What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you accept a cybernetic limb? How about a brain upgrade? What do you think politicians from your country will do about such things?
Can we create a perfect world using the power of technology?
What are your thoughts on the subject? Would you accept a cybernetic limb? How about a brain upgrade? What do you think politicians from your country will do about such things?
Can we create a perfect world using the power of technology?
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>would you accept it
>would you upgrade?
If I had a limp cut off in an accident, i'd have it replaced. I wouldn't go out and get upgrades.
It's the difference between mastering technology and being a slave to it. Between owning a mobile phone for calls and using it to google everything
What if that cybernetic limb became a job requirement? A social obligation, much like having a smartphone and social media account are today?
it's a psychotic fantasy
Link fucked up hard, but I'd still like to see a response to this, its a very real possibility that not many seem to consider
Then i'd probably do what I do with smartphones and social media accounts. Not get them.
I have thought about this a lot whenever playing Deus Ex. I wouldn't choose to get these augmentations.
So you'd willingly leave yourself behind? Even when you start losing job opportunities and become one of the have-nots?
It might be seen as leaving myself behind, but only to the idiot masses, and I don't care what they think. They probably think I do so now, for not..keeping up with the Kardashians, or ingesting their horrible shit media. I don't get to have those "water cooler" conversations with them, so i'm a have not already.
Doesn't faze me at all. I haven't mastered the body and mind I have yet. There's no point upgrading it by technological means if I don't already use it all now.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.
There is literally no excuse not to improve yourself in mind and body whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Tbqh, transhumanism and having AI doing politics are the ultimate solution to fix politics.
With democracy, we will continue to have shittier politicians as most populations that are increasing (and that will elect politicians) are either welfare leeches who bear children to get more welfare benefit or immigrants from Africa or Islamic world whose ideology is too backward for modern world.
We are literally going to have shittier population as times goes and democratically elected politicians will be utter shit with those population. With AI doing politics, we won't have that problem of having shit human politicians that are democratically elected.
To summarize, I think AI doing politics is the only way to prevent welfare leeches and immigrants from backward culture to have too much political influence
Only a fucking weeb would say shit like that. Why dont you burn your clothes and walk around in the snow butt nekkid? Why are u depending on clothing when the human body is fully capable of adapting? Why dont you sleep on the ground instead of a bed like the idiot masses?
>using technology safely is the same as letting technology overwhelm your brain and central nervous system
It's like me saying: "Oh, you're wearing clothes? Why are you taking them off, if you LOVE THEM SO MUCH".
Makes no sense.
As far as I'm concerned there is no magical spark of humanity or whatever, if a guy loses his leg he's still a guy. Whatever traits or experiences you have that you think are special are not, someone somewhere has experienced that.
The only thing that makes you in any way special is your uniqueness, the sum of your traits and experiences. Therefore I always conclude any enhancements do nothing to change who you are as long as they don't alter your memories or desires.
Considering that, I'm indifferent to modification as it doesn't really take away one's humanity.
A good thing to consider with haves and have-nots is Huga de Garis' The Artilect War. The book's expensive af so just read a synopsis or watch a documentary
But any technology can be abused, this stuff especially so.
That's something else to consider: abuse.
Would you abuse this power? How would one go about protecting oneself from said abuse? How would you keep your new enhanced limbs from being hacked?
>How would you keep your new enhanced limbs from being hacked?
I see two options
1) No Internet connection for the implants, which in an increasingly digital world will be crippling. Also you still won't be totally safe, wherever you connect to to update could have a virus designed to target enhancements
2)Buy flagship enhancements and pray they're spending their billions of dollars on security
Limbs etc aren't the big concern, and neural implants are. Camera eyes, ram-chip-gizmos etc. The kind of things the MeMeMe generation would want connected to their twatter
>Year 2093
>Everyone robotic but me
>Arms, eyes legs the whole deal
>Lost a fortune and now live on the streets
>No job because mental enhancers required
>Called a conservitard and christ cuck
>CNNMBC blares on TV
>"Solar Flare"
>Watch as everyone goes full spastic and crumples
I imagine they can figure out how to avoid solar flare damage by that point, but yeah, is is something to consider
>But any technology can be abused, this stuff especially so.
We rather wish it was the case. The truth is that we're not abusing it, we're just using it to abuse ourselves. I don't care if people want to augment the shit out of themselves, but the idea of it making humanity better is silly.
There's never been a magic potion, a philosopher's stone or an ambrosia, but people create the idea of them wherever they go.
AI will never do politics unless a pro AI faction takes over a country through force.
What's more likely is politicians using AI to guide them, but not officially
But biological immortality it's real, it already exists in some animals (lobsters, jellyfish, those sorts of creatures) it's just a matter of learning how to apply that to humans
you're telling me a lobster is immortal?
There are several species of lobster that don't age, or age so slowly that we haven't been able to tell.
Only if the maintenance is minimal or nonexistent (like with my normal limbs). That's one great thing about organic parts, by-and-large they maintain and repair themselves until you're an old fuck.
>Brain upgrade
I'd be extremely cautious about it, I would want to talk with the people who actually designed and built the augment, I'd want them to show me every part and explain it's function. I'd also never get any brain implants that actively did things to my body, (stimulate hormone production, send impulses to muscles, alter involuntary reactions, etc etc).
Once true self-improving AI is created, it will be virtually impossible to control it. It would be so beyond human level intelligence that you can't event begin to imagine what its motives may be unless they were somehow hardwired into its brain, and even then you have no idea how it is going to interpret and act on those motives. Creating AI will be like creating a literal god, there's no reason to think that a hostile government takeover isn't possible.
Although I think it's possible that technology is the next phase in our evolution as a species, I would personally choose not to get it. I've lived without using banks, credit, or any of that other stupid shit for years, so I figure I can get around just about anything society imposes upon me. I have only been photographed a couple of times in the last few decades because I want to remember things the way I remember them. I don't want to alter my experience more than I already have.
I was one of the first transhumanist musicians on the scene. It's a bunch of very smart people mixed in with a TON of fringe bullshit people that clutter it all up.
One of the big reasons that I wouldn't do it is that I want to remember things the way I remember them. There's an episode of Black Mirror where everyone has these chip implants or some shit that records everything they do and it's fucked up. They overanalyze every moment and nothing is forgotten. There are so many things I'd like to forget.
you're an idiot
>wanting George Soros to live forever
>Can we create a perfect world using the power of technology?
Name one case of a new technology solving more problems than it creates.
Yes to the limb.
It depends on the augment, if it was memory or speed or something that assists rather than changes the OS then yes, if the law of universal computation is true then it wouldn't matter.
>not wanting Soros to become senator Armstrong before he gets put down by some other auggie