Would the reaction be different if this were a white family instead of black one...

Would the reaction be different if this were a white family instead of black one? I feel like they would be stereotyped as redneck Trump supporters and proclaimed white supremacists.

What a terrible place to put your gun.

appendix carry is the best for concealed carry. However, the nigger use mexican carry winch is stupid but understandable because it was a temporary solution just for the sake of banter.

i'm happy for them desu
he's a lucky guy, she's very beautiful

niggers really are retarded with guns, and have to tact in general

they can dress up in white people human clothes, but they're still just retarded beasts with IQs lower than koko the gorilla

It's funny, he was being a goof
Literally nothing

but black people are hip and cool

white people are like geeky nerds who look at plnets or dumb racist obese retards with low IQ

This. He looks like a pretty cool black guy and they look happy so that's nice. Pretty clever stunt he came up with too gave me a chuckle desu

no it'd be the same, this is funny through and through

I'd rather see this than another faggoty fake-spontaneous synchronized wedding dance.

as a fucking white seperatist who hates subhumans as much as the rest of us here...

>every wedding does that shit, one kinda attempt at humor or display
>usually its some cringe inducing dance or rehearsed thing the groom party comes up with

what this dude did was actually really funny and I know if I was in attendance I would have laughed
also congrats on classy black people doing it up right. hope more like this happens. I'm sure there is a child or two born out of wedlock in the background but better late than never.

as to your question. if a white family did that it would also be funny but wouldn't give me as much hope as this.
I hope this family goes on to prosper and wish them well.

A good joke isn't limited by race.


If it works for u m8.

I like my docker's clutch.

Cringy yes but alot of married couples do this for a silly attempt at humor.

Glad he found himself a black woman that is willing to marry and be a mother instead of a whore.

Glad he is keeping it in his race and marrying before having kids. God bless him.

As a White nationalist, I just hope his kids follow in the footsteps of their father. Blacks become niggers without a nuclear family.

dank dubbles.

probably has a shoulder holster with his real carry piece

dats what i'm talking about a docker's clutch.

Look at those wedding photos n suti and brides maid dress, this guy is succesful and rich, if only more noggers would decide to be black instead of being nigger

Plus most non-nog blacks tend to not racemix either (this is excluding rappers fyi)

Blacks are born to be more likely to enjoy partying more than work, but if more blacks realize that having a stable job and a loving family of your own race is the comfiest party you'll ever have then there would be less niggers.

Non-nog means having a job*

Well they are getting married...

so statistics say he voted for Trump.

>pull the trigger kill the nigger