What does Sup Forums make of this?
What does Sup Forums make of this?
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controlled opposition
post link you dense faggot.
Would. The girl aint bad either
Yup consoled opposition
Poor editing. I cant stand Trevor
>The most notable thing about Trevor Noah's show is a guest
Sounds about right.
editing is The Daily Shoah's only gimmick, and it has been since the jew was the host
>he cant even deal with someone who's average (at best) at debating even when gets to edit it to make them look dumb
Shes correct but she is also a dumb bitch who cant articulate a coherent point beyond MUH PATRIOTISM
She's not funny but mostly right.
He's funny but mostly wrong.
She's dumb.
He may not be a douche or a jerk but he's still an autistic faggot.
pointless. She made valid points and criticisms. He however didn't listen and just dropped zingers.
And auidience is retarted.
Hate to be that guy but (((noah))) confirmed jew. 14:30
link. extended interview
i like her. i'd like her even more if she'd called that faux brit a prissy cuck
She's still hot as fuck.
Tomi is shit
Lauren Southern is a fucking genius in comparison
Tomi Lahren is just a basic bitch conservative, nothing to see here. She works for Glenn Beck's network ffs. She can get BTFO every day for all I care, she has nothing to do with the alt-right, the New Right, or whatever it is we're doing here.
>break out statistics
>"Le-le-lets move on"