Who legitimately doing noporn/ nofap here?

who legitimately doing noporn/ nofap here?

Day 9 going strong feeling good

porn is poison

Other urls found in this thread:


You feel uninhibited is all.

Nofap is a feminist plot to make you vulnerable to their wiles.

No. You're terribly confused

I hope you see the light

Here m8, feels good.

It shrinks your prefrontal cortex, literally draining willpower and logic center.

Why do you guys who stop masturbating not stop talking about it? Seems rather wierd.

And it's unhealthy by the way. Leads to increased risk of certain cancers.

wife keeps me in chastity

not a femdom thing just a purity thing

literally everything increases chances of cancer

Best thing you can do for your health is only ever watch soft-core porn if you must, but never actually touch yourself.

>deluded newfags falling for the no fap meme

>porn addict defends the pixel jew till his dying breath

I don't even need porn to masturbate. I can just use my imagination.

Help me Sup Forums
I am so weakwilled and ferral that just 2 days into an attempt at nofap all it takes is an ana kasparian dump in a thread to make me want to break it

I'm a non-meme incel, so there's no point in making myself sexually frustrated. No girls have any reason to want me unless maybe I was the last guy on earth.

Been on nofap close to 4 years. Cured my ED, now I fuck my gf 3 times a night.

Is this the final red pill? I guess it's more of a black pill, but still.

I'm on board. Was tough at first, but I just hide pornography threads cause I don't like the ugliness in my catalog anyway.

Now I rarely have the temptation to sin, and I'm doing great.

I recommend this system to anyone. Every thread attention grabbing with porno is simply not worth it. Hide it away.

I'm married and wifey loves my good lovin. Does it count as no fap even though I'm giving up my precious seed?

i fap 3 times a day

I just had sex and I'm noporn

pretty sure edging is worse than actual fapping

Watching porn or imagining a woman naked counts as adultery and is therefore a sin.

I didn't have a GF until I was 23. Then I had a roommate for the first time. He was always in our room. 2 weeks later, I had my first GF.


I've been nofap for a full 5 years. Grew a second dick, now I fuck my gf 6 times/night.

You should cum inside every time, and have shitloads of children.

Here, have the work of another australian cunt.youtube.com/watch?v=pxaVQbi6m9c&index=32&list=PLk7RtPiJ05L4dO9yoslJ_mWpXS4CcX_42

Can you handle it?

No porn? Yes, I made my own.
No fap? Never

Untrue, i haven't fapped in 11 and no chnage to dick size/quantity

I havent masturbated since 2012

this is why i nofap

Too much of anything is poison
