I have something BIG on Julian Assange disappearance. I've been really worried about Julian's whereabouts, so I looked up London transport surveillance cameras and found pictures of a police escort and serco prison vans half a block from Ecuador embassy. They are timestamped the night of Oct 17 2016, same day Julian's internet was cut and dead man switch was activated. The roads look like a ghost town so maybe they put up road blocks so there would be no witnesses? I gave these pictures to an user friend of mine 2 days ago and he's had 412k views in 2 days. He only has about 7k people subscribed to his channel.
I pulled up pictures of Julian's transport in 2010 and it's identical to the police escort found on the surveillance camera on Oct 17, 2016. 1 police van and 2 serco prison vans. (SERCO is his detention company, they are also are the worlds largest transport company)
Here are the comparison photos 2010 Vs Oct 17 2016 sli.mg/kbwhTC
Here is a timeline of events. If you add in the pictures found from surveillance camera, it matches perfectly in the timeline. The armed guards were outside the embassy oct 18, the morning after they took Julian. That day they confiscated WL employees phones and computers. On Oct 17 FBI user warned us on 4chans that this was going to happen. No one listened or media blacked it out and covered it up Timeline, Pictures & Statements sli.mg/WUDXXc