White liberal here, proud AF

Ask a liberal man who hates White people anything

pic=self portrait

What kind of drugs are you on?

You're a racist.

None right now. Want to know what I've done in the past?

Also don't expect me to go easy on your worldview, I'll rip it to shreds with little to no effort

Fuck White people, we have been cancer SINCE FUCKING EVER.

I don't want to hurt you, but if you have FUCKING WHITE PRIDE what in the HELL do you think that means to people of color? That's fucked up considering history. That's rebranded racism, don't act like it's OK/right/normal. You're sick!

We need to empower nonwhite people and show them THAT BEING WHITE ISN'T THE NORM/SOMEHOW DEFAULT, THEY'RE HUMAN TOO. We need to be ONE humanity.

I can't be racist TO MYSELF idiot. Whites fucked up hard by supporting Trump.

Wake the fuck up, nazi.

Double question here, my friend. Why, in your opinion, are you a faggot, and what made you want to roll over and become a disgrace to your forefathers?

You're a racist. You are the problem.

Takes some time.
Evaluate your life.
Fix your shit.

I might be a racist, but so are you. You're a bad satire of Reddit. You're probably a stormfag who thinks he's rustling everybody's jimmies, but the only thing you elicit is an exasperated eyeroll.

Are you asking like why I think YOU THINK I'm a faggot? I am bisexual. If you think anything is wrong with that you're fucked in the head. I prefer women but I'm a creative person.

I can see a lot in life that other people can't. I can see beauty everywhere it is. You're the one who can't accept other people.

But I can't be racist to myself, that makes zero sense. I only hate my race, not individual whites. As long as White people take a stand against Whiteness/Eurocentric culture I will be cool with them.

I have my shit in order. I have a teaching job at a community college, and I'm fine with it.

Why do bigots always like to demean their critics? Always made me chuckle.

Nazis: 0
Me: 10/10 I win

I don't expect to upset a single person. I'm just impressed by the level of bullshit spewed on here daily. I found Sup Forums some months ago and the amount of cognitive dissonance and antisocial bullshit on here is sick. I am disgusted by racism. So I'm here to tell you to stop being hateful.

This is your chance to convert me to team Nazi, bigot.

Are dirtbag hairdos the only dirtbag things you try to make seem legitimate?

Ha. Good one. I'm not sure what you're even trying to say here?

Do you like helicopter rides?

why the fuck would you prioritize dumb niggers over your own people who built civilization?

You are on the wrong side of history.

How do you deal with this fact?

People like you hating me makes me feel good inside.

Why do you liberals like to drink HIV+ nigger semen?

The topic got me excited, but this is obvious bait. Nobody on pol will even pretend to be liberal genuinely.

That's a misrepresentation. Some people have weird fetishes, but it doesn't reflect all people on the left or all gays. ffs

Just remember OP, no amount of black cock up your ass is ever going to cure you of your white guilt. It will never be enough.

Where'd you find this mspaint art? I want to go laugh at the original creator.

It's my original creation, and it expresses my personality. It doesn't look 100% like me, but it's close enough.

Thanks for appreciating.

Fact: Liberals have tiny penises, you can look it up.

You haven't shown me anything new or real, just insulting my sexuality. You are very ignorant imo. As a Mexican you shouldn't be in favor of the messages on Sup Forums.

This is the worst fucking board on Sup Forums. It should be erased/completely banned.

If you really are Reddit then the first and most important lesson of Sup Forums is that it's never truly serious, but its factual analysis is ultimately correct anyway.

So take the half-ironic anime Nazis with a grain of salt but hear out the underlying sentiment and the effortposting.

I can tell what's ironic and what isn't. Your "ironic" holocaust memes and Nazi jokes aren't going to make anyone with a drop of humanity laugh. This is the sick mentality that comes from uncensored racist comments on POC and women and LGBT people.

Do you have any money or own a home? If you do hand it to the nearest black person you see. Your forefathers oppressed them thats why they are poor. Refute me. You cant.

Oh stop it you fuckin' fag, are you fine with blacks having pride in being black? Or spics like me to have "brown" pride?

What if I told you I don't care about being a beaner? What if I told you I fucking hate illegals and that hate stems from my legal immigrant father? I bet you're pro-open borders so parasites who've not contributed to the nation can leech of me and my families tax dollars.

