the biggest red pill is accepting that Ashkenazi Jews are the master race. anyone who whines about "jew man holding me down" is equivalent to a nigger whining about "da white man holding me"
The biggest red pill is accepting that Ashkenazi Jews are the master race...
Shitty bait
Only because they mixed with Europeans.
And even then, they only have a slight edge.
Still, I respect the shit out of them. Tough, brilliant race of survivors.
Same, I almost feel bad that me and my generation of sleeper pilled spergs are going to bring an end to their power trip
I don't respect them one bit.
Once you've spent any time in this world as an intelligent person, you will come to appreciate intelligence in others much more than you currently do. We are a fraternity.
(This is assuming you are intelligent)
They are inherently evil.
Clever? Sure. But evil runs in every bone in their bodies.
Nope, not at all. It's like discovering that your friend keeps beating you online because he's been using a cheat code (ethnocentrism) since it started. This is a place to vent and reorient.
No such thing as evil when it comes to survival.
Sounds pretty hills have eyes tier to me.
ashke nazis are assyrian rape babies pretending to hold onto something they knew they lost long ago
but they aren't. wouldn't expect a different viewpoint from a fucking leaf though
One difference...we as whites have resources, ammo and numbers in bodies to hunt these subhumans.
Blacks would have no chance against whites, even with whites being outnumbered.
the biggest fucking leaf
>he Jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack many of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom. Their fortitude, such as it is, is wasted upon puerile objects, and their charity is mainly a form of display.
You wouldn't consider the Italian mafias to be great people and yet they own billions of dollars and numerous legitimate companies and businesses.
The Jews are exactly the same as the mafia, the only difference is that while not all Italians are born into the mafia, ALL Jews are born into the Jewish cabal and believe they are gods chosen people and masters of the Earth.
>tfw Sephardic Jewish
>gets the same prejudice as other jews
>not illuminati billionaire
why live?
And that's the reason why they get slaughtered so often.
They deserve it.
I know man, people don't know about Sephardi Jews, we were just a bunch of pure descended jews in Spain who just sat in the mountains and had a bunch of mystical sex
You got that right bro.
Nigga what, if we had too many hoodlums our country would be smoldering rubble and we would be on farms holding out. We are barely holding off a 12.5% population turning some entire towns into lawless 3rd world shitholes. Thank god Jamal leaves before having more kids, their ignorance is self-defeating.
You can still get connections retard, just go make films or someshit
even israelis hate you?
nah, I've never been to Israel but they speak in the Sephardic dialect of Hebrew so I'm assuming we have some influence over there compared to America where we make up less than 2% of the Jewish population, so we're the 2% of the 2%
Ashkenazi Jews are literally ethnic North Europeans that formed a cult around the killers of Jesus to be edgelords.
Yeah I can still do that, the only problem (or I guess blessing) is no one knows I'm Jewish because I don't look Ashkenazi, don't have an Ashkenazi name, or know that much Ashkenazi culture so sometimes it's hard to connect, being anti-social doesn't help either.
Jews are some backwards corrupt fucks. is there literally any way to save them from the monsters they've become?
And yet here they are, 4000 years later. No other culture has that kind of track record.
we're the only homogeneous, inclusive, racial and cultural group that can blend in with other cultures and adapt to them, just look at Jews vs Niggers, Jews have had it way worse yet we actually contribute to society