>White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that Carrier’s decision appeared to be “good news” but pointed out that Obama had done a better job at creating and saving jobs.
Obama created a MILLION jobs, and trump can only SAVE one thousand. Sad!
White House unimpressed by carrier deal
Other urls found in this thread:
>A million in 8 years
>a 1000 in an hour
Wow it's almost like one guy had eight years to "create jobs" and one guy got elected three weeks ago.
Care to explain which jobs Obama created btw?
>8 years
>Not even sworn in yet
1/10 bait got me to reply
you mean 0 hrs in office
>((((((((private sector))))))))
Is this the same white house that said those jobs were gone and never coming back?
The same white house that said Trump would never be president?
>Trump's at .1% and he's not even in office yet
josh earnest is about to get drained out of the swamp so good riddance, what a traitorous faggot
The hundreds of thousands of minimum wage part time jobs that replaced the full time jobs with benefits.
Why should he care? I thought these jobs were "obsolete"? I mean a
weren't we all supposed to become programmers instead?
>Trump isn't even in office yet and they are already having to measure dicks
This is going to be a fun 8 years.
>Obama created a MILLION jobs
4. Ftfy
t. Obamaleaf obviously
Trump saved jobs even before taking office.
Give him time.
You aren't telling the whole equation, libtard! Obama lost 1.1 million, and then gained 800,000 of lowly, peon jobs. Many of which are just part-time positions. Barry only netted 300,000 jobs.
Look how many businesses shut down due to Obama's regulations and ACA. The number of businesses lost under Prez Barry was unprecedented, you lying faggot.
Trump bent the knee to an air conditioning conglomerate lol
Obama created shit tier part time
>everyone's hours get cut in half
>twice as many people now work half days and get paid fuck all
>no benefits because low hours
>libtards think this means "creating jobs"
the carrier deal is stupid
obama is right - they let those unskilled jobs go to mexico, then they prepare and train themselves for a new and more useful skill for newer technology and better industry to come in
this kind of thing will harm us in the long run
They wouldn't get benefits anyways. You think employers want to give you benefits?
Are you implying Trump isn't going to get re-elected? You're sorely mistaken. Even most lefties I've seen have made peace with the fact that he will be in for 8.
>99% of Presidents get re-elected
>The bar is so fucking low if Trump even does a half-assed job people will talk about him like he is the hottest shit on the block
>Isn't even in office yet and is already working
>Republicans have a majority in everything
>Democrats just re-elected Pelosi so they literally did not learn their lesson and are going to get right back to attacking the white working class while asking for them to vote
Forcing companies into creating a bunch of part time jobs doesn't help the economy much.
this. I fucking HATE the whole 'created jobs' bullshit liberal fags pull. He made work over 29 hours super costly for employers, so they all just hire two people at 20 hours a week instead of a single full time employee. He literally just divided Americas jobs between two people and made everyone poorer.
Required reading.
You'd rather help a stranger in your house who behaves badly than a friend in your house who behaves well.
>tfw centrist Trump begins the swing to the right and Pence finishes it
the 16yrs of a pendulum shift to an extreme right America will be glorious
I understand you got to shill bc it's it job, but Jesus nigger Christ stop saying btfo
He literally created them by his own hand. He called up every business and worked with them to create new positions, single handedly creating millions of jobs.
I cannnot wait for him to be out of office.
This may sound crazy but every real job gives benefits. If you've only ever served tables or flipped burgers you wouldn't know this.
dude isn't even president yet and he's saving jobs. 8 years vs. -2 months of a presidency. Dumbest headline ever
why didn't they do it then?
Hahaha, wrong. You leftists need to accept that you've completely lost everything. You were too fucking stupid to make an intellectual case, and your moronic ideology is being rejected.
>Trump saves actual jobs
>Before he's elected
>Obama administration changes the definition of employed and "saves" one million jobs in 8 years
Not even president and saved some jobs. Took obongo how long to fuck up the economy and keep it that way with obongo care?
Looks like ctr and ironic shitposters just got btfo. Thread is over.
This is the stupidest thing I've ever read
>Obamaleaf in hiding for the next 8yrs
The Trump presidency just keeps on giving
>jobs come and go in and Obama economy
>WH press secretary goes into massive damage control over Trump actually saving jobs when not even in office
>o-oh yea well x amount of jobs were created over the past 8 years!
>we don't need to mention the millions more people on unemployment!
They are like 12 year old retards that don't have anything to brag about but are doing it anyway.
This makes them look petty and reminds the country how shitty the economy is under obummer.
Obama made a bunch of jobs in the NSA watching what you do
>Remember the six million jobs stupid goy
And Obama FORCED people have healthcare.
>it doesn't count because he gave them a tax incentive
>even though he said he was going to do that
>and he was going to cut literally everyone's taxes anyway
>MILLION jobs in 8 YEARS
>1000 JOB IN -51 DAYS
Nigger BTFO
How pissy do you have to be to release a statement like that? Trump isn't even president yet and he already brought back jobs Obama didn't lift a finger to try and save.
It's pretty obvious you're not going to be able to create a million jobs when you're not even in office yet.
