Most of Sup Forums isn't Australian, but I see it shit on Aboriginal Australians all the time. What does it think of Native Americans?
Most of Sup Forums isn't Australian, but I see it shit on Aboriginal Australians all the time...
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The noblest of savages
But still savages
They provided a good life lesson tbqh.
they are pretty cool. unlike most natives they actually are pretty cool with technology. though the farther south you go the worse they get. they also have some pretty interesting stories
they learned from that too. no one is allowed to live on the reserves unless you are blood related
They are pretty degenerate now. The romanticized version in history books seemed alright.
In my opinion Abos are the 'missing link' of evolution. They train surgeons differently for when to operate on abos, their anatomy is that different. Native Americans seem pretty cool on the other hand. Not as bad as niggers, spics or muslims
They're pretty alright
Ancient mexicans.
This. Outside of reservations they're decent people, but the ones you see on the reservations are no-good layabouts who just rely on their gibsmedats to keep them in booze for basically their entire lives.
All they do is sell loose cigarettes, smoke peyote and drink all day. When we want to build a new highway, for some reason the land being used is always an abo burial ground. They always create a big fuss untill you pay them to fuck off. Fuck them, they should just die off or assimilate.
It's kind of impossible to know what they actually were like because the historical record is so distorted by romanticism, and modern analysis is distorted by white guilt.
I'd say good. But I hate how people always romanticize them about how they are so peaceful and the white man slaughtered them. They would chop each others scalps off for liking a different colored tree and huff bison poop.
Drunken redskins, need to shut up about our oil pipelines.
Don't really mind 'em, but haven't actually met many in person.
stubborn muthafuckas
This video basically hits at everything you're getting at:
Quite honestly? We should do what we used to do. Kill off most of the men and the troublesome women, and have those who wish lay with their womenfolk. It's a way to solve a few problems at once: the niggerish injuns are put in their place (in the dirt) and men without women for reasons can find them if they have the steel to take them amongst the rubble. Sound plan?
That is, hypothetically, in a far off future where fascists run everything of course. Right now, I'd be fine if we cut their benefits and made them squirm for a bit.
Their half-white offspring are worse than them though. More likely to blather on about how the white man ruined everything. Their mother's people at least know they're lazy.
I lived in North Dakota.
While what happened to them a long time ago was sad.
They perpetuate their own problems. They make their own struggles worse.
the few decent ones I've spoken to told me that the boredom leads to alcoholism and they live in utter degeneracy.
Depends. If my impression is right, most native Americans tend to spend their time on reservations, drinking and taking welfare, or building casinos.
For the most part, its better to remain separate. Its the height of narcissism to believe that our culture is compatible, or even suitable for all people of all race and creed. Aborigines have been destroyed by our attempts at integration, and now they do not hold true to their traditions, they live on welfare, destroy their bodies with alcohol and drugs. A few decades ago, many of them would live off the land, and occasionally hunt on behalf of farmers. Some animals like foxes, rabbits, etc, were a menace and would destroy crops, attack livestock, etc, so farmers would barter with aborigines. They'd hunt for the animals and receive goods in return. This, however, ended when some idiot thought it'd be a good idea to enforce minimum wage laws for aborigines, which wasn't an option for most farmers (for practicality and economic reasons), and if accepted by Aborigines, meant they'd need to go through the hoops of a proper contracted employment, which wasn't often a choice for them. In effect, this destroyed a symbiotic relationship.
But hey, at least some short sighted retards went home feeling good about themselves and demonstrated their great virtue.
their entire culture is based on a victim complex and revisionist history
they weren't the natives first of all. europeans (of course it wasn't europe then) got here firs and were killed off by them
following that, their population had already declined by 80% before white people ever began settling here due to a plague that originated in the south west
there was some fighting sure, most of their land was acquired legally through trade deals and purchases though.
today they are tax exempt alcoholics
Lazy alcoholics who fuck their cuhzins. Kind of like your average burger
sauce on different anatomy?
>they weren't the natives first of all. europeans (of course it wasn't europe then) got here firs and were killed off by them
That's only in Greenland, Jack.
>following that, their population had already declined by 80% before white people ever began settling here due to a plague that originated in the south west
The plague came from us, but I agree that it's not our fault 90% of them were killed by it.
I admire their dedication to preserving their heritage. Some are having a harder time than others in getting back up and being strong communities, but many are putting up the effort. I respect them for it.
>A fucking leaf
Anyone who posts in favor of the indians has obviously never lived around or dealt with them.
There aren't that many of them, so of course most of us haven't met any.
Anyone who posts blatantly opposed to them probably get all their information from leafs.
I do think the native South Americans really got a raw deal from their eruopean conquistadors.
We're talking about Redskins and Eskimos, Jack.
How did the Injuns vote in the election?
Oklahoma is one of the most demographically conservative states there is if I recall.
The Dakotas and Wyoming would've went Red, even if only non-white men voted, though would've went Blue, if only the non-white women voted, though that's the case for women, generally.
And since Redskins are the biggest minorities there, I assume that means they're generally pretty centrist.
I mean, Montana went Blue with only them.
Positives: not niggers
Negatives: act like niggers
I am ok with American Indians they stick to themselves and thei reservations.
Canadian Indians and Latin Americans can go into the gas shower for alll I care
Fuck, I hate Antifa faggots. The most cringe people on the planet especially their out of shape beta males.
There's a lot more in Canada
a lot
There are just less Canadians.
American Indians are the same race as Canadian ones.
Or, same two races, Redskins and Eskimos.
Boongs are just the fucking worst. THE WORST.