So Sup Forums. What does the absolute non-degenerate life look like?

So Sup Forums. What does the absolute non-degenerate life look like?


Here's what I got.

-Nuclear family
-Likes classical art
-In good shape
-No junk or processed foods
-No porn, no mainstream tv, music or shit like that
-Not racist in itself but believes multiculturalism is a mistake
-Respect of tradition

not dying of syphilis.


Sounds a lot like Islam

>White Man's Burden

Gtfo nigger

Islam has neither the nuclear family (without western influence) nor music.

>Islam has neither the nuclear family (without western influence) nor music.

Actually, the family is extremely important in Islam. Having 4 wives is a meme, and music is practically banned (except for nasheeds)

You seem to know a lot about Islam.

Well, we're getting cucked by our government so the least I can do is learn about my enemies

Let me add some life-habits of the non-degenerate that have nothing to see with Islam so we know I'm not shilling it.

-Keep yourself well groomed and clean.
-Keep yout home clean.
-Generally smell good.
-Not participate actievly in raping and/or suicide bombings.

>Nuclear family
>4 wives

Sounds like that radiation is a bit out of hand.



No more? I was thinking goes to Church but I sadly can't bring myself to believe in God.

Seems pretty boring.

>I was thinking goes to Church but I sadly can't bring myself to believe in God.

That would fall under respect in tradition. You can't force yourself to have blind faith but appreciate the morals and values that Christianity gave to western civilization unlike the religious atheists that vilify it.

A fulfilling life will bring you real happiness not pursuing instant gratification.

Yeah I already do that. I loved Dostoevsky because of what he wrote on religion. I read the Gospels. The Bach's St Matthew Passion is one of my favorite pieces of music ever. But I feel like actually going to Church would be weird. People that go nowadays are mostly there because they firmly believe in God and are sadly not very well educated. It's actually mostly blacks and old people. And it saddens me, I'd really like to go to Church, but I already know that I wouldn't like what I would find.

>What does the absolute non-degenerate life look like?