> "Why are fucking females so bluepilled, stupid cunts allow themselves to be brainwashed by Jews, not like us though"
> *redpilled female appears*
> "GO AWAY YOU FUCKING WHORE, she's only doing this for attention, she just wants to take it in the ass, fucking bitch, this is MENS ONLY"
Sup Forums proves why they will always be virgins
>Post "femanon here" like anyone cares on a Taiwanese entomology board
>Get so mad you have to make a thread when someone tells you tits or GTFO
tits or GTFO
You know why. Sup Forums overfloweth with thirsty betas. Women could easily monopolize half of the attention and focus of the board unless they get shooed away and we make a big joke out of the misogyny. Which is what never happens IRL which is why Hillary would have won if it wasn't for the Internet. Maybe you're really cool but go away you dumb cunt.
tits or GTFO
>Implying you are a redpilled female and not just a trap
>Implying women post here
We both know tranny's and femboy's don't count nigger
Show me a redpilled attractive female and I will show you a three dollar bill.
Who exactly is this frog girl and why has she gotten so popular lately?
I'm engaged though. Sup Forums isn't a single person t b h.
tits or gtfo
also, do not forget we like anonymity. The reason tripfags are almost always hated is for this reason.
There is no reason whatsoever to reveal your gender on here. Not unless its immediately relevant to the conversation such as if someone directly asks "do any women actually use this site" or if it is a LGBT bait politics thread.
If you ignore this. Tits or GTFO. There are no women on Sup Forums till proven otherwise.
I wanna fuck that frog
99.9995379825% of all users on Fourchan are men. This has been proven again and again.
>bringing up your gender for attention instead of just making your point
tits or GTFO
Trips of Hope!
AWALT you're one of them op
I have given up a long time ago
I personally prefer the anonymity
But sometimes it is annoying because I'm not trying to boast about me being a chick and I also don't openly say "I'm a girl" or any of that gay shit. I just wish I could add to the convo like "yeah my boyfriend..." or something without being told to shut up because I'm a faggot.
I'm not, I too just want to casually converse. If I really wanted the attention I would post my tits and announce my woman status. But I don't, because I'm not a fucking degenerate. But that's just my opinion and at this point I've given up and just accept being considered a faggot. It's easier than going through the whole process. I get the frustration though
>claim to be a redpilled female
>on a Taiwanese handbraiding board
Why would it matter if your a female
I'm a girl(male) as well
>I'm tired of being called a faggot and having my opinion disregarded =(
Oh my God people are literally called fags and told to shut up for any and every reason everywhere on this site every minute of every day. There's nothing special about what you or any other trap goes through so there's nothing to be frustrated about.
Now tits or GTFO you dumb faggot.
>not understanding the concept of 'there are no women on the internet'
Show us your tits
So, the implication here is that if Sup Forums was nice to anonymous women who post on Sup Forums, they would get laid? How fucking retarded are you?
You're not some disgusting tranny are you? It seems that half the "women" who post on Sup Forums end up being trannies.
Being this retarded
I literally said, I've accepted being called a faggot because it's not a big deal and not worth my time
It's like you dumbasses don't even try to use the small meaning brains you claim to have
Fucking kill yourself you'd be doing the world a favor
Begging this fucking hard
Your life is sad
Not a tranny sorry dude. Surprised by how many supposedly browse this board
It's very hypocritical actually. People here say trannies are worthless and are not human and make fun of them any chance they get but then get off to the thought of them. And that is all this post is trying to get across. /pol is filled with people who claim to be smart but can't actually see their own hypocrisy. It's hopeless though
>still announcing your gender on Sup Forums
I think /soc/ might be a better place for you
>you get laid by being nice on the internet
Go home you white knight faggot
>Be nice to girl on Sup Forums
>Don't tell her to leave or say anything mean
>Hear rumbling outside
>Mein Gott, it is Rotha Lintorn-Orman in Tiger tank
>She offers my hand up on her Tiger
>Thanks me for being so kind to her on her favorite site
>Suddenly sit down, spreads her legs as wide as possible and tells me to impregnate her with my White seed to further the existence of our race
>I oblige
>Best sex of my life
I'm so glad I was nice to the femanon on Sup Forums!
Sup Forums is secretly gay
>doesn't believe that there are functioning Sup Forumslocks
>thinks I'm not capable of lying to get what I want and throw it away later
You don't know where you are, do you?
Try /r9k/ if you're looking to make fun of guys for being virgins. Most criticisms of women here are about marriage tier women, not your average one nighter. Even then, a lot of guys won't get 100% of their demands. My gf is more racist than I am. I got her to start using (((coincidence))) marks though
I've never seen it gone to "state your business"
Or am i just a newfag
I want to comfort that frog.
>why don't you act like a faggot beta and tell women they're wonderful at all times and make sure to hold her hair when she sucks off the bull
>this will never happen to you.
>But that's just my opinion and at this point I've given up and just accept being considered a faggot
>but yeah my boyfriend
Adds nothing of value to the conversation. As much weight as saying "yeah my friend/cousin/brother". So stop worrying about irrelevant things. Faggot.
Most of Sup Forums is gay, user. If you want redpilled dating services, try plebbit.
>you will never fuck that frog