Bill Burr

How can this be explained?

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He settled

hes a walking contradiction

>hilariously red pilled
>married a negress

glorious irony

watching him on jre right now

Oy vey! We brainwash the goyim very well.

His greatest fear is dying alone so he settled with whoever wanted him


Bill Burr is a cuck and probably a closet faggot.

Almost all female niggers (including that one) looks like a man in drag.

>he's a ginger
>also an asshole
>not the best looking
>not an A list celebrity
>didn't want to die alone

Thank you Bill Burr, Thanks for contributing to increase of abominations

*pic related*

He could do better than that.

No white man should have to marry a female nigger. The humiliation...

He's got a


I'm sure his kids will look just like him :^)

pussy > politics

he gave up his millennia old heritage

Neither Bill or his wife want children, so this is all rather moot.

What? Did she lick his pecka or sumtin?

shes okay except for being gums mcgee

He's honestly become bluepilled as fuck since he married this bitch.

you must not be getting much pussy

You can easily manage to be honest with your politics without engaging in bestiality

Fuck. He has, hasn't he?

How the Irish dies.

this is America not white utopia

this guy's name is either al pacino, robert deniro or joe peschi

I can never remember

She's pregnant

he's not redpilled in the slightest except for on some women issues. i've listened to hours and hours of him when i used to listen to OandA, he is not redpilled and this marriage is not out of character for him at all.


reddit please

Black women are already ugly but image how hideous they are without their wigs


Robert D. Negro

You must not listen to his podcasts much

literally who

The heart wants what it wants.
Fetishization of the Other

he's a funny comedian though. better than that faggot louis ck.

Bill burr is a fucking faggot try hard from Boston.

I'll take your word for it. Swedes are the experts on being cucks.

He up ironically thinks the moon landing was faked.

But he also knows that bankers control everything. I doubt he knows if they're (((bankers)))



He's still funny as shit. And he called out Hillary for her Bilderburg shit on Conan twice, so he's ballsy as fuck. Pic related is what his kid will look like.

homerun coksuka i gave trump like 2billiun dllrs said hed make me prez if i wanted but i was 2 busy feeling tits

>Swedes are the experts on being cucks.

Americans are actually the experts on being cucks.

>Biggest producers of rap music, nigger porn and cuckholding porn on the planet
>53% non-Hispanic white

It would be so hot if she had a nice 9.5 inch black dick.

Love of her delicious giant black cock down his throat, right?

>tfw white guy that always got hit on by black girls in high school

anyone else know this feel?

>legally being allowed to blow your dog in Canada trumps anything you just said

Its going to be a daughter.

Being rich and successful and not being such a loser that he cares about the race of someone's wife.

>Americans would rather be nigger spawn and fuck niggers


This. All the macho retards who think Bill "tells it like it really is" aren't listening. He voted for Hillary, worries openly about the environment and thinks the south is a backwards hellhole.

Coal Burrner

yeah later on his podcast he was talking about how much shit he got for making fun of clinton, some crazies even emailed in and he totally wrecked them, it's hilarious.

>didnt even have colour TV
>think they could get a man on and back from the moon

>greatest living comedian
>expecting a child
>finally rich

stay mad Sup Forumstards


Comedians are almost exclusively ultra low self esteem and mildly mentally ill.

Success breeds jealousy. Sup Forums may have ruined a lot of shit and made me hate things I used to love, but it's not going to make me stop like ole Billy red puuuuuuuuuuubes

>how dis make you feel white girl

i like chocolate though

Kill yourself nigger lover

post more chocolate cuties
down under/user/

ugliest half cast cunts ive seen


Bill Burr always wanted to be one of the black guys. No surprise here.


You'll only bring nigger spawn in this world, will never be successful, and that will resent you and look like ugly niggers

thnx stveirwinanon

She's good enough for Thomas Jefferson and that's good enough for me.

desperation? He couln't get a hot white wife on account of being bald and ugly?

gonna need a name brotha

u related to the royal family saudianon ?

>implying i breed with them
i never dump raw loads into pussies mate. no matter the race. if they really need that feeling its strictly mouth or pooper.

saudis arent welcome here
fuck off

if i find out can you fly me over to slay that booty too?

Maybe ..

they do look like deniro, that's why they're so damn ugly

>that's why they're so damn ugly

No it's because they are niggers

have fun sandniggerbro

>He voted for Hillary

Guess you're one of those macho retards.

Piece of shit

One of the funny ones with a decent amount of red pilled jokes and he gets jungle fever. Fuck him. I thought he died and I was sad but now I don't care if this faggot lives or dies.

Shut the fuck up, leaf.

Probably better than never having touched a girl, like you

Tranny zipperhead detected

No you martsharter

I'm saying he didn't vote for Hillary you fucking retard leaf, and the guy would know that if he fucking listens to his podcasts.

I thought education in Canada was supposed to be good?

I don't watch him but it's clear he settled.

He could do better easily but not without losing half of his money 5 years down the road.

Imagine making Hollywood money, finding a non money grubbing whore would be seriously hard. Give the guy a break.

Sounds like your mad that he has money

You know you're a man right, tranny scum?

when white men date black women they are usually the top shelf black women that are better than the average white women but not better than the best white women.



Patrice O'Neal mentioned a few times that Billy Redface liked black chicks, and had asked Patrice to hook him up with some. That explains his interracial fetish. But Nia is a horrible, materialistic person - moreso than the average female. She was raised in a upper-middle class family, well educated, and spoiled beyond belief. You ever hear how you can tell a person's character by how they treat waiters and waitresses? Bill told a story about how Nia had a powertrip on a waiter and treated him like shit, and after telling the story Nia tried to justify her behavior. Nia is allegedly an intellectual, but she spends all of her freetime watching those Real Housewives and Kardashian shows. Bill has explained repeatedly how lonely and draining it is when he goes on the road to do comedy, and how Nia will never show interest in joining him when he's on the road, but she'll insist that Bill needs emotional support and company when he's got a gig in France or England, etc. Nia wants to be spoiled, and she found the perfect fucking sap to waste all of his money on her. She has potential, if Bill were to wise up and break her in like breaking in an unruly horse, but now he's too pussywhipped, and Nia is pregnant, so now there is no hope in changing her.

Bill needs Patrice to talk some sense into him. For fucks sake, Nia even wrote an article about how she never wanted to get married.

Newfag detected. I'm not giving you a (You) nigger.

i'm just going to dump more chocolate

Bill is a total bitch


>implying the south isn't a backwards hellhole

>recently discovered Nick DiPaolo's podcast
>realise that Nick DiPaolo is the guy Bill Burr pretends to be

Correct. He loved Patrice O'Neal so he married the female version of him.


they did have color tv, though.