I hate you because you are worse than nigger and illegals in my opinion, you enable them and egg them on with your faggotry and passive racism.

I'll take a White Nationalist or Supremacist who wants me either gone or dead over someone like you because at least they'd be honest to me.

You probably think I'm some poor little minority thats too retarded to take care of himself and needs the likes of some altruistic enlightend bitch like you.

I'm joining ICE soon and I hope I get to drag you out by your hair kicking and screaming along with all the illegals and toss you over the wall so you can get culturally enriched and your face skinned alive by the fucking mexicans you love so much

Yes I'm mad, I come on here to lay of some steam.

I hope you catch AIDs and suffer a lingering death.

white pride is pride in our heritage. Pride in where we came from, good and bad. We have a right to exist as we are. And your PoC? Why should we care what they think? They don't care about us, hell most of us are probably too young to remember pre-civil rights days and have tried to be tolerate. But they turned the tables and are backing us off a cliff. white people are afraid because we let the enemy in. They are our nemesis by choice. If other races weren't trying to genocide us we would cooperate. But they choose to fight. If its war Whites will always win, we love killing deep down, in our veins runs the blood of warriors and killers.

>F***** up hard by supporting Trump
because a child sex & murder operation is better? Along with all of the other scandals I think you may have lost it.
the idea that you can call someone racist because they are white is racist. The idea that you can print that someone is racist & a nazi with no indication of racism or nazism is Libel.
>white people are cancer
No, you are cancer. People like you treat honest normal people like crap and you want validation for it. Rip that apart.

this is bait, right? it's too god damn retarded to be real. but liberals are living in hyper-real hysteria world, so who knows

>Oh stop it you fuckin' fag, are you fine with blacks having pride in being black? Or spics like me to have "brown" pride?
Black pride is A RESPONSE TO ANTI BLACK PSYCHOTICS LIKE YOU White people is just hateful bullshit.

>I'm joining ICE soon and I hope I get to drag you out by your hair kicking and screaming along with all the illegals and toss you over the wall so you can get culturally enriched and your face skinned alive by the fucking mexicans you love so much

I'm marrying a Hispanic girl and teaching my kids to hate their remaining Whiteness.



Only a real liberal would 'shout' this stuffI think this guy is for real

Because no one could ever possibly disagree with your neo nazi worldview, right?

>being liberal past your teenage years.

You are not a liberal though you are a leftist, you would not even be able to define the word liberal without googling it.

You fucking retard, I just told you I'm a fucking beaner, is that what you do when faced with any kind of cognitive dissonance? You just ignore it and continue on with your fantasy?

You pathetic piece of shit, you will hand this country over to people who will destroy and leave people like my father who respect the rule of law and wanted nothing more than to earn a life for himself for your little progressive fantasy.

You're more dangerous than any Nazi or White Supremacist, people like you wreck nations and still believe you have the moral high ground

Google 'synonym' you racist retard

I'm sure a Mexican guy is going to side with literal neo nazis over someone who sees you as equal. Seriously?

You are mentally ill, Hispanic or not.

I'm in my early 30s and I used to be more moderate before I realized moderates are tools. If I believe in something, I should be fanatical about it.

Don't you agree?

I hope you choke on a cock and die faggot.

>anti black psychotics like you
Yes, because any one alive had to do with their enslavement....Oh wait they didn't.
>white privilege
Anyone can work to make their life better. White privilege is a myth. There is a ton of white trash who don't take advantage of their opportunities. Also, there are plenty of non-whites that do take the opportunities. It has nothing to do with privilege.
>white people are victims
In what manner? I don't let anyone tread on me.

>He thinks leftism is a synonym for Liberalism.


A liberal is someone who rejects collectivism and holds the right of the individual above all else.

Are you a liberal? Against something like a white student union? Think again you are not a liberal but a leftist.

Yes seriously, you don't respect me enough to believe I can be the master of my own destiny.

No, to people like you I have to be coddled, I have to have a safe space, I need to be shielded from the realities of life because you don't respect us enough to believe we can handle it.

Face it you blind fool, you're the racist, you have been this whole time but unlike a neo nazi, you lack the integrity or intelligence to realize it,

As an Chinese Australian all I want to say is this.

