What is your stance on video games?
Did you ever drop them?
What is your stance on video games?
I played all genres
now I only exclusively play strategy games and fighting games
Just like pretty much anything, it's fine in moderation, just make sure you have your priorities straight.
I used to enjoy video but now view them as a childish distraction and a waste of time
Video games are the most beneficial form of entertainment. They improve dexterity and problem-solving. Sometimes logic. They are a vent for aggression for some.
I fucking love them with every fiber of my being.
Subsequently, I hate what they have become.
I design them in my mind, and play pokemon. This satisfies me. Donkey Kong for the arcade is the greatest game ever made.
Better than movies/tv.
never liked em tbhfam
i miss vidya, i have a capable computer and consoles but i cant enjoy them anymore
Ftfw NES with the Uforce and FF1 ready to go
Ever since i started doing mdma habitually and going to raves all i want to do on my downtime is read.
I haven't picked up a controller in 2 years
>Subsequently, I hate what they have become.
What have they become? Don't really play, but shops/ads seem full of the usual shooters, RPGs, platformers, racing games, etc.
this senpai, I find it hard to enjoy them contantly without looking away for hours on end like i used to do, now something feels off, like fruitless, like everything in life.
I seldomly play black ops for nostalgia, that's about it.
they've become a money making scheme where profit is more important than the quality of the game itself, charging money for skins and hats and time reductions and all sorts of advantages over your opponents
>They are a vent for aggression for some
I used to play a lot. I once in my youth played a game for 14 hours straight and fell asleep with the controller in my hands. I've dialed it back a lot since then. I still play on occasion, but it takes up very little of my time now.
Okay, consider a Mario game. Controls are tight, right? Well that's what I like to call, the standard. Most other games have an engine coded that cannot reach this standard, it feels hobbled together and broken. Unreal engine, Unity, etc. These are all shit compared to literally just Mario.
When some jackass decides to "Make a game" they immediately go to the computer, and select Unreal. Unity. Whatever. They aren't making games. No one is making games. They're making shit mods in shitty engines over and over and over again and I NEVER liked this shit. Fuck Unreal. Doom is the best shooter ever made. The original.
NEET Wizard, I've been playing them since mario. I tend to play older games before all this graphics jackoff shit happened.
>tfw played doom an hour ago multiplayer
doom with gamepad is amazing
Profit has always been the most important thing. Arcade games were designed to take every quarter you had from you. I agree that the quality in general has gone down though.
I used to enjoy video games, now I only play CS:GO, and I do it only for the competitive aspect.
I miss having fun.
Capitalism values (((profit))) over craftsmanship? Who'd have thunk it.
I used to play hundreds of hours a week, have like 400 titles on steam. Moved together with my gf last year now im down to a few hours on Sunday.
Its like everything. Don't make it the center of your life and you're fine
but arcade games were always a fleeting experience, they were supposed to be hollow in that the moment you walked away from the game you no longer thought about it anymore. these new games are life consuming and still leave you dead inside
if doubles vidya best form of entertainment
sorry vidfags
go on
It's not about video games after.
Have this instead.
>mfw this is so true
This world was never worth saving. It's best to enjoy yourself.
Ehh kinda just stopped caring about them after Gamergate and getting older in general, I'll play Castlevania and Super Mario 64 once a year tho.
Did play Overwatch at a friend's recently and that was fun as fuck, may get a new console just for it
I like long single player RPGs that are nationalistic and red pilled on the Thalmor Question. A little bit of vidya is a good preworkout to get me all hyped up and testosteronous.
only strategy games and a few old RPGs like the Gothic Series and Might and Magic games
I've never dropped them, though I know I probably should. I just don't have any other vices
It's a short-term profit, though. People might be tricked into buying shit once or twice but it wears off fast and they start looking for other options. This is part of the reason indie games and other alternatives to triple A crap have gotten much more popular lately.
The Thalmor Question?
Western devs going full SJW and Japan pretty much dying off, vidya is more or less kill these days.
The Thalmor are a race in the elder scrolls games that have strong in-group preference and have their fingers in everything involving wealth. Many wars and suffering is caused by their meddling and desire for gold. They have long pointy nose*cough*i mean ears.