No one with half a brain believes the obama administration's bullshit. If he actually saved a million manufacturing jobs then trump wouldn't have gotten elected. The people where those lost jobs actually are spoke and they spoke for trump
He saved a million government subsidized jobs in 8 years?
>The incumbent won't be re-elected.
Don't forget that if the dems actually were going to retake the senate 2016 was the year to do it.
2016: 23 republican and 8 democratic incumbents faced reelection
2018: 24 dems and 7 republicans (5 of which are in the reddest states) face reelection
Lets also not forget that the people that usually vote in midterm elections are republicans, because democrats are too lazy to turnout unless it's a race with the presidency at stake.
So his majority will probably be even larger than it is after 4 years.
answer me
>8 years is ~2920 days
>2920 divided by 51 equals ~57
>57 multiplied by 1000 equals 57,000
I don't expect you to be intelligent considering your nationality, but this is prepubescent mathematics.
Obamacare forced thousands of full-time employees to become a million part-time workers.
Did he bring all the owners out to the golf course to play a few rounds?
>-51 days
wew buddy, I lol'd hard
>trump isn't even president yet
>saving jobs
Obama created 15.5 million jobs actually. And counting.
Be careful when you summon me. I am the destroyer of your world.
Hi Styx. Big fan
50 more days nigger
>Obama creates 8 million minimum wage hospitality industry jobs in 8 years
>Trump secures 1,000 high paying technician jobs A MONTH BEFORE ENTERING OFFICE
If Obama actually cared about the people in this country he'd be happy for them and congratulate Trump.
King Nigger has also been importing the entire 3rd world to compete with Americans for the shit jobs he created.
Fucking nigger.
Why are we worroed about saving shit Carrier factory jobs when we should be worried about investing into the digitalization and computerization of factory work? Only plebs work hard.
Low skilled work is degenerate.
Difference is, Trump isn't even fucking president yet.
>takes office at the dip of the worst economic crisis since great depression
>labor participation still at lowest since fucking Jimmy Carter
>obongo did good lol
Die of aids.
U mad brah ?
Are these full or part time jobs?
How much autism bucks does Canada pay you? You spend far too much time on here to have any value to your country in any respect
Your math is literally meaningless. What are you even trying to find you retard?
Sort of related-Obama presided over a recovery from a recession. No shit he added jobs. Steady growth under normal circumstances is impressive, returning from an extreme high of unemployment isn't.
>brought back 1000 jobs
correction: gave a business special favors and benefits in exchange for only outsourcing half as many jobs as they threatened to.
Your boy Donald just weakened his stance from keeping 100% of jobs and punishing people who outsourced
, to keeping 50% of jobs in exchange for special benefits to businesses that threaten to outsource. And he isn't even in office.
>politicians create jobs
I wonder if this is a standalone complex, when there is no original obama leaf, and its just a few canadian posters who think they are emulating the origional
I mean, he's not even the president yet.
>He not even in office yet
>acting as if any kind of jobs numbers are comparable
Awww, I thought for sure you committed suicide on election night (well, technically the early hours of the day after the election, but whatever). Oh well.
sometimes i ask you questions then close the thread right away just so you waste 5minutes of your life replying. fucking faggot
>Obama created jobs
>obama saved over a million
Thats not even true. He bought a few TEN thousand for several HUNDRED times the price Trump offered
>Obango created mostly crappy minimum wage jobs; the high paying jobs all went to the politically well connected in Washington D.C and Jew York
>Obango imports millions of niggers, spics and chinks to compete for the good jobs his sycophants don't get
>1 person who works 3 jobs just to get by still counts as 3 jobs statistically.
says a lot more about you than it does me
> Man who isn't even president still saves jobs.
Give him something shiny.
of course they are unimpressed they are all Democrats
>Awww, I thought for sure you committed suicide on election night
I didn't. America did.
95% full time jobs.
it has the be the same guy right?
I refuse to believe theres a team of Canadians shilling for Obama
Except the auto companies he bailed out payed it back with interest. You can't pay back a tax credit.
The free market has decided that American workers need to die. If you just accept that then you are a faggot.
Arby's and Bojangles have been growing rapidly thanks to Obama
According to that, there has been no recovery under Obama. You sure you want to go with this?
Serious question. Why do you spend so much time here defending Obama? Please no meme response like "I like shitting on dumb right wingers". Genuinely curious why it's important to you, especially if you're Canadian
>1000 jobs not even as a president
>Millions of jobs over the course of two terms of presidency
yeah that is totally comparable
>99% of Presidents get re-elected
right wing retards. every time.
>Obama created
Can you specify which jobs Obama created?
Oh, none of them?
So any job creation that occurred was actually in spite of him and the extremely slow "recovery" under his policies?
Really, tingles my noggin fibers.
Negative 51 days you fucking tard.
>American edumacation
15.5 million jobs is no recovery?
Fuck you retards really are too much sometimes.
>Sup Forums only cares about the headline, not the facts
The median household income is falling, so unless you want to live in brazil, we need work that supports families. Unless you're happy seeing your taxes go up to support more welfare and/or a basic income
>muh hypothetical numbers