the people in LA county and whatever constitutes the county surrounding SF? Id imagine the people out in the boonies or north/south of the major metros or more normal. Pic related

Liberals have ruined it.