Lets discuss how evil the White Man was

I just want to discuss this topic

Why are Whites the most evil race on the planet?
Does it has something to do with High IQ and cold blood?

>B-but Jews are the most evil race on the planet

Jews have a big part of European blood, so we all know were the evil gene comes from

I'm not saying Whites are brute savages, it is actually the opposite

But despite great intelligence you commited great genocides and treated other races like scum

That lack of empathy makes the white race the most evil on the planet


Fucking crazy scene. continued after an accident. Just give the man an Oscar already

Apologize for destroying the Aztec Empire

The aztecs cut out the hearts of live people so the sun can be happy.

Saged and hidden for incoherence. One day he will read a book. Well, probably not. But one day he will have a Chinese boss.




>Mfw banned from Sup Forums forever

Genghis Khan literally (and I do literally mean literally) decimated humanity

apologize for immigrating

Its funny because white men rape more and are pedophiles in the USA then any other ethnicity. This whole Mexicans are rapist meme comes from right wing news outlets.

Go to the sex registry offenders list in the USA. Its mostly all white men with serious crimes.

Yes, I remember that Africa had already united under a single democratic banner before white people got there. They certainly weren't massacring and raping each other.

The Aztecs were basically demonic death cultists.

>small cult of inbred cannibal pedophile kikes and "royals"

These faggots live off the fortunes their ancestors built. They're parasites, and they're ugly inbred retards.


>implying the Catholic church didn't have fucked up rituals during those times

Since you already have a picture of an ebil slave holder i just want to point out the arab slav trade was several times bigger than the atlantic one and several times more brutal.
Also fight niggers were never a a thing and quentin made that up, being enslaved by white people (the guys who ended slavery and enforced it worldwide btw) was the best thing that could happen to you after your tribe was captured and sold by other blacks (for example the tribe obama comes from, fun fact)


Your neigbours hated you literally so much because you mass sacrificed them that spain didn't really have to do a lot for it to be destroyed

this statement doesn't account for the fact there are far less Mexicans than white people in the us measure by density not number you retard.

I'm pretty sure they didn't wage wars to sacrifice some thousand humans regulary so the sun would go up, but please enlighten me

>what are quotas

white man as you scum know it is the spirit of shem and ham carried through babylon by means of white intellect and enslavement. white have been raped since the beginning of time for the building of Satan's kingdom. the first races in the void were the niggers because they spawned when saturn and the titans were kicked out of heaven and lilith left.

History has been decided by who can explore and conquer more of the planet. Whites are just better than everyone else.

I think the daily thousand human sacrifice is blown out of proportion, just because of how massive it would actually have to be. As for wars the catholic church had a bunch of crusades slaughtering heretics all the time. Europeans were just as extreme about their religions, maybe you didn't wear the skin of the sacrificed but whatever culture difference, am i right?

> just because of how massive it would actually have to be.
the fact that all spain had to do was unite everyone around the aztecs to defeat the atztecs really says all
>As for wars the catholic church had a bunch of crusades slaughtering heretics all the time.
Muslims lived in crusader states, they didn't go around killing every muslim they found.
They conquered the territory and ruled it. What they were killing were soldiers.

so evil they are working toward their own extinction

sup pedro, no idea. but why are mexican'ts such crybaby manlets?

actually think I know part of the reason...

I think you mean why are white prople so nice, considering we killed thousands of our own to free slaves, freely gave up a position of power unlike any other, and actively work towards the betterment of other ethnic groups (putting them ahead of our own).

You gotta think big to get big.