You are the racist

You caused the rise of the hard right

You use minorities for your own gain

We know this and dislike you for it.


nah i dont talk with racists
bye nigger

>I'm marrying a Hispanic girl and teaching my kids to hate their remaining Whiteness.

You cant do that because they will be half black. And your wife's kids, cuck.White genocide doesn't exclude you because you are liberal. You don't get to have kids.

>I'm in my early 30s and I used to be more moderate before I realized moderates are tools. If I believe in something, I should be fanatical about it.

Don't you agree?

No, why would you want to be fanatical? You are the WBC,isis,or KKK if you take ideology too far.

Too bad I'm dating a Mexican chick and I don't believe in sex on the side. What's the rightwing obsession with shaming gays and what they like to do?

You are just a braindead fossilized racist. Go back to the 1800s, you piece of shit.



Whiteness was literally formed as an oppressive social force, so what the fuck DO YOU PEOPLE OF COLOR THINK WHEN THEY HEAR "WHITE STUDENTS UNION"? YOU ARE JUST COMPLETELY FUCKING BRAINWASHED. FUCK.

What the fuck do you mean? I support Hispanics 100%. You are siding with sick people, so fuck it I won't even be nice to you let alone coddle you.

You're almost actually worse than a Nazi. You're not just an enemy to progress, you're a TRAITOR.

What kind of sick twisted mentality could give rise to your fucking worldview?


I support Socialist Alternative, asshole, we are a leftwing revolutionary movement and you can call us SJW it doesn't make us any less correct.

We will win because bigotry is weak. Your hate makes you stupid.

>You cant do that because they will be half black. And your wife's kids, cuck.White genocide doesn't exclude you because you are liberal. You don't get to have kids.
I want kids, asshole. That doesn't mean I have to have White kids. I'm raising my future kids to be strongly, dedicatedly leftwing.

Stop calling yourself a liberal, you are not. You are a disgusting marxist who has been indoctrinated with critical race theory and intersectionality and probably does not even know it.

You are a racist leftist not a liberal.

A liberal believes in the unmolested right of freedom of association. You are morally corrupt and ethically inconsistent.

>White liberal here
>proud white

Wow, racism much?

>Your hate makes you stupid

oh the irony

We minorities have been mistreated and manipulated by these Whites on the left who thought they were doing good for us but in fact only doing it for their own ego.

If saving the non-White is your wet dream then I'd say go masturbate with something else. We would rather be respected as nothing than to be treated well and used as slaves by the liberals.

>white liberal

You guys are fucking adorable.

>you're a traitor

Oh please mister White Liberal, tell me more about whats best for me, obviously we're too stupid to think for ourselves so we need you to think for us.

You're absolutely unhinged and I'll refer you to , you use us for your own sick gain and to maintain an illusion of moral superiority but I see right through you, you disgusting piece of shit.

I'm not some stepping stone for you to walk all over so you can achieve your moral high ground.

If a real Marxist form of state could be created, it would be the most liberal place on the planet.

I'm not saying that;s even possible. We need regulated capitalism, though. Racial segregation is a mental illness. People aren't different enough to have to live separately.

You're standing in the way of sanity with a 19th century mentality. Our ancestors were fucking morons. Look at how they screwed over the planet, jackass.

White people have ruined the earth and almost destroyed the planet through pollution and destruction of the environment.

Time for a big reset.

Not proud OF MY WHITENESS dumbasses. Proud that I'm White but I see through all the bigotry and bullshit.

>We will win because bigotry is weak. Your hate makes you stupid.

"Ask a liberal man who 'HATES' White people anything"

"Fuck White people, we have been cancer SINCE FUCKING EVER."

Definition of bigotry - intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself.

Look in the mirror bigoted scum.

Morally corrupt and ethically inconsistent.

Dude I'm dating a black girl and she says the same things. I don't hate non whites, i didn't even think about race until Leftist politics kept pointing the finger at me.


Bigotry means hate for no reason or stupid reasons. Sometimes hate is the smart thing. I don't fucking trust my family or other White people when they talk politics. They are biased from this fucked up White culture.

A culture like whiteness, formed thru imperialism and supremacy, makes people insame. Why else would normal people put on hoods and robes and burn crosses? Fucking insane. Religion/racism/rightwing anything is insane crap.

