Why does Sup Forums hate anarcho capitalism?

Is it because a majority of users on Sup Forums are NEETS on welfare?

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pls respond

Its a meme ideology thats why

>why does Sup Forums hate AnCaps
because it's a fucking stupid ideology. it's communism tier MUH UTOPIA, but with "liberty and capitalism" replacing "all slaves are equally important". A stateless society is easy pickings for an aggressive society with a state.
>but having small stateless tribes really worked out great for the injuns

Better question is, why do you need validation from a Mongolian cooking forum you insecure dipshit?

>K Y S

Because it's fundamentally flawed. Libertarianism is okay though.

Most people are here are just smart enough to know that they are retarded and have no marketable skills.

they are afraid that in an ancap society I could just pay to have them killed


Because I'm trying to convert people to my ideology.

I don't hate anarcho capitalism.

I just think there's more to running a society than mere money, especially a free society.

Not a single argument was seen that day.

>trying to convert people to my ideology
if your ideology is AnCap, it ain't gonna happen here.
Sup Forums is wise to the anarchist jew

Because x to them is everything from police to road construction. Besides that they believe borders are unconstitutional (even though controlling domestic traffic is perfectly fine) so there is no competition in an ancap society, it would be filled with even more low paid spics

What else is there? Money is the only thing that matters, money brings about happiness. You think someone in fucking Ukraine where they have to be prostitutes to eat is happier than someone in a rich country like Germany?

Nope. Most of us are employed in some type of profession. You are thinking of r9k. You are also posting after business hours. Day pol is full of neet cucks. Night pol is th big boy league

Because x could be 'kill user and his family'. You could, of course, pay another person to protect you, but given the inelastic value of 'keeping myself and my family alive', that person could charge you literally anything, and you would pay it.

So after spending everything you own to keep yourself and your family alive the first time someone does this to you, the second time, you will all die.

Be my slave and create fiat shekels for israel

Because under anarcho-capitalism x could be anything

Seems to me the AnCap society is built on a childish understanding of objectivism in which noone can ever break the NAP because "it doesn't make sense to break the NAP".

would work fine but neighboring statist countries would eventually attack forcing them to form some minarchist society at least.

Anarcho-capitalism is just another word for a lawless society where psychopaths pay other psychopaths to murder for them and do fucked up shit for them.

Or did you forget about Ross Ulbricht being scammed into paying for hitmen?

For you.

Who cares what "x" is, free market capitalism is the best economic creation ever made. The shit we have now is extremely inefficient from healthcare to education. The government overpays EVERY government worker, fucking Mailmen and bus drivers make 100k a year cause the government doesn't care about making profit, they have infinite money STOLEN from it's citizens via taxes.

It's simple, capitalism is cancerous, and anarchy is retarded.

>What else is there? Money is the only thing that matters, money brings about happiness.

Money is a human invention. You think no humans were happy before money was invented?

>capitalism is cancerous

Your opinions don't matter kangaroo fucker.

Of course not user, before commerce there was no happiness.


If you don't like your country's taxes, move somewhere else. Government workers spend their salaries on private goods. You want less buyers out there to buy slave-made crap, you uber capitalist?

"Who cares what x is"? You think the solution is people putting a bounty on your head?

>The exchange of goods for mutual gain is like that of gaining a fatal disease
I still can't breath. Top Kek

Would you rather live in one of the countries in pic related.

Its a discovery and the word for happiness is actually derived from the name of the man who discovered money.

Capitalism is inherently parasitic. Anarchy is Africa.

The world already has anarcho-capitalism. It's called motherfucking Somalia.

eat shit you worthless sack lunch leaf cunt, kys

I never said capitalism was bad, but because you couldn't come up with a sound refutation of the point I made you decided to assume I said capitalism was bad and argue with that instead.

Stop being dense.

>implying all capitalism isn't based on a fundamental asymmetry where workers give capital to the parasitic capitalist skimming off the top

Go buy some industrial grade drain cleaner and drink it you fucking commie faggot piece of filth.

I'd rather live in the Amazon rainforest and hunt my own food like humans have done for hundreds of thousands of years. But I guess we need to cut down all the trees to make paper so people can carry it from one place to another in their office.

This is now an ancap meme thread. Post em.

Money is not a discovery. It's an invention. Artificial.


