Let's get one of these threads going.
Let's get one of these threads going
I-is it ok if I tread the "420" line? I love trump Sup Forums I swear
OP here.
What if I'm a 1776 guy but I wear a Che shirt ironically?
For anyone who wants to take the test:
r8 m8s
WeW lad
Found the normie
What game is that?
Never seen anyone in the top left before
Get out of here newfag
World of Eve Online: The Old Republic
>says the fag with the political views of a Californian who watches CNN
>a board of people incapable of personal responsibility and want society to cater to their failures
>libertarian right
Fuck no, change it to /k/
What the fuck is /r9k/ even about?
I've been on there maybe twice.
i like this but
>starving my people is a small price for the good of the party :)
should be over in filthy commies. replace it with "killing the jews is a small price to pay for the good of the world"
I like this one
They are victims of our alienating and unfulfilling society devoid of community. The common denominator among all of them is being a social failure, especially with the opposite sex. Some of them are mega autists with no chance, but most of them are just empty guys that blend in with the furniture.
shit heres mine
/r9k/ is a board where you have to make a unique post, if its too similar/identical to a previous post (i dont know how similar/how far back it goes) i think it doesn't post or something
I don't know how it got its reputation though
I got 1776 on your compass. Pic relate to best 1776er player
It's not really a quadrant
I don't really understand why middle is looked down upon, you realize it's a shitty quiz and some replies cancels out the scores of others... I ended up in the middle, and normie I'm very much not.
Politics are not a 1-dimensional line.
You can't represent economics and social issues on the same line.
I've been taking this test for the past couple years and it changes every time, though always on the right. This most recent is the first time I've gotten in the authoritarian quadrant.
What the fuck are you?
It's just a joke
more accurate
>he's not Ascended
virgin nationalism
It basically means you have no strong opinion on anything. You're basically a normie if you are in the middle.
You don't belong here...
That sounds cool. Gib me teachings.
Robot 9000/9001 was supposed to be Sup Forums without reposts. So, anything saved comment that is posted will get you banned.
So, after a point /r9k/ got invaded by personal life stories because copypasta was impossible. You got a board of people who wanted to tell people all about their private life on the internet to strangers they will never meet.
I like this one
And this one
imagine posting a position in 2d, when there is another whole dimension.
What are those two at the bottom?
Individualist Anarchism and Egoist Anarchism (Stirner).
this is really where you should plot yourselves.
Thoughts on this?
They're all right. Humans are the problem.
fukn saved.
replace purple's quote with "the government is the problem."
R8 me
(autistic screeching)
god, i want this to be a real subtitle...
sorry I want to be more accurate. This is Sup Forums isn't it?
I'm fucking dead
now if i REALLY wanted to be autistic I would add a 4th dimension relating related to each point, and it would be expressed via color.
dumping what i have
user didn't ask about Sup Forums
Amyways, biggest difference is Sup Forums blames degenerate nature on jews (which is objectively correct), and /r9k/ blames it on women. Also, /r9k/ does seems more autistic, in the literal sense.
But the difference is unoticeable in almost every way.
r8 me lads
Symbol Panorama
this is where i stand
top kek
Holy shit panel 4 fucking killed me.
More accurate.
I'll give you a (You)
Pretty good. I'm at about the same on the y axis, but a little further left.
normalfag failures
Luvvv dis one
>mfw against rapefuges and hedonistic culture
>mfw never even smoked weed
This test just nukes you if you're not religious
Didn't Bill Gates vote for Hillary?
Well I'm moving on up these days
The only accurate representation