I hate white hippies more than any other category of human, they are virtueless garbage incarnate

I hate white hippies more than any other category of human, they are virtueless garbage incarnate.

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They make the best music, tho.


1. Tattoos
2. Piercings excluding earrings on the earlobe (upper ear piercings are degenerate)
3. Dreadlocks
4. Boy-Short hair (if you like super short hair on women you are a homosexual in denial)
5. Dyed hair
6. Natural red hair
7. Rosie the riveter bandana
9001. Respectable clothing choice
9002. No makeup/very little makeup
9003. Is able to call cows home using a traditional chant

No they don't.

agreed, same with pot smokers

>Facial Piercings

>Navel Piercings

do they?

Navel piercings are less degenerate than facial or other bodily piercings but they still are unholy. Only traditional lobe earrings are fine, as they show classical femininity.

I have a few who are my friends despite their stupid beliefs.

I like to call them Hyppiecrites.

It never works. Zero self-awareness.

well, I considered them friends, but I just abandoned them without a word so I suppose they are not any more.



Navel piercings are unholy

I mean... it's not really worse than Asian hippies...


>can't even greentext his fedora meme properly


White liberals are my least favourite type of person. I want to see them hang first on the day of the rope.

0.1: named rebecca

>people paid to watch/hear that

What the fuck

>you will never blow your load on a smelly high as balls hippy


That guy is jewish

Go find his twitter

True facts


>wasting your seed on eroded soil

Jesus Christ, there is nothing more revolting and degenerate than chest tattoos.

Hippies can be saved just like all liberals
> t. Ex-liberal hippy who now hates degeneracy

>they are virtueless garbage incarnate.
I'm surprised you described hippies so well.

They are aware of their lack of traditional virtues, that is the goal of counterculture, to destroy cultural norms and values.

>double-spacing sentences

the muscly dude in the loin cloth dancing from 0:36 on is jason statham

That bitch is hot as fuk

Lmao, Before the red pill it was nearly impossible to spot Jews. Now you can just tell by the face and eyes and nose lmao. Especially the bald spot at the back of the scalp. No wonder the Nazis were able to target them so easily

>ending Apartheid

They're USUALLY rich kids who are slumming it, same as hipsters, same as crusty dirty train punks

Sometimes you come across the real deal though and they are genuinely interesting people


Hippies don't actually exist in the sense we stereotype them anymore.
It's now an offshoot of hipster culture, where people want to identify as hippies, but in reality they want all the comforts of modern living.
The two do not usually work out, so either you need rich parents to parasitically live off or you eventually stop pretending you're a hippie and get a job.

More than Jews?

>no makeup
stop this meme

women wear makeup to look better for men.
the feminists are the ones floating this "i like you better without makeup" propaganda

if you like fat thick (see: obese) women or women that are too lazy to wear makeup than you're a product of feminist brainwashing plain and simple

same goes for muscular women, dominant women, independent women, career women etc.

if you like ANY of these you're basically a feminist white knight
kill yourself

>9003. Is able to call cows home using a traditional chant

Holy shit. That name just hits me. I know so many hippie liberals named Rebecca.

There are women who are genuinely attractive without makeup. I also said little makeup is fine too. The problem is raccoon eyes.

Are Amish women feminist?

>tfw I will never wife a woman who can do this

>you need rich parents to parasitically live off
poor parents too you just have to help

yes, there are attractive women wihout makeup
but when applied tastefully they look better with makeup

ideally women wouldn't be allowed to wear makeup and we would live in a society where women are basically (or legally) property like in Amish society

but until this is the case, we need to stop making women care less about their looks by telling them they don't need to wear makeup

source: my fiance rarely wears makeup and she doesn't have to
but idk why the mentality seems to be

She even made the cows want to fuck.

>Respectable clothing choice
This is a red flag?

It's not that makeup makes them look worse if done well, it's that it makes them look like an attention-whoring slut.

In Sup Forums styled power rankings, the 9000s section is reserved for things that are the complete opposite of what the rankings are for. I.e.


1. Poland
2. Hungary
10. USA
9001. Sweden

which a lot of people now emotionally associate as
>looks worse

but at the same time all these people that think makeup looks bad don't realize that 99% of the women they're attracted to and that they think aren't wearing makeup actually are.