David Rothschild
Possible Candidates of Antichrist
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really makes your boipussy wet don't it?
Mohammed Bin Salman Al-Saud
Henry Charles Albert David
David Lee Roth
Imagine what it's like having the world as your sandbox. It must be nice. But in the end, they're just human.
Its amazing how butthurt pol is over a successful family reaping the benefits of capitalism.
This is a reasonably possible candidate.
Trump, if he MAGAs and becomes a great world diplomat
I also say it's him.
He looks gay, and the antichrist is gay...
While I hate the Rothschilds, that guy seems to have no connections to banking other than being born into the family
You don't understand-
These families dictate most foreign policy and control world banking. Elizabeth Windsor is also the largest land owner in the world.
It's not about being successful, it's about power and influence, so I go from there.
Donald Trump
No. He has no regard for women. Could be a pedo or a pussy grabbing rapist
Not really, just their abuse of power.
For example. someone like Bill Gates has some ounce of morality in their blood.
Tell me how fiat money makes you successful. It has no value. All money is an interest payment now. No matter what the rates are. Guess who did that. The rothsteins
Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro
The Antichrist's purpose is to fool the world into thinking he is the true second coming. No one would have faith in a spoiled faggot ass Rothschild
It's going to be someone who espouses Caesarism.
Probably going to speak all the major languages and propose a one world religion. People think it's going to be a communist but probably it's going to be a techno-capitalist. Money will be digitized, everyone will be "closer"
That roach Ergodan or wte. It's definitely him.
>On 24 September 2015, 2,236 Hajj pilgrimage attendees were killed by an event now called the Mina Stampede, which sources claim was due to attempts by the personal convoy of Mohammed bin Salman to force itself through the crowd, and due to several road closures in the area.[36] These allegations were probably based on a possibly false report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Diyar, which is closely linked to the Syrian regime. Several Arabic language news sources thoroughly debunked these allegations, highlighting in particular Al-Diyar's connections to Hezbollah, and by extension, Iran.[37][38][39][40][41]
Mohammad bin Salman established himself as the chairman of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Foundation, otherwise known as MiSK, whose aim is to help disadvantaged youth.[18] The Foundation has been partner of the 9th UNESCO Youth Forum for Change in 2015.[34] The Foundation focuses on the country’s youth and provides different means of fostering talent, creative potential, and innovation in a healthy environment that points the way toward opportunities in the arts and sciences. The Foundation pursues these goals by both establishing programs and partnering with local and global organizations in diverse fields. Through a variety of incubators, it is helping to develop intellectual capital and unlock the potential of all Saudi people.[35] Prominent Saudi journalists who traveled with Prince Mohammed on foreign delegations have been given up to $100,000 in cash.[21]
Even for Wikipedia this is blatantly self-edited.
Donald Trump
Notice the hype and terminology surrounding your new führer. The following is Revelation 9:11 and describes the painting he has in his house. "They have a king over them-the messenger of the submerged chaos. His Hebrew name is Abaddon, and in Greek he has the name Apollyon."
Notice anything?
The number could be a credit card type thing installed into you or something. That makes as good of sense as any.
Isn't an old jew doing that right now?
No, can you state what you're implying explicitly. It's late for some of us. I'm assuming you mean Trump.
Trump is honestly quite the pax romana kind of guy. God emperor and shit like this. Check out a video on youtube called "the mystery of donald trump"
Very good points leaf God bless
it's barron trump.
Islam is on track to be the world religion by the end of the century.
There are even floods if Muslims coming into the USA from mexico right now for reasons the Mexican government doesn't seem willing or able to talk about.
Yes. So anyways he has a painting of Apollo on his ceiling. Same figure as in that Scripture and is also Osiris and Nimrod. Do you notice the 9:11? How about "submerged CHAOS"? Like a frog perhaps? Also he did a 9/11 Serta commercial. He will destroy your rights and the global economy. Initiate wars and we will have a one world order more than likely
Thanks. You too
The Jews think it's trump.
What is this meme? Dolan is the biggest zionist going. I aint no Jew. Far from it
You make a lot of great points, but would Trump's ties to Jews (kids are literal Jews) not eliminate him? It's my understanding that the antichrist will unite an army against jews? Don't be afraid to call me retarded if I'm completely wrong, btw.
Trump doesn't claim to be the Second Coming, he states that he is only a messenger
It's Barron Trump
my understanding of it is that the anti-christ is to be conceived in the middle-east/cradle, and is they bi-product of a satanic orgy..any leads? anyone fit being born in the middle east BUT also being tied to the modern west
He's fine because he actually spends a lot of money to help people, but there's nothing wrong with bearing the fruits of your own labor.
He said he "was a carpenter too" at the Al Smith dinner. When I heard that I nearly had a stroke
Only Judeans are Jewish. He is a zionist. The antichrist establishes the third temple which isn't allowed so the Muslims go nuts and God smotes it.
Reminds me of a satanic/agnostic break down of what the Anti-Christ actually means.
Someone who will bring the end of Christianity, not necessarily someone who will bring Armageddon. Islam does seem to be growing a lot faster than Christianity.
Maybe people inject too much doom and gloom into the anti-christ, and it's just a word that connotes the end of Christ. Just like Nero was depicted as an anti-christ for attempting to wipe them out.
Does Islam have their own Anti-Christ?
