Is this a communist board now?
Why is everyone only bumping the Commie threads?
Why is everyone bumping Commie threads?
Da comrade.
Sup Forums was always a communist board.
Seems a bit suspicious. Are we being raided or something?
Looks like some redifags are coming here illegally
Home from work, knock on door,
Live in appt. so wtf, "hello commrade, we'd like to talk to you about Castro's death. Do you know about Communism?
A little fucked since I live in an apartment and don't even know my neighbours, let alone answer the door
Go on then,I say,
"We''de having a meeting on Saturday down in Chinatown, you should come user, hey, how about this book, bout the Clinton's, only 7 bucks ?
Maybe I say, maybe I'll see you there, I'm a little broke you know, laid off. No work and so on...
QT commie chick, silver fox, ironic glasses had a convo with me and maybe I'm thinking about raping with her in chyna- town now
Reddit refugees are coming here and they are heavily of the left in politics
raids from reddit and possibly /leftypol/. trying to change the general viewpoint on Sup Forums. trying to give the false impression that communism is becoming popular
It's called "shilling"
>Is this a communist board now?
Sup Forums was always a politically incorrect board. Some commies consider themselves pol-incorrect so they come here, but most of them just want to piss you off.
> Why is everyone only bumping the Commie threads?
Because Sup Forums was always the easiest board to bait, even though we're always right.
A handful of commies are shilling and people eat up the bait. If you look at the threads its a couple autists actually trying to argue in favour and 100s of people offering them helicopter rides.
Pretty much 3 anarkiddies and maybe 2 or 3 other retards from /leftypol/ trying to set up shop here, nobody is sure why. You can go and check it for yourself if you don't believe me.
t. leftycuck
yes, reddit and their stupid shit. I don't have the screenshot of "their strategy meeting" but it's circulating around here
At least the USSR wasn't cucked like Germany, Sweden, or Canada.
Sup Forums in general likely has more in common with commies than progressives and/or modern "communists."
oh shit that's what this is? I've seen this spammed around, but no one really explained it yet
It is self explanatory, a communist sub reddit wants to change Sup Forums to socialist by spamming threads on their ideology
*swoops into this thread*
Uh... *raises paw*
It should be noted that real communism hasn't been tried yet. Capitalism is an inherently oppressive system that keeps minorities like PoC and LGBTQ+ down.
*adjusts fedora* Now that that's settled... I wouldn't speak ill of communism within earshot of me again... *draws blade* Or it won't be pretty.... Final warning. *teleports away*
>It is self explanatory
i've never been on reddit, i had no idea what i was seeing. Besides the test is for ants
It's called a raid you newfag. There's like 5 commies from leftypol making every single thread and bumping them as much as they can.
Newfags are egtting baited into replying
because now that donald trump is the president and everyone in power is republican, Sup Forums is going to be contrarian and turn into an extreme left, progressive place
That's gay as fuck.