Even if Stewart was this confrontational - he at least used to keep the audience from heckling.
Thanks for the daily dose of divisiveness Trevor.
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White pple will never know how it feels to get harassed by the police killed by the police slavery, being denied job an education opportunities,growing up poor with no father figure in the household, getting 3x more jail time for the same crimes..White pple introduce the WORLD to racism and HATE ..so for white pple to always defend racism an act like there not is the reason america has never an will never be great...Until white pple have experienced half of wut black pple have been through they should Never speak on racism or any type of shit that has to do wut black pple or black lives matter... Black pple are the most influential pple on earth..They hate us but always stealing from our culture... Fuck White pple..
i know you're joking. but i'd fucking kill for the "racism" black americans experience.
what have these people ever done except be black? They've never invented anything. All they have is their race. why should white people even think about them? They don't matter at all. Hopefully they'll all be aborted by their moms in the future for being worthless.
The biggest problem with the interview is that he had his foot on the gas with the zingers and his humor had basically nothing to do with her actual argument or was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" tier.
>I don't see color.
>Then what do you see at a traffic light?
It gets laughs from the audience who are trying to piss your guest off, but it doesn't add to the discussion. It's just a lame sucker punch that interrupts her train of thought and makes you look better for the camera.
Stewart was a fantastic interviewer who always treated even people he vehemently disagreed with with respect and never went for cheap laughs that held no relevance. Noah doesn't give a shit about the interview. This was just a ratings/viral stunt to feign even-handedness while still trying to one up your guest at every turn.
It's just dishonest.
she blew him the fuck out
i am kidding. just copy pasta.
but doubt the original commenter was.
"This bitch needs to be hung like our ansisters or shot by a cop for no reason for her to realize that black pple tired of being treated like our lives dont matter..I hate fuckin white bitches like her.. why is this Hoe gettin any attention at all.. Somebody need to kill this fuckin racist bitch...Id beat the fuck out this hoe go do my 90-180 days In jail to let her know how it feels to be a victim for no reason bc she clearly has never been through any type of struggle..Ill have her struggling for her last breath... Kill This white bitch..."
white people wish they could get away with half this shit.
>did you just say what did the klan do?
he was barely paying attention to her drivel
That one monkey made peanut butter and other things out of peanuts
>never invented anything
you srs?
Yes negro goyim follow your masters and once the population is a bastardized 'brown' shade you will have a new ((((white)))) master
>what us? We're not white
>but we are Jews
>don't be racist silly brown goyim
Tomi Lauren is a cutie, it's too bad she has no idea how to phrase arguments or debate with liberals
TN took low hanging fruit, of which there was much
>She blew him
Yeah I bet you wanted her to
>Sweden shoe horning his Freudian impulses as usual
He came off as a smug piece of shit, hopefully they'll dumpster this show soon. oh wait they can't cuz that would be rayciss
>never went for cheap laughs
>cut to Jon Stewart's "seriously?" face
She made him look like a total retard and made everyone in the audience seem like shit. It was awesome.
the show is just plain bad. It will be canceled soon.
He isn't smart or witty enough to say anything but the talking points he has already had written for him. If the audience sat as silent for his quips as they do hers it would be a laughably bad segment.
It's like having a laugh track in 2 and a half men. without it the show is terrible. If someone edited this show without the applause or laughter it would be clear how bad it truly is.
I went back and watched part of the debate special Stewart had with O'Reilly and it really struck me how much of a fucking idiot Stewart was. For every point he may of had, O'Reilly had like 5 on him. Stewart kept making these retarded accusations, O'Reilly would say "What are you talking about I don't like that either" and then the moderator would have to bail him out.
This kind if race baiting is fucking stupid. Tomi is not the smartest tool in the shed, why give her a platform to display her stupidity.
Basically two retards arguing.
Meanwhile, in reality...
This was a civil discussion, and both parties were happy with the outcome.
What kind of fucking gimmie that is that suppose to fucking be anyway, like no one in history every had peanuts, hammer, and oil till niggers rolled out of the dark asshole of Africa.
The reality where you're such a newfag with bitter one liners now that your old dying cunt failed?
I've been on Sup Forums longer than Sup Forums has, friendo.