Anti-Mohammed? Christianity seems to be the only religion where it's not a cycle, but a duality. Beginning and End. Alpha Omega, Christ, Anti-Christ.
Meant for you.
FUCK.... I hope I'm not damned for voting for him. It was just a bit of banter, God.
Lol fuck you faggot go buy gold on gold line with Ron Paul you faggot. Nothing has any value unless humans agree it does bitch. You can't do anything with gold just like you can't do anything with folding money. They're both scarce. Suck a dick bitch ass jigger.
This guy just OOOZES douchebag
Christ has no end. He created the world and He is God so God will create a new world
Pax Romana refers to the period of the Antonines, or the five good emperors. They still styled themselves as citizen emperors and placed duty to the public good above all else, a la Marcus Aurelius. God emperors didn't start to appear in Rome until well into the period of decline, with Diocletian in the third century. Basically if you're comparing trump to the Roman God emperors, we're in a real shit spot.
If you are saved in Christ and do not blaspheme the Holy Spirit (deny it or Christ in front of men); you cannot lose your Salvation
Big deal, just cause you work with wood doesn't mean your the Savior.
Honestly, there has been a lot of sliding today, I'm going to right this thread of as a slide thread.
>Ctrl+F "Pope"
>zero results
Santos bonacci
Barron Trump
Good post. Your last sentence is correct too. That is what I meant. I might not be completely correct and nobody is supposed to try to predict the future but I don't make up anything to do with this. Consider it a light warning
Yet he looks a lot like this guy.
A whole lot like him.
>Mohammed Bin Salman Al-Saud
They profit off wars and turmoil most of which they create.
This is the only answer folks
Not really.
Caeser was deified and some say he even was worshiped when he was alive.
I think Antony was appointed his priest.
Degradation may have started later but divinity was there since the beginning
I doubt that
You do NOT compare yourself to Christ. Trump was not a fucking anything let alone a carpenter. That was a bald faced lie. At a religious dinner. We were establishing that he either did or did not proclaim himself the sole saviour of the world. He speaks of himself in third person and has said those very things. Check out the video I mentioned! Saying you were a carpenter too. In this context. Is pretty much the definition of saying you are the second coming. If I were there I would be screaming while rolling around on the ground
shots fired
Guys, I'm scared. Francis is trying to create a world religion (which I believe is one characteristic), but Trump seems to fit the personality/other things. Make it stop.
There are two capitals for the beast system. Probably NYC and Rome. Third temple goes in Jerusalem obviously. Why is Trump refusing to move to Washington?
Barron would not be old enough to run in 2036...fucking morons, i swear.
It's ok son. Fear NO THING but God. You can have Redemption in Christ
Kek confirms. The Catholic Church is home to Satan.
the Crown owns the land, it doesn't belong to the Queen. there is an important difference.
I'm Christian, but yeah. It's good to be reminded. I just went and got my personal Bible. Time to read Revelations.
>4 first names
The Tower will fall
>Francis is trying to create a world religion
This has already been accomplished by creating the false doctrine that the so-called "Abrahamic faiths" share the same God.
I would suggest the Concordant Literal Version. Free online. Finally. A real and true Christian who has open ears to hear and eyes to see. Your heart is a candidate to accept Him. Politics is all meaningless and you didn't fly off the handlebars at my assertions. You're doing everything correctly
>Does Islam have their own Anti-Christ?
Islam do not have anthichrist but expect Magdi new prophet. So does Hindu religion they expect new prophet- Kalki.
Moreover in esoteric Buddhism there is a Shambala King who will appear to conquer "false believers"
Is it true Francis said he had only a few years left to live?
Good thing I'm not a fucking leaf then, getting your shit worked up over nothing tbqh. He did not literally say he was Christ, nice shitposting you got going on here, see your getting a few of the lambs shook up. Not once have you attacked the Pope in this thread either, who has done far worse crimes against Christianity imo.
Fuck off CTR 2.0
>Trump is anti-Christ
>Actual Christ walks among us and is David Rothschild
What the fuck have we done.
Xd everbodies the antichrist
Shitskins are ugly
Its not him dumbass.
His brother is the one they've been grooming. Hes got that Holy blood in him becuz of Diane. Mom was a walking womb that was discarded by the reptiles.
You're not paying attention. I said what the truth (maybe) is with Francis. Not much pisses me off at all. You wanna piss me off? Say you are the only one who can fix the world's problems and go in front of a Church and crack wise about how you DONT live like Christ but have his attributes. It was disgusting
Why do you many of you conspiracy fags don't even realize the antichrist was plural in revelations?
It's not some sort of super villain, it's literally anyone that is working against christ.
Christ had no children
No surprise there, now we have the digits to confirm it. Unless it gets trumped by a bigger get that is.
t. anti-christ
Nope. Antichrists exist. Have come in past. But the beast in revelations is one man
Gays are punished or killed in Saudi Arabia.
So why would he tell anyone he's a faggot?
only correct answer
The fuck is this guys deal?
No no no. The antichrist has no regard for women. Then I made links to whom I think might be him. Dolan Darko. I don't even know who that prince guy is
The only book of the Bible I loved was revelations only because of the metaphors and imagery.
"And the beast shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and they that dwell on Earth shall wonder. When they behold the beast that was, and is not, yet is."
Christ has a similar description "was, is, and shall ever be" or something like that.
But I only remembered that verse because of the imagery.
Beast, seven headed dragons, trumpets, shit was lit like the lake of fire.
check these