>You think the solution is people putting a bounty on your head?

Human beings DO NOT by nature revert to thick-browed animals every time they are given the chance. By default, human beings wish to be peaceful to each other and work together cooperatively to better their respective lots.
This is shown everywhere at all times. But we're brainwashed to ignore it.

If you recognize this, the logical conclusion is that we can figure out a way to achieve peace and justice voluntarily.


I guess language isn't a discovery either, so I don't have to care what you say because its just like artificial inventions, man.

gee nigger i'd love to, but i'm not some fucking janitor shitposting his retarded opinion all over Sup Forums like you, so i literally don't know where i'd even buy it you moose-fucking shitsack faggot

anything anarcho is stupid

>"I never said capitalism was bad"

Yet you support government socialism in education, law enforcement, transportation, healthcare etc.

Because of scenarios like this.

Just goes to show how fucking stupid and naive anarcho-capitalists are.

You think the human history is marked by peace? You think all the fossils of humans with signs of violent deaths due to weapons are evidence that human begins wish to be peaceful?

Under anarcho-capitalism, everyone is your competition. But why compete when you can just eliminate your competition? "Who cares what x is?" You realized that includes murder for hire, right? Just like how you indirectly pay a guy in a slaughterhouse to kill that pig your eating?


>i'm not some fucking janitor shitposting his retarded opinion all over Sup Forums like you

The only poorfag here is you. I'm well off and am against paying 50% of my salary to social services like welfare that feeds you whole worthless family you fucking trailer trash crack addicted subhuman fuck.

I never said I supported that, either. Who are you trying to talk to?

The only point I made was that in an anarcho-capitalist society, there is no protection on the price of safety. This is a huge problem because it makes the cost-risk of violence extremely low.

Language isn't a discovery. It's a human invention, an artificial overlay of reality. Language is a technology that allows people to get others to do things at a distance.

So yeah, you don't have to follow what anyone says. This is news to you?

Anything with -anarcho in front of it is literal autistic screeching

Saving someone dont violate the NAP. If a person is violating the NAP, its legal to defend the victim.

>You realized that includes murder for hire, right?

You realize that murder is in violation of the Non Aggression Principle right?? You realize that there is still law enforcement in Anarcho capitalist society right??? The only difference is that it's privatized and you pay them a fee to protect you. There will be many law enforcement agencies that are in competition with each other to offer the best rates, capitalism WORKS socialist law enforcement is shit.

>multi track drifting

At least Ukraine isn't being flooded with millions of Muslims


If you're so well off, why don't you move to a country with lower taxes you fucking leaf?

People are free to do what they want, except move?

>I'm an animal, I cannot be trusted with freedom


Why should I have to leave the country my ancestors came and built?


Because you need some established form of rules and society in order to build a culture.

Any form of anarchy would instantly form into small Governments, with arguments over what rules and power exist. You would end up with the exact same shit you have now, where the "left" want to give away things to people who can't work, and the "right" want nothing from the Government, and we end up somewhere in the middle.

So mercenaries who will do anything for money are supposed to protect you in an anarcho-capitalist society? You pay a fee for protection? And you think that's different than extortion by the mob?

And does that "non aggression principle" only apply to people? And in a society motivated by money, what incentive is there to follow a "non aggression principle"? If it's cheaper to conduct violence, and then just bribe people to look the other way, what do you get? Oh, right. Africa.

>I'm well off
>against paying 50% of my salary
sorry, typically-autistic leaf cucklord, but i'm not some NEETard fucklord wage slave who brags about how good they are at fitting in a life around their employer's beck and call kek

i don't have a salary because i'm good enough at 1-man software engineering to write the crucial SaaS solutions that small businesses in my town need; unlike you, i manage to help my community and make a living in the process, by being fucking useful

so why shouldn't people like you, who spends their time slaving away to keep a company looking good to its investors, have to spend money on making your community better, when you obviously don't make any personal contributions??

>I don't know what I'm talking about: The post

Anarchists are not opposed to leaders and leadership, nor to law and laws – What anarchists oppose is that certain leaders should have a special privilege to use force, a privilege to coerce, to compel others to submit to their leadership, to use force in ways that would be impermissible for other people to use force. Anarchists favor there being more leaders, not no leaders – as many leaders as can find followers. Similarly, anarchists do not oppose law, but rather oppose the existence of any body of men with the power to make law by merely decreeing it to be law.

