Holy shit

Holy shit....

Sup Forums BTFO by leftist intellectual!

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pick one

stopped reading at 'merica
this disrespecter probably burns flags too
put him up against the wall
dog bless


It's 50% of all murder.

1/2 niggers is a killer.

wtf I hate men now

>A + B = C is wrong because X + Y = Z

>leftist intellectual!

Nice try at stats juking ry ry

hmm, who should i believe
the redpill infographics with source data taken directly from fbi crime data


a whining liberal on facebook pulling numbers from his asshole

tough choice

Whoa this guy is parroting White Nationalist rhetoric straight from racists like Jared Taylor!


So just because blacks commit a lot of crime in densely congregated areas that means its somehow not as bad?

I don't even understand this argument... awaiting a statistics oriented mind to explain.

>if I vomit enough numbers to confuse myself, then I win

>here are stats keep reading pls
>here are no sources on stats
>haha I win alt right tards

how about, i just plain don't want to be around niggers?

Who the fuck are the alt-right guys?


So.. The niggers are still the ones doing all the killing, what is his point?

The fact that you are unlikely to be a victim of a violent crime, and that men commit more crimes than women, does not somehow negate the original assertion that blacks are disproportionately more criminal than other demographics.

I don't understand how he thinks he proved anything.

The math sounds fishy but the overarching point is that blacks commit crimes, against each other, against white people, at a higher rate but the media only highlights white on black crime.

I would be fine if they would just leave race out period but they make it a issue.

>liberals try math

>basic statistics
>from nowhere

>I don't understand how he thinks he proved anything.

>Hold viewpoint. Fill in "statistics" to that support my viewpoint because I am self-righteous.

and it is know that men are more violent than women. Is he implying that niggers are more violent?

that would imply everyone in the US is a nigger and that half of them commit murders. Im not defending the cuck but you are spouting absolute nonsense. 50% of murders are committed by black people, who are only 18% or was it 13% of the entire US population. The argument is black people disproportionately commit murder and other violent crimes compared to the rest of the population whether it be against themselves or other races. But we know they do it to themselves at an alarming rate. Black people kill white people at a higher rate than White people kill black people but not by a giant margin.

the cuck here is saying lmao blacks are only pavement apes against themselves. Which is a problem, if they actually cared about (((black lives matter))).

So he's saying that black males are 10 times more likely to commit violent crimes as males in general. OK cool I was just checking

>100% of Niggers© commit 100% of the crime in 30% of America

>tfw "critical thinking" and "confirmation bias" have become buzzwords