Trump has proposed decreasing state funding for many of them. Is there anything we can do on a local level to meme them back to reason?
Universities - How the fuck do we fix them
well, there is one way to fix them
have univerisites only for STEM and medicine/law. Everything else can fucking GO.
people can still study philosophy/sociology/psychology if they want but those should not be at public universities and you should get no help in funding them
Universities will never be fixed. Unfortunately, due to the people they employ and the types of people that attend them, they will always be hotbeds of Marxism, communism, etc.
The only way that this could be changed is if all professors were replaced by completely neutral teachers and all subjects that offer a venue for expression of political opinion were removed.
Of course, this is not a viable solution. The only way that universities can be "fixed" is to stop creating a culture where children are practically forced to attend. Send kids to trade schools instead.
Fuck off, sociology and psychology is just as important to society as engineering or law.
By infiltrating them obviously. Same with the cities. Either move there or shut the fuck up.
state funding and incentives should only apply to STEM and med, law, business fields.
-Increase the Quality by making it harder to pass.
-Only fund/subsidize Important Fields and the actually usable parts of Social Science and Philosophy.
-Take power away from the Students. Highschool is a hyrachie, University is too, just because you are dealing with "Adults" doesn't mean you should let them act like spoiled brats and begin to demand all sorts of shit even if they are paying.
-Increase neutrality on campus, no more doublethink and leftist agendas like safe spaces.
Even better, make universities liable in part for student loan debt. Universities will then pursue shit that actually matters when their bottom line is at stake. No more bullshit majors. No more lowered standards for people who won't be successful for the sake of diversity. Just, useful, valuable, practical education.
>safe spaces
Are these actually a thing or just a tumblr meme?
University is a place to encounter a broad range of ideas, challenge them and develop your own outlook. There should be no enforced viewpoints or censure.
The free market disagrees
>muh liberal arts are just as important guys!!
I study at the most left University in Germany and there are no safe spaces. All the hardcore MArxist left shit seems to be centralized in the US right now.
Just look up the black students that wanted to safe space so hard they basically asked to bring segregation back, its not a meme, they actually reverse racism-ed themselves just to get away from the white boi.
But the problem is, like many things, America tends to spread a shitton of culture, good or bad. And if you can't stop it at the root theres nothing from preventing this regressive campus behavior to come to other countries.
Ban women from them.
>black students that wanted to safe space so hard they basically asked to bring segregation back, its not a meme, they actually reverse racism-ed themselves just to get away from the white boi
Yes. Give state funding to real degrees only.
Get rid of this thing
That must be why they get paid the same oh wai-
>infiltrating them
KEK has spoken
This. I graduated with a degree in Global Supply Chain Management. The head of the department was my teacher for many classes and we had Pfizer, J&J etc come to do speeches on logistics. After I graduated I got a paid internship with J&J and the man helped me out immensely with recommendations.
Just out of interest, as a social science student myself, I wanted to ask:
Yes, Social science does not have the same objective impact as STEM or Economy degrees, only idiots would try to say otherwise.
Isn't it undeniable that the two fields are bound together and can't exist without eachother?
Demographic science, Sociology, Market Research and Statistics are all important things that Social Science (at least some part of it) uses to work with practical Degrees. Wouldn't you agree? And if not, why?
> checks flag
kys I bet you voted for Trudeau.
I think psychology has valid applications, though.
I completely agree. They are all vital parts of a whole, if it correlates with a market of some sort and is beneficial to the economy then it is important. I don't know what people seek from Liberal Arts degrees, and honestly, being a more than average intelligent person, business was an easy field for me to go into. It's a lot of common sense and applied thinking with an awareness of what is currently going on in our lives. It all plays a part.
They started as religious institutions. Bring back God.
I hate to say it, but the Turkroaches have it right. We rounded up all dissidents in the education system, relieve them of their posts, and appoint more moderate lecturers/teachers.
Education should be mandated on a national level for the good of it's people and students instilled with values that benefit the state.
No thanks.