Just suck it up like a man and admit White people are guilty of a fuckton of evil shit. Don't be all "BUT I'M GOOD". My GF points out when I'm racist and I don't fucking argue. I just learn to stop being shit.


>Proud that I'm White but I see through all the bigotry and bullshit.

You're on some next level bullshit and bigotry.

Why do niggers rape babies to cure aids?

I used to be one of you dumbfuck shitcunts, until I woke the fuck up. I got as far away from that bullshit as i could, just so happens I ended up on Sup Forums. The regressive left is completely and utterly fucking retarded, you are the reason that Trump won. That, and the fact that Kek wills it. Why do these shitfucks even bother to post here?

Behind every conservation movement in africa is a white man, if white men are guilty of a backwards and savage mentality in the early 19th century all other races are guilty of it today because you are a racist leftist. NOT A LIBERAL!

The chinese pollute the planet ten times more than any other nation, yet you dont mention them? When all the Rhino's and Elephants are gone it will be the chinese who are responsible yet you dont mention them.

Why not? Is it because you only hate white people? Is it because you are a hateful leftist who will not critique any collectivist leftist nations?

Morally corrupt and ethically inconsistent.

>Muh real marxism has never been tried.

Nah it has you are just a pampered westerner who has never gone without your creature comforts in your life.

>I just learn to stop being shit

sorry m8, you ignored
We, minorities, do not want you fighting our battles for us, it is demeaning. Please refrain from using us as your ammunition.

>My GF points out when I'm racist and I don't fucking argue. I just learn to stop being shit.

Cuck. Like, holy mother of fuck me sideways jesus shitting Christ.

Hey bitch, I asked you why niggers rape babies to cure aids.

My GF is part abo and I point out the inconvenient truths about abo's all the fucking time. She actually tends to agree.

I've always been independent minded. I thought through fucking everything 100% on my own and never accepted shit from society. That's why I think White ppl thinking they can be like "O WE ARE JUST PEOPLE LIKE U" is such insanity. We are like the monster from the lagoon that just slaughtered a bunch of people and thinks it can be friends with the remainders who aren't dead.

Just try some fucking DMT and learn to be human/have empathy. You are a twisted jackass with ego and pride.

I psychologically evolved beyond that crap.

You are brainwashed, fuck off. I have Asian friends they aren't like you.

I bet you think apartheid was really cool, too, right? Fuck off. Afrikaaners are fucking assholes. You fucked shit up then you blame innocent people for rebelling against your idiocy.

I don't debate bigots. Buzz off.
pic=the animal I hope eats you for breakfast

99% of the time I'm the man and that's fine, it's consensual. But when it comes to race I let her run shit. That's how a relationship works.

You let the other person dominate some shit, and you dominate other shit.

Fcking jackass.

Not all POC are good. A lot of them seem to side with "White master race" crap without realizing it. :Like they think whiteness protects them and big powerful master White man is gonna give them love if they just suck up like tools.


Pathetic self hating retards like you should be sterilized...for your own good and every one else's.

>(((White))) liberal
Fixed that for you. Into the oven now.

you came to be educated here

>White people are guilty of a fuckton of evil shit

Isn't everyone guilty, as a collective, of their race's worst crimes?

I'm not all white people, my skin is pale but im not going to condemn a whole race for what a few did. I don't have that power, and nor do you, thank Christ.

Holocaust jokes only proving my point. I really hope theres a hell for you to go to burn in. You make me fucking hate being White even more than I can fucking describe.

Self hating (((whites))) always end up with something in common. Long noses, curly hair, physically weak, balding...

>real Marxist

People like you march on and praise Communism/Marxist and butchers like Che Guevara and Castro, if only you knew what horrors my parents had to endure in their old country's pursuit of that deadly pipe dream.

I have to admit, I believe people like you have to be dealt with, fucking removed before you spread your cancer further. I will not let you erode this country into the countries people like my parents had to suffer under.

I bet you think Islam is a religious of peace too.

Hate? Bigotry? Racism? Even if they are real, we can fucking handle it. Hell, even a shovel to the head we can probably survive it too.
Fake love? Misled care? Fuck it, you might as well stab all us because a quick death is better than White liberalism's babysitting us into the crippling state you put us in.