If you want to live in an AnCap state you could always move to Somalia

You can think you're a paragon of virtue, but that doesn't mean that other people aren't fucking animals.

Look, there's tons of anarcho-capitalism in Africa. Why don't you move there?

You're bitching and moaning about taxes, and I'm proposing a solution to your problem.

Use your money and your freedom and fucking leave.

Don't know.
I think many Sup Forumsacks still believe in liberty.

The only thing more retarded is communism.

Anarcho capitalism is slavery.

Gleek Neckish Polisard Narflinsky

You Just Admitted Money is a Discover because Words are Arbitrary, so thanks for proving me right.


Oh so not one African tribal warlord, but 500?

Why couldn't Ron have been Treasury Secretary?

Then you have no police, no law. You can't stop violence without violence.

You are just setting yourself up for failure by allowing organized militia's to form in secret and hijack your "Government".

Law exists to maintain power, because people who are in power generally have a relationship to their society.

The issues that exist within a society are not contained within the society itself. Society is also a reaction to other societies. It's as much about keeping things in, as it is about keeping things out.

>If you want to live in an AnCap state you could always move to Somalia

1) My ancestors built this country with their blood, sweat, and tears I'm not going anywhere.
2) Somalia is full of niggers therefore cannot be compared to a white society under anarcho capitalism.
3) Somalia has centralized government, they are not anarcho capitalist

That form of capitalism is already applied to personal maid service, so shouldn't every single person have a personal maid if society wide law enforcement is able to work for everyone that way?

Not getting RP was Trump's dumbest decision.

>The only difference is that it's privatized and you pay them a fee to protect you.

You don't see the problem inherent to this? You are a massive dumbfuck.

Ron Paul would've actually Made America Great Again, Trump is a corporate sellout shill who just hired one of soros lapdogs to run shit.

Money is not a "discovery" unless you want to argue that humans discovered the element of gold, they liked the looks of it, and began using it as a medium of exchange. And fiat money is certainly not a discovery, unless you want to argue that humans discovered that they could merely use scrips from banks as a medium of exchange.

Names for things may be arbitrary, but most words typically refer to actual things.

No, YOU are the dumbfuck. You probably still live with your mother too, you are so reliant on others to tell you what to do. Socialist Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Social Security, Education etc. are cancerous garbage that have decimated our societies.

1) Then you better follow their culture if you want to appeal to their tradition and no tradition consists of ancap principles.
2) No way to use laws like Jim Crow and Redlining to maintain a White Society under ancap, those who breed the most will be the most prolific.
3) In theory, in practice its a shithole where anyone can buy office and "laws".

You're not leaving, even though your ancestors didn't build it as an anarcho-capitalist society?

Can you name a white society living under anarcho-capitalism? Oh yeah, the prison yard.

Yeah fuck that shit dude.

Just tend the field for a rich guy and hope for the best extortionist rate you can get from medical conglomerates and hope your mercs don't turn on your ass.

Seriously, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

They discovered gold, they discovered how to standardize it, and they discovered how to turn that into money, then they discovered how to assign value to other arbitrary standardized items in place of gold money.

The name for happiness is money and the name for money is discovery.

>Socialist Healthcare, Law Enforcement, Social Security, Education etc. are cancerous garbage that have decimated our societies.

Then move?

Nobody is stopping you from building a cabin in the woods by yourself, or with a family.

The assigning of value is arbitrary. That's why gold prices fluctuate.

No the price of other things fluctuate in relation to gold when gold is money.

>third world immigration

>culture, religion, history

All of which will ultimately ruin the high trust society that is the basis for a working free market

All "money" is something you treat as if it's money. Gold can act as money, cryptocurrency can act as money, cigarettes can act as money, Tide laundry detergent can act as money, fiat currency bills can act as money. It's a mass delusion you buy into.

>asks for an opinion
>get angry when the opinion was not formated properly to engage in a argument that was never established

No, its the discovery that people can assign value and metrics to other arbitrary standardized items in place of gold money to use as currency.

If you look at the economic freedom index, you will notice that a working economy doesn't depend on the policy but on the people

Its not muh low government spending

Assigning value is not a discovery. It's a psychological overlay.