Well Amerifats?


Other urls found in this thread:


I personally am against using the flag for anything other than flag-duty. But a napkin isn't a bona fide flag even if it has the same design. Burning it also produces carbon monoxide and is bad for the air, so liberals should avoid doing that if they care about the earth so much. Furthermore, red, white, and blue is A E S T H E T I C as fuck and the desecration of such beauty shows how much of a piece of worthless shit you are. Also, I like potato salad.


Is your autism diagnosed kid?

Potato salad is fucking awesome.
>Go fuck yourself

I'm not a fan of Potato salad but I can eat it. Also I agree with your statement.

Why is the US flag like the Koran for Americans?

At least dune coons have a reason to be insecure about their backward desert religion.

Of course the Union Jack doesn't mean shit to you. Fuckin chav. The flag is the symbolic representation of the nation; if some fag burns it, it's akin to treason.

So then why don't protesters burn American flag napkins then?
>rhetorical question, I already know why they don't. It's because an actual flag is symbolic and patriots feel disrespected when they see an actual flag being burnt for shock value.
Ops a fag.

>muh flag

>posting under an american flag
>calling people amerifats
You have to go back Ahmed.

Actual American flag napkins are considered tacky.

Typically I see off-pattern wavy stripes with blue&stars covering half diagonally.

Same goes with "American Flag" clothing, fabric, upholstery, what have you.

even then those aren't flags lol fucking retarded liberals

I like potato salad as well.
Preferably with lots of mustard.

>niggers don't know the difference between a napkin and a flag

Because millions sacrificed their life for that flag you fucking FAG!

I would never use a fucking flag to wipe my mouth

I also don't like it when lardasses wear these kind of shirts

Punishing flag-burning isn't about the flag; it's about punishing traitors. I don't personally care if people burn the flag. But you can see why it could serve as a useful proxy for identifying people who hate the country.

Napkins don't serve that function, so, who cares?

>hurr durr what is malice
why do leftists love nitpicking everything, they're so incredibly Judaic

mustard potato salad is best. All others is disappointing.

Quick reminder the same people who complain about their free speech being infringed if flag burning is illegal want people to not being allowed to say things "racist"

>Trumps argues with an Italian wearing a MAGA hat.

At last I truly see.

Quick reminder, the same people who want flag burning legal also want it to be illegal to say things that they can imagine denigrate their minority status. For example if you call a female coworker a psycho for burning a flag in her cubicle and calling for the death of all white men she will be able to have you jailed for hate speech because she can feel that you believe that women are psychos, by the way even though women are 51% of the population they are a minority because they feel oppressed.

Paper plates and Napkins aren't flags. Sorry you're too fucking dumb to understand that

Do they not teach Flag Etiquette in schools any more ?

It should be made into clothes and napkins and shit.

No they fucking don't. They teach it in boy scouts though.

Well the flag is important to us because it represents the most powerful nation in the history of the universe.

Remember when we kicked your limey redcoat faggot asses and sent you back to suck some old faggot monarch's tiny shriveled penis?

That's the flag that was flying when it happened. And we sti have our guns.

And you are still a faggot who sucks shriveled monarch genitalia.

Must be hard to have pride for "muh flag" when yours is a FUCKING LEAF.
Slap the Union Jack back on, now there's a flag to be proud of.


Look at the name of the sponsor. LOOK AT THE FUCKING NAME OF THE SPONSOR.

If anything, this is a great argument against outlawing flag burning.

Our country's flag is so integral to our culture it's printed on our fucking napkins.

>table looks patriotic as fuck when it's set
>guests look patriotic as fuck when they wipe American grown food cooked by Americans to celebrate the most American holiday from their faces
>even the trash can looks patriotic as fuck when food's over and it's time for fireworks

yeah no, burning a flag in the street just makes you look like a communist fag who hates freedom

Americans have it ingrained into our culture to love and appreciate our flag. We see it everywhere, so much so that many people probably don't even realize how many times they see it in a day. When I see the flag I feel great pride for my country, how does your flag make you feel?

freedom of speech allows anyone to do whatever they want with the flag

I personally think it's inappropriate to wear it

Wew lad, that made me laugh. But, in a greater sense it made me hungry. Off to the icebox for some snacks.

fucking don't approve of that shit or making clothing out of the flag either

Try taking pride in the country, not the flag.

>wiping your arse with the flag is retarded...but destroying the flag is treason.

Not a real flag, nor is it a symbolic act

>twelve stars
>five stripes
Good news! Not an American flag!

And then we have assholes like this guy sharting on the flag.

It's a combination of both. The flag represents a summation of your nation's history and founding ideals, but that doesn't mean you should worship it senselessly. I know this must be hard to understand when there's nothing to be proud of in Canuckistan, history, flag or otherwise.

That flag was made for shartin'

The land you set foot on already ecompases everything that is your nation. The love and idea of a nation is more metaphysical than a physical piece of cloth some Chinamen sells to make a buck.

Be proud all you want, but know this: you're not safe from the ultimate cuckening. In fact, you're well on the fast track.

That looks delicious and I'm hungry af

Read the flag code.
Anything with the image of the flag is a "flag" and should be treated as such.

Why don't we start burning those fag flags (rainbow flags) and watch the responses roll in?

These assholes are made for sharting
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these assholes
Are gonna shart all over you

boy your stupid

Not enough stars on those napkins to be the USA flag.

>boy scouts
They also teach how to get fucked in the ass by an adult leader at summer camp.

>Eat off of a US Flag paper plate
>Wear US Flag underwear
>Put US Flag design on my gun
I don't get the left, this has nothing to do with burning the flag as a form of speech, unless they really are admitting that burning the flag says absolutely nothing