
When did you realise being a firefighter is the manliest job in the world?

Why aren't you aspiring to be a firefighter right now?

Look at this video and tell me they aren't heroes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>save women form fire
>gets sued and accused of sexual harassment and rape and go to prison
It is better to leave the woman on the fire.

Lol is that what happens in burgerland? Goddamn what a fucked up country, you were once so great. now look at you.

I'm currently enrolled in an EMT program I'm about to finish up.

Thinking about going full on paramedic ASAP though because I find this stuff interesting.

Good stuff. Hopefully you don't have a hero complex and think you'll be running into burning buildings on your first day.

Work in the field for at least a year as a basic. Otherwise you'll be hated by the others cause you only know what the books say.

cause i dont have some sort of need to prove myself and save others while putting myself in danger

they can be "manlier" than me. im completely fine with that

This video has to be from the 1980s. The cops aren't in full battle rattle driving an MRAP.

Career fire captain here. 13 years on the job so far. It's been rough, but I love it. Most days.

My dad was a station officer for 20 years. He always did the inspector test but never passed.

what are the risks boys got any statistics

>When did you realise being a firefighter is the manliest job in the world?
It's for lower castes

>Why aren't you aspiring to be a firefighter right now?
Here it's not remunerated. All firefighters are volunteers

>Look at this video and tell me they aren't heroes.
They are good goyim

>looking down on 'lower castes'
>believing in the caste system

No wonder Argentina is such a shithole

Low caste detected

I'm Aussie mate. We have no castes here.

>all firefighters are volunteers

You live in a shit country.

>when did you realize being a firefighter is the manliest job in the world

It took me dropping out of my Fire Protection Technology program. It took me failing semesters and smoking weed to try to go for something more "academic". I switched majors from FPT to Ethnobotany in hopes that I would go to Cornell. Fuck that. After spending some time "finding myself" like any college degenerate does I realized that firefighters are real men and I switched my major back. By the end of next year I will be a Firefighter-EMT.

It is you vs nature. You have to be physically fit as fuck in order to survive and thrive as a firefighter. The community is also based as fuck. The majority of firefighter are chill as shit and are ready for pretty much any situation in life. Some of the nicest and down to earth people you will meet will be firefighters.

Job benefits-
I can work 3 days a week 12 hour shifts
I can get pussy easily
My coworkers always have my back
job requirements make it so I have to be in shape and always on point
You actually help people

One of my professors told me the best story about being a firefighter:

>You are at a public service meeting
>Cops, firefighters, emts etc...
>There is free food there
>Free doughnuts
>A cop will take two doughnuts for himself and two for later
>A firefighter will take one for himself one for later and 7 for the boys back at the firehouse

Firefighter community is amazing, actually full of based individuals and generally manly/based as fuck.

I can't wait to say the least.

Same here. Only 11 years in, pumper capt.

As a dude about to start my career firefighter journey, can you give me any insight into some of the "bad days" you have?
How many days out of a month do you go into work and come home and think, wow that was a shitty month?

>400 pound mother
>200 pound 10 year old
>200 pound 5 year old
>waiting outside while infant burns

Holy fucking shit, you're a fucking parent if your child in a burning house you have one option you either go in to save them or you die with them

jesus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with amerifats?

Define bad day pls.

A day that you wished didn't happen or that made you emotionally distressed

Watching a fire burst into flames with a young couple's children still inside. The fire is at the point where rescue is impossible, and all you can do is stand there with your eyes closed as you listen to the screams of the mother who just lost her 3 children.

Since getting red pilled I've actually started trying to get myself in shape enough to go this path.
Next thing on 'the list' is joining the volunteer fireys.

I can remember being in a housefire, hearing over radio victim trapped in back room of house. Moving with urgency, found room in question, batt. Chief comes in no mask, coat, helmet, gloves, only pants. Opens door, fire rolls over head he dives behind wall, crawls out of house. Point of story, fire has a way of persuading you to fucking leave.

I've been lucky enough to never have had bona fide victims trapped fire.

Also, "victim" turned out to be strong box full of cash.

There was about a two week period about 5-6 years ago, where little kids kept getting into pools and drowning. That period, in my territory , there must have been 10 kids age 3-7 die.

Volunteer firefighters aka rurals are trash. Don't even bother with them. It'll actually lower your chances of becoming a professional. They are the ones who start most of the big fires through inadequate backburning.

Don't listen to this. At least in the US you generally need volunteer experience to get a career firefighting job.

Damn dude that's rough. How did you deal with these cases?

It was rough. Just do your best to remember you didn't put them in that spot, not your fault.

