Let's get one of these going
Dindu nuffin
They have pea-brains :-/
Holy fuck
Is it possible that African identity/culture is incompatible with western white culture, and since most blacks are impoverished, their state of being within our culture gets worse and worse, compounding itself with every generation?
No. No it's not.
look, it's the reason why the black crime rate is so high
Your first two charts seem to prove that poverity IS positively correlated with crime. Unemployment, believe it or not, is correlated to poverty.
How do those stats undermine my proposition that we have incompatible cultures?
Likely a good part of it, yea.
I don't see a trend in the first two graphs like I see in the third. More blacks equal more crime is what that graph tells me.
And shit, maybe you're right. Maybe black culture has no place in the US. Would another country suit the American black culture better? Serious question.
Ålö švēdë r u theře
What the fuck did I just watch?
>Unemployment, believe it or not, is correlated to poverty.
Nobody is disputing that.
Poverty only accounts for the first ~.35 in all three cases.
The chart is meant to show that being black increases the correlation much closer to perfect correlation
Why does this look so fake? The gunshots or whatever look like after effects pro
The spotlight exaggerates the dust kicked up by the bullet impacts.
Thank you for articulating that so well.
Christ, that's hard to watch. Literally not even human beings.
Dude, right?
I've seen this vid countless times and it kills me every fucking time.
This is priceless
Nigger won't drop his gun and go under arrest peacefully. Cops threaten to sick their dog on him and he thinks they're bluffing. Once they sick the dog on him he quickly throws his gun and the fidgety cops unload on him and inadvertently shoot and kill their own dog too.
Poor doggo :(
I'll give her credit that was a heck of a punch.
I mean, regardless of who was in the right, it is unfortunate that these people's child died because of his own irresponsibility. I am sure that nobody involved in this wanted him to die.
Poor doggo :'-(
some backstory
>dog is policedog
>runs at nigga
>tries to take him down
>trigger happy cops unload on nigga
>some bullets hit doggo
>cops call in medivac
>doctors rush doggo to hospital
>nigga bleeds out
the dog lived as far as I recall
At least they have hair and not weave, whatever the fuck that's supposed to be made of.
>dog lived
Aww yeah. But still, can't really fathom why they'd suddenly shoot after siccing the dog.
>why you think we aint goin tip?
>thas raysis
>fuck you white boi
>we aint goin tip
I can't say whether I'd have shot too. When he goes to throw the gun, it almost looks hostile.
>What is a reservation
>Large group requires lots of room
>2 white people easier to seat then 10 white people that are in one group.
Sounds like they're dualy fucked. Both Black and Jewish.
thats when you hang up "we have the right to refuse service" sign
Holy fucking shit! Fuck this kid!
Mace Dindu
Lol that's in britain
He's not that wrong. Genes and culture form an evolutionary feedback loop. What's crime to us is hunting/gathering to them.
That's why I don't get that mad when I hear about yet another nigger who blew someone away over a pair of shoes. They really can't help it.
Where the hell is that?
>why apefricans never domesticated animals
lost it at file name
Jesus Christ
>regardless of who was in the right
>in a defensive shooting taking place in the context of an armed robbery
You should be beaten until you're paralyzed.
What a dumb cunt lol.
Got what was coming to him.
Was not expecting this. That is some sad fucked up shit, senpai.
what the fuck?
sleep tight doggo
TFW when World War Z becomes real.
How do you beat your own ass in a fight? Niggers are like a real-life Wile E. Coyote cartoon.
One in the same.
>6 gorillion of these fine specimens of humanity by 2100
how much of it is culture and how much of it is DNA?
>It says bestgore in the corner
>Expecting a good end
MY SIDES!!!!!!
Hey man, I'm white and I can do that shit.
Takes some special skill
The Zimbabwe apocalypses
Yeah, just when you think it can't get any worse,
it gets worse.
There is a feedback loop between dna, culture and the environment.
Apparently (and thankfully) the kid lived. I do hope that they take his license for like 5 years though. God damn, he easily could have killed innocent people at those speeds, even clipping a car could have severely injured someone.
Story? I want to know the context of this.
This is one of my faves
This is beyond fascinating because he already only had one hand. The implication is strong that he had been caught before and lost the other one. What would drive a person to lose one of their most important limbs and then gamble the only one you have remaining?
I am boggled.
correlation is not causation lol