Can the day of the rake come soon enough?
Can the day of the rake come soon enough?
>inb4 a fucking leaf comes here to whine and gets the next octs
More like ur a gay
well at least you didn't get digits
>spelling deities wrong in the era of spellcheck
0/10 Kelly editor guy please sudoku yourself.
I didn't think people could count past 10 in your country.
I really hate the man who writes these comics.
that's some strong stuff there
Can too!
It's somewhere after 6?
I've only had 6 burgers at once
Probably done on purpose. Also checked.
God Bless you Kelly.
lel he manages to trigger everyone at the same time with his comics. Some seem bizarrely unironic though.
>that pic
Is Kelly the ironic shitposter of political cartoons?
Kelly is done and drawn by a Hillary-supporting cuck who tries to parody middle-aged conservative men you nimrods
Got no sympathies for men who fell for the vaginal jew.
This one can't be real, right?
Move over Ben Garrison.
He is. However, some of his cartoons look weirdly sincere. I know he tries to make them ridiculous but this one is closer to the truth than he'll ever admit.
>tries to parody middle-aged conservative men
he tries to parody political cartoonists of all portions of the spectrum
If you rake us, we win :^)
He unironically votes for Hillary and actively sides against the Trumpster on Twitter. He's not /ourguy/ in any sense of the words.
also kek'd and saved
>He's not /ourguy/ in any sense of the words.
I never said he was, I just enjoy his shitposting.
The guy makes some attempts at irony that actually come off as brutally honest lol, I'm not sure he even realizes how redpilled some of his comics are.
A lot of these cartoonists are latent rightists. But they know not to bite the hand that feeds them.
Please put us out of our misery.
>rake leafs
It's a silly joke.
I don't think this guy is though, in his mind that cartoon is probably idiocracy-tier
>Based Kelly strikes again
But if we kill you then you win.
And I'm not about to be defeated by fucking canucks.
Stan "Stihl" Kelly
>having trees that drop leaves
eucalyptus shed their leaves, i should know i used to be a tree surgeon
Can confirm, we have eucalyptus here
Chinks BTFO