Also, fuck Hillary Clinton. I hope the democrats wise up and get rid of anyone connected to them in any way by 2020. They're electoral poison.
Destroy these bubbles. As long as they're the bubbles I don't agree with.
nanci peloci
they fucked themselves
Hillary's the poison we didn't drink becuase we knew the fucking taste.
The somalis in minnesota?
Also, lol at your sad, myopic partisan viewpoint where anyone who disagrees with you is instantly the enemy.
There should be room in your life to admit that Tomi Lahren is a fucking idiot who looked like one on the daily show while still supporting trump, dummy. Straight ticket never did anyone any favors.
>Noah doesn't give a shit about the interview.
I disagree. He's gone out to say he wants to try exposing the people in the bubble he attracts (ie liberals) to things outside of the bubble. I think he genuinely wanted to expose his audience to something outside of their echo chamber, but since it's something new for him he handled it a bit awkwardly and probably thought he needed to still have a few "funny" lines in there since it's a comedy show.
Trevor comes off a lot more genuine in interviews where he's not trying to be funny. He tries too hard on the show sometimes.
A black man pretending to be culturally relevant
That's why I want term limits for the legislative branch as well. Why do we have to elect a racist, worthless demagogue like Trump to "drain the swamp"? (not that he actually will, lol secretary of treasury)
Shit should be self draining. Fuck your dynasty, fuck business as usual.
That's like the people who say they want their advisers to disagree with them.
No they fucking don't. That's just shit they say to make themselves appear more magnanimous. In reality, they want yes-men and brown-nosers.
what the fuck, is this the new 'nigger'?
Fucking shill faggots are wasting your time, lol.
To this day their ass still bleeds.
Can someone explain to me what happened to American media? Do most people (clearly not Sup Forums) perceive them as generally bright and honest?
It seems like most "journalists" and "hosts" could be replaced with 15yo girls without anyone ever noticing. When they exchange opinions with a guest they usually say something in a patronizing tone like "O-MG, did you really say that? Like, really? B-but that's... mean/inappropriate/offensive! What you're saying is wrong because, like, how can you even say that!"
In my country, the common man and even other journalists crucify the ones that have indisputably gone full retard.
No, no one of any civility would ever dare type "n*gger".
Carver was a brilliant man and did a lot of cool shit, but he didn't invent peanut butter.
Got any examples?
remind me again why this garbage is on Comedy Central?
it's just one variation of power word daze
How do you figure? You crybabies have spent the last eight years complaining about Barack, and he was a pretty good fucking president. I'm going to talk as much shit as humanly possible about Trump over the next four. (there won't be eight, lol)
All the music you listen to.
>Do most people (clearly not Sup Forums) perceive them as generally bright and honest?
I was referring to inventions, but yeah blacks make excellent musician and athletes.
remind me again why americans insist on getting their political information and world view spoon fed to them by comedians like trevor noah and john liebowitz?
wow she got fucking humiliated
she genuinely didn't seem to understand the irony of saying "i'm a millennial so i hate labels". even after it was pointed out to her
that was nonstop cringe throughout
What's this guy's accent? It sounds like some pretentious cuntis trying to sound the least black as he possibly can
South African, moron.
holy shit you are dumb
Yeah that was fucking bad, i had to stop after Trevor was saying that just because the sniper in Dallas said he was part of BLM doesn't mean he was. She was surrounded by all angles though and it hurt to watch.
>american education
You could say that about any side.
But maybe, just maybe, we should give people chances instead of just disregarding their intentions as disingenuous because they're on the opposing side.
Even house niggers like Trevor can't conceal their natural hostility towards white people for long.
she's like a watered down, louder and even more annoying Sean Hannity. she even parrots his fucking talking points on almost every topic.
this """"""""""debate""""""""""""" was a waste of time to watch. they're both fucking stupid.
His whole argument is THEY DINDU NUFFIN
Blacks will never accept that they ever do anything wrong. boo hoo blame whitey some more and go back to africa Tevor. You had to suck the jew dick to get your job. You are not even a fucking comedian.
>He doesn't know the nationality of some irrelevant (((comedian))) or recognize an accent from an irrelevant region of the world
>He must be dumb, I'm vastly superior be caused I looked up his IMDB
He doesn't even sound like Sharlto Copley, go back to your Blacked videos
>pretty good
lol k
>even a bare minimum of education is bad!