The only thing I play anymore is Rocket League. An hour or two a few nights a week. It's nice cause matches are quick, it is still a skill based game so I can have a feeling of actually progressing, and it doesn't eat up my time like a 100 hr open world game.
Final Fantasy XV Is pretty dope.
japan is good for the occasional MGS-tier game, pokemon (though once you've played one you've played them all), and FF (pretty much same)
Everything else is basically the same game, over and over and over, and should probably have been created in a different, non-interactive medium
>FF (pretty much same)
Some have more fun pairings than others.
I play csgo sometimes.
But these days, I'm just plotting schemes to make some jew money and take down the Illuminati.
>fighting games
I still game a little bit, but not like I used to. I think I wasted years of my life playing various MMOs, Dota, and CS
I dropped games for the same reason I dropped comics and sci-fi/fantasy fiction, the authors are always the most autistic cucks in society that pander to the fantasies of other nu-male cucks.
My wake up to how fucked those forms of entertainment was realizing who the most popular artists were, Joss Weadon, Patrick Rothfuss, and Bethesda. Those are the most successful creators and they all churn out betacuck wish fulfillment stories jammed with "strong perfect woman mommy/lover" leads/major arc characters, self insert male leads perfect at everything but what le strong girls can show him up with, and "evil capitalists"
I know who the Thalmor are, I just wasn't sure what you meant. Actually comparing them to (((them))) is pretty fitting.
>Religion based on racial supremacy
>Weird hate boner for figures in the other religions (Jesus/Talos or Lorkhan)
>Subvert native religions
>Lie to lesser races to further their cause (Blacks/Khajit)
>Ultimately plan to destroy the thing's society are based on (Morals and family values/The Towers)
And I always thought the dwemer were the jews
They are just another form of entertainment, however, unlike TV and movies, video games can improve your mental functioning which is why normies call them degenerate and a waste of time.
Like with most things moderation is the key and there is nothing wrong with it. I will never stop playing as its too much fun.
Thalmor need ovens, Khajiit need deportation.
I play strategy TBS, simulation, point and click, logic games occasionally and I will not give it up in my life
this is not the fault of the companies that make them, problem is that they cater to a wider audience because normies are now willing to pay for it so they pander people with no standards and still sell
living in pixel world for too long stunts your brain growth and keeps you a pathetic manchild for the rest of your life.
Game companies are becoming filthy rich from all you losers and of course they are now bribing wannabe scientists into forcing video game brain benefit memes to stop parents from resisting to buy their manchildren the newest halo or cod games
Also, normies love video games and that's why they are now starting to fail at life as well.
What started as a fun way to escape reality for a few hours has turned into an over saturated over-populated cancerous mess to stop all future goys to achieve anything real in their lives.
Why bother raising a family and feeling like you're actually worth a shit when you can live in VR pixel fuck land like a pathetic sack of shit while jews keep raising the rent of your shitty apartment
even Kek agrees that you all have no future
Beats TV, but not as fun as building machines in your garage.
i play almost solely FPS's
>inb4 CoDfag
halo, destiny, and battlefield
>Did you ever drop them?
they dropped me desu
I refuse to upgrade to the next gen consoles and splerg out all the money on games because jews are looking to make an extra buck. all the old titles are played out anyways and even though graphics are better than ever the nostalgia and general magic of vidya has long since worn off
also who has the time to vidya unless they are a NEET loser?
>Not Arma 3
The dreamcast was the best console
this honestly
If you play them you can feel that something is not right. Something is just wrong.
Can't even get hyped for releases anymore.
I might be a jaded fag but I think video games as whole peaked at arcades, then after cds became a thing.
Everything after that was just hollow, and the rise of smartphones ain't helping either. For fucks sake 3 year old kids run around with smartphones rather than play with others outside. Its just plain wrong.
also is very true.
I pretty much only play pic related for at most an hour a day on the PC. Sometimes I go a few days without playing anything these days.
I pretty much decided gaming in general is now boring as fuck and a huge time sink so I'm staying away from most of them for good. Thank you Legion for making me realize this.
I want to get into fighting games though, I bought street fighter 5 on steam when it went on sale but it's intimidating.