My small town dept voted a guy to be chief for a year so he had experience for the city.

Also in my area larger "cities" will page out rural departments for mutual aid so they don't have to pay the full time guys. We literally do it for free.

US is different, your rurals don't actually do anything. Here where there's bushfires every summer, it's a bit different.

So do we. We just don't make the news usually.

Then it probably isn't the type of bushfire we get in Australia.

But I just want to kill sand niggers, not save them from their eventual doom that they most likely caused themselves.

Must admit the ability to play God with peoples lives is tempting but ultimately firefighters are nonviable in a capitalist society. You can't turn it into a profit without going down the path of arson or bringing in fire insurance subscription so the freeloaders don't get coverage and good luck trying to pass that notion in the current year.


Pretty close. Don't care to have measuring contest.

EMT community is also pretty based, but Sup Forums would be surprised how much "degeneracy" there is. People aren't as puritan as you would think. Fighter pilots are famously swingers.

>6 fatalities
>Black Saturday had 173

We win burger. Our bushfires aren't even on the same level as yours.

Pilot here. Thinking about doing my floats rating and jump on the CL-415

>pay $150 for physical/written testing
>90% on written test
>8:09 on physical course practice
>never go back for my real test because I'm afraid of failure and have terrible self esteem

Money well spent

Don't care.

How can anyone leave their kid in the house roasting.. and wait for the fucking fire dept to arrive?

Should take the axe to their heads when you get there.

>When did you realise being a firefighter is the manliest job in the world?
When a girl a went to high school with sued the fire department to get a job after she got a sex change operation.

You've probably got some issues once you start getting mad about things that have literally never happened

Every fireman I've ever met were just old alcoholics that drink and drive but don't get in trouble because cops let them get away with it.
Their salaries are as bloated as their beer bellies, fuck em.

libertarian: cut their funding.

communist: the working man of the people must be supported at all costs. tax the globalist capitalist jew exploiter class to fund them

libertarian: no muh liberty thats not their money wahhh we owe society or this country absolutely nothing. muh invisible hand of free market.

firefighter working class men and women and their unions are a prime example of why socialism is important.

did babby died?

The taxing Globalist banking part of Communism is literally the only good part of Communism though.

Firefighterfag reportin

You guys would get along real well with the boys at the station

Every department I've been a volunteer at has been based as fuck with the occasional conservative black (a rare species)

Seriously, get involved, meet some like-minded good dudes and become a brother. We all love guns, pussy, and hate liberals.

Side note: wearing your department's shirts gets the pussy wet before you even say hi.

yeah did anyone watch the video. looked like a dead baby at the end. Good job OP

Because firefighters suck ass. I'd rather be a paramedic.

>a firefighter looted my grandma's jewelry box when she called them because a retarded aunt smoked in a closet and started a fire

>neighbhour's house has a fire started by a A/C unit somehow
>firefighters did more damage with the water and by wrecking through walls and floors than the fire did

keep an extinguisher in your homes

This day will stay with me forever. Wasn't there, listening on radio waiting to get called, waiting for the worst.

I am a firefighter in the Army Reserve, c-a-a-an I join you guys?

>anti globalist
Yeah ok

did the baby live

Paramedicfag here.

>How do you know when a firefighter dies?
>He drops the remote.

They're definitely bad mother fuckers.

Firemen are cool.

why was he making out with that baby

>Some of the nicest and down to earth people you will meet will be firefighters.

Down to earth my ass. The firefighters blocked the whole freeway in my city for several hours just for a funeral procession. They see themselves as fucking royalty. When they accidentally killed a person from negligence they were supposed to save, they tried to cover it up and banned helmet cameras.

In other words you're too fat to be one of us.

>Hurr I'd rather be broke, dumb, and run into a burning building.

I wish one of you had died in the fire I had.

I thought about it but where I live like 60% of students back in High School were aiming to be firefighters for some reason, Many of them were waiting for something like ride along's or w/e their version is for like 2 years. Don't know a single one who actually got the job.

I'm not sure the job is even worth it anymore. In all the time I was a firefighter all people ever told me was how much they hated us. The departments around here actually require body armor for their guys now.

People who 'want' to be firefighters usually don't make good firefighters.

Can one be a firefighter that only saves white people and pets?

>2.94 MB
>Firefighters Anonymous (ID: jT8RfPz1) 12/01/16(Thu)22:41:03 No.1011

Fuckkkkkkk... there's some nightmare fuel.

Uhhhhhhh... wat?

Kek is a fickle god dude, sounds like you're gonna' die in a fire.