This board in a nutshell.
LMAOing @ your life right now
Everybody does. Once. You can go down the list of people who thought that when they started. Then once they sat down with somebody for an "honest interview" for an hour, half-hour, two hours and had an open and honest discussion, then turn around and come time to print the article or air the show it turns out it they were just angling for a hit piece the entire time, and selectively edited it to put you in the worst light possible.
The media is full of people who only get ahead by trying to destroy other people, it's their actions that have made people as jaded and untrusting of them as they are now, and with technology being what it is today they don't need the old media anymore.
>listening to nigger beats
>Recognizing a sub dialect of a South Africa. Accent which has been Americanized and covered with a pretentious tone is education
Wew lad
He wasn't the greatest, and I personally agree with a lot of the stuff he's done, but you can't look back on the last eight years and not say that some good shit got done. To pretend otherwise doesn't bolster your argument, it just makes you look obstinate and, frankly, childish.
Does Nkazimulo realize his house is about to be haunted by evil Chinese spirits?
every time she caught the nog in an argument he just temporarily jumped to different topic only to return at a later stage
he did catch her out once or twice but overall she stumped the coon remarkably well considering he conducted the interview and probably knew all the subject matter before hand and could rehearse
Lmaoooooooo. You sound like an Appalachian shine runner.
>what have these people ever done except be black?
>implying that's not enough
this argument is retarded both of you kill yourselves please
>but you can't look back on the last eight years and not say that some good shit got done
> it just makes you look obstinate and, frankly, childish
Que whiney liberal fags like you post 8 years of Bush. You cucks cried like raped baboons even years into the Obongo precidency about Bush. lol get fukt
>I want term limits for the legislative branch as well. Why do we have to elect a racist,
literally contradicts itself in the same fucking breath
neck yourself retarded cuck
That's controlled opposition. Women have no place in politics.
What do you expect from a literal black Jew? He hates white people.
>stormfag education
All I said is the dude sounds like a cunt. Captain sperg is trying to white knight him.
And black people have no one to blame but themselves.
Bush did a good job of convincing neocon retards like you to enlist and get merked in Iraq before they could ever grow up and have any real effect back home. We owe him a huge debt of gratitude for that one.
Convincing argument. Stay mad, turbocuck
I was getting the jest that he was genuinely trying to get answers/solutions from her, but he had to pull it together with sly jokes when it felt a little out of hand for her.
I feel Trevor had good intentions trying to bring her full voice out about where she'd truly like to be as a society, but she felt too restrained to tell people the full truth...
But that's just my 2 cents
Oh, he also pissed off enough Arabs that we had to start fracking here. Now gas is cheap!
anyone notice the new googles talk in soft tone acting like they are well mannered and educated such a facade Don Lemon does the same thing
why isn't this nigger being lynched for looking at a white woman?
>smartest tool in the shed
>you invented metal
>you invented bluegrass
>you invented traditional celtic folk songs
Eat shit.
I know this is bait and pasta but a lot of shit "stolen" by white society is actually just accepted and then blacks turn their backs on it and cry because it's not exclusively theirs anymore. Especially in modern times. Go look at how many black people got assblasted over shit like watch me whip, or dabbing, or general black slang being accepted by whites.
If you don't like what we tell you to believe in, we'll kill ya
lol did you watch the same video?
Listening to her have to defend herself as not a racist was the final straw. How much Tim have we wasted playing by their rules? You will never not be a nazi to these people as long as you are white and don't totally bow down to them.
Might as well just become one to save time.
He would do that frequently in the monologue but his interviews often had a fluid back-and-forthness to it.
Why do you keep giving jobs to our dregs? This guy tried to make it here and was pushed on to panel shows despite nobody knowing who he was. All he did was make the odd das raycis joke.
Women are deeply offended by the word for reasons they can never explain. Thats not new.
this all liberal talk show hosts are cowards
i like using cuck more than cunt. cuck is like cunt and fuck combined.
Black music was shilled harder than anything. Black athleticism makes some degree of natural sense though.
People who speak like these make nazi less wrong