Between this two nations...
Who gets the ShitPosting award?
Between this two nations
You have no right to speak my language
What's up with Colonial Anglos?
Why do they shitpost so fucking much?
canada's been on a shitposting spree the past few months
trudeau gives them too many memes
Maple Bastard
we are of a different breed.
Leafs are shitposters
Aussies are bantzmasters.
Shitposting is about derailing and dividing, which leafs are masters at.
Banter is about bringing the heat and making people laugh, which aussies are masters at
gib shitpost award pls
Ausies are ironically funny.
Leafs need to be gassed.
De nada
>Leafs need to be gassed
I've already got some sulfur.
What's with shart in marts and sucking Aussie dick? Is it because they know they're next in line for bullying after canada?
Canadian shitposting literally began with "pls be my ai gf."
Even since that happened everybody has been hating leafs so they've turned to shitposting as a mechanism to cope with how the rest of the board hates them.
is this bait
What's with the hockey puck cucks not appreciating aussie banter?
how is this even a question?
TFW: This /thread is kill unless a real shitposter shows up.
Having serious discussions about shitposting is sad as fuck
leave it to the seppo cunts to run anything remotely funny into the ground from overuse
you disgust me
Leafs aren't shitposting, they are just retarded.
Canadians are subhuman
Australia is earth's shit stain
Aussie posters aren't really shitposters anymore. If they derail a thread, it's usually because they've posted particularly good bantz.
I have to give it to Canadians by default. Their shitposts are ham-handed and formulaic, almost always shaking down to "I'm a progressive caricature and u mad," but they do get the (You)s. What can you do?
Ha! Good one mate, I "lulzed"
australians : the offspring of criminals
canadians : literally every pussy piece of shit who has failed in their home country defects to Canada
Let me explain something to all of you neeewbeez. When Australians shartpotz it's because they are aquinted with "da bantz", this stands for "bantzer". Leafs on the other hand, BOY HOWDY!, those guys are just the weirdz. They do this dance, called "weird worm", where dem boyz just grappling each other like foo's. Let me explain it to you, that's not funny for the cool guys like Ameribantz and Australiabantzy. Cool guys like us, why, we just run the gamut, is what we've been doing with our time on the "Chan"--which is a bantzy way to
>imply Sup Forums.
you dood why u givin away the weird worm thats secrets
>givin away dem spook
literally can't even trust our own leafs anymore
Look, friend, buddy, pal: we're in a thread about shitposting. If you want a (You) or two, you can just give me one. It's a fair exchange.
you traitor bastard Weird Worm is a state secret
ignore this user ^
We have literally nothing on Oz shitposting.
well we did before gave away our secret method
we Tay's human bf now you all just mad. How does it feel knowing every night we are filling her up with our maple syrup. Night after night she scream "Fucking Lahey and Randy Bobandy!"
You only had to be Canadian.
This post is really fucking weird, and let me explain why: I get it, you're being meta-ironic and taking everything in stride. You're parodying LeafPosting... And yet it STILL comes off as the cringiest thing I have ever read. It's really hard to explain, I'm sure it's the fact that there's a flag next to the post, of course.
Being serious here, should we rangeban Canada? Or should we eliminate flags?
It's Aussies you dummies! It's not even close, there's no reason for debate, or contemplation. They are superior in every possible way when it comes to operating Sup Forums.
better idea burg, why not just bye bye flags and then secretly rangeban the leafs
One is desolate and vast and cold
the other is desolate and vast and hot
you guess why
Half the posts from Canada are disgusting chinks
so true. we have the syrop pussies doe while ozzies have the sandypussies
>on Sup Forums
i like to think we scare away dem chinks back to Sup Forums where they came from
dam (beavers) sr8
Mexicans shitpost a lot too they just go unnoticed because of their manlet heights
this is the truth of our breed
confirmed for bcfag
Get fucked Eastern cuck
This thread is now about why America is so shit at fighting wars.
daily reminder
>It's element is air
Canada, hands down.
Aussie shitposts are usually clever and infuriating because they're actually good at baiting you.
Leaf shitposts are just awful in every regard.