1v1 quickscope nuketown right now scrube
>Game companies are becoming filthy rich from all you losers
>he buys games
Funny guy.
You should only play vidya in moderation and use them as inspiration to improve yourself. Kill heretical and subversive Thalmor and save your nation from being conquered, then go get JOOCEY so you can be prepared to do the same in real life.
I am that game company though.
And I made a game because I played so many video games.
Ive moved on from halo and cod to playing tactical shooters. Most recently squad. There's nothing wrong with video games
black ops is fucking gay kid try mw2
those are just the nerds. manchildren would have been those faggots you picked on 40 years ago. Ive been playing games since i was 5 on the first nintendo. i am no man child. i do not do the league cosplay. although dem titties tho senpai
hahahaha when you say senpai it changes it to senpai, senpai,
started playing chess instead. more competitive and challenging.
All I ever play anymore is Civilization and Skyrim+Realism/survival mods. I like not having fun.
I'm 29 now now and I actually dropped video games a few months ago after grinding League of Legends and OverWatch for months.
After all these years and the months after grinding these games it dawned on me that all that time and brain power could have been spent learning some useful skills. These games also prey on your primitive competitive instincts so you start becoming this manchild playing to prove his dominance....in a pixel world.
All those years wasted but I'm glad I came to this realization. I have 30 something year old friends who still grind these games and it just makes me sad.
right in the feels
Also, I used to play at ton of Smash. While I'm still trash, I'm way better than the majority of my friends, so no one plays with me anymore.
>tfw Dedede main
What do you mean "drop them"? I can't wait to JUMP IN!
you sound like you've never seen a video game in real life.
Well crafted games clearly sell like crazy, my friend. Why else would games like Dark Souls sell so fucking much?
>Muh gommunisms
Still trying, huh
>I seldomly play black ops for nostalgia, that's about it.
Im 30 and have dropped most games, just cant get into them anymore and am busy with work and family
I can only play mostly dark souls/bloodborne and even then i lose interest after a few months. I even dropped Fallout 4 after a few weeks
Last game i enjoyed and bothered completing was Inside, but thats only because its short as fuck. Before that was Hand Of Fate
I exclusively play highly difficult games. Every genre, every system, you name it I've cleared it.
I get a kick out of it to substitute alcohol, sex, drugs, coffee, smoking and sugar.
Done Serious Sam HD on serious difficulty?
>"Let's cover the majority of instances of the human condition so we can make some strunk 'muh vidjeoh gaems tunr pepol in2 murderers' propaganda
do you have a maxed account on OSRS?
Not HD. FPS is a pretty poor genre for difficulty unless you're playing wads
I mean as in like dexterity and reflexes required
nah,just bought a neo geo AES for retro stuff and i am quite partial to a good JRPG occasionally
That Dreamcast controller makes me nostalgic.
Used to adore games. Last new games I enjoyed were Rayman Origins and Legends.
Haven't bought any of the new consoles yet and probably won't.
i feel the same but there is a few titles i still get buzzed for IE the new FF7 and shemnue 3
That doesn't answer my question.
Noob detected.
Also, the willpower to grind nonstop for months on end is a lot harder than aiming and pushing buttons fast.
Gf, nerd.
>cucked by a battletoad
That's my favorite game of all time. Back when the west had some balls. Battletmaniacs is pretty good too.
Vidya is childish, but posting on a Bhutanese Illegal Pigeon Racing forum is okay?
I go months without gaming, then find something and hardcore it for a while. Right now I'm on overwatch, fully addicted. It's my first MOBA and I know people hate on it for being an FPS but I'm in love
If video games are childish then watching TV and reading books is for babies. Video games have a skill requirement and force you to do things in order to enjoy it, just sitting and looking at something is like being fed by mommy.
This whole site is a substitute for interaction. Whether or not we want to admit it as humans we are social creatures and need it.
In real life I can't just say whatever I want around friends, family or work acquaintances. There are repercussions. Here not only can I get my socialisation fulfilment I can do it without fear of any further consequence and I can narrow down the interaction to whatever subject I wish at the time.
It has more to offer than videogames though that's hardly a noteworthy achievement.