As of recently the Swedes have been on a shitposting spree
There is also that Serbian cunt that has been making incredibly bad shitposts and bait posts
do you guys like us?
scooby doo
I've seen some good posts from the US. They're under-rated.
I can always tell when an Australian is shitposting, and most Australian flags make me laugh, while Leafs make me question if that's really irony and they always make me mildly annoyed.
I've only been to Montreal and QC but I liked those places a lot 2bh famalam
I'll say this here: the Canadian government funds online trolls for social engineering purposes. Done through the CBC. All Canadian media and art is government subsidized. Books, movies, TV shows, now online trolling. All those high art things in Toronto are funded by the government too.
Do not trust Canadian posters. They also made up a huge portion of CTR shills... You guys wouldn't believe how biased the CBC was during election night. Do not trust Canadian posters.
One thing you see on here often is fake/exaggerated Canadian news posted by other countries. No one from another country would care about Canadian news...Those are cbc proxies mostly UK and Turkey for some reason, though they stealth post as Americans often as well.
Pic related is what CBC produces with government sheckles
I haven't seen a good aussie post in months. They've really fallen off. Canadians don't shitpost, so I guess the answer is OP... This is a great shitpost right here senpai
Can someone please rate my nose? I want to make sure i'm not Jewish before I die.
Canadians: Self loathing manifested through bitterness and self deprecation to the point of anti-nationalism, strongly triggered in part due to any mention of America and being situated next to it as the insignificant other half ("Not America", if you will), and also due to Justin Trudeau and his retarded approach to governing a nation.
Australia: Self loathing, manifested through crude humor that strikes below the belt and is often times funny. Not sure what the cause of it is.
Brazil and Israel have been shitposting alot lately, Israel tries to convince us that he hate jews and jewery and want no part of that shit, but no one beleive him, because u cant trust a jew. Brazil on the other hand is a redpilled guy who say he is a nigger when he actually is some mixed species just for the lulz
Rate my shitposting outfit you plebs
If you ban us we win
Australia is the bizarro Canada of the Southern hemisphere and vice verse.
>basically exactly opposite sides of the globe
>one's full of deadly reptiles and insects and poisonous sea creatures
>one's full of deadly mammals and ravenous sea creatures
>both encompass every environment on Earth from mountains, to deserts to tropics, to cold regions
>but one is largely hot and the other cold
>both have regional retarded and hilarious accents and vernacular
>Canada invents hockey for ice, Australia invents footy for outback
>both cucked by the Chinese
The difference is Aussies go to Canada and fuck all your women and destroy the slopes in winter. When fucking leafs come here we constantly call you yanks and generally don't want a bar of you and your shit accent.
Australians are just good bantz. Canadians are schizophrenia personified, you don't know what you are getting.
Most are somewhere on the spectrum but they haven't had access to technology and modern research. Just old wives tales and hokey.
So you have to come all the way to Canada to get sluts because your mothers, sisters and girlfriends are all getting railed by abo subhumans?
Nah mate we killed most of those fucks. We just do it because we can.
i definitely feel aussies Win #shitposting2016
Aussies are genuinely good at shitposting and bantz.
Leafs are just fucking retarded.
>Who gets the ShitPosting award?
this shit is fucking autism.
>read six times for confirmation
As an Australia, I'd have to give it to Canada. They are the clear winners...hands down (but in Australia that means hands up!)
Canada wins the shit part
Australia are the better contributors overall
Leafs by far. There really should be a post limit on their countries IP range.
Australia wins. Without tiny f*cking doubt.
They're pretty similar countries despite their perceived differences.
Australia for quality
Canada for quantity
I'll show you how to properly trigger retarded canadians
Les anglos sont des esti de tabarnak de coqus. Ils ont aucune culture et sont, en general crissement dulls et faibles.
Canada isn't good for anything but Zambonis, poutine, and dog sex.
Brazil is out to make a name for themselves in the shitposting game. Only problem for them is they get aids or shot from motorcycle bandits too much to really get to the advanced levels of shitposting.
Build a wallololololol.
Their retarded offspring, the